Comments made by No_body_ recently:

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11,Oct,22 14:12
I would screw you

08,Oct,20 04:00
Well I haven't exactly heard it put that way but thanks😁😘

30,May,19 08:38

30,May,19 08:38
Thanks ma'am

20,Jan,19 09:24

20,Jan,19 09:23

20,Jan,19 09:22

12,Jun,17 10:33
I know my dick is small and most men and women don't like that but I still love showing it off. I love my dick I don't care if people think its too small. It gives me great enjoyment and I still know how to please people even though ill never be able to "fill someone up"

31,May,17 19:02
I really need to do this again and fuck my gf huh?

30,May,17 08:46
That wasn't the intent but thats what it makes you think of I guess

12,Sep,16 22:01

03,Jul,16 01:57
You have such a pretty face

02,Jul,16 15:13
Well thanks but I need to be more seriousI don't work out my body is natural and what muscle I have is from hard work. I need to lose some body fat though haha

19,Jun,16 20:24
no I'm not that's just my chin

19,Jun,16 18:57
No I'm not hard

08,Jun,16 16:42
Looks like candy to me, beautiful!

02,Jun,16 13:50
Thanks guys! Its nice to get complements even though I'm smaller than average when soft. I've always wished I we're bigger but sometimes I enjoy being small and I'm ok with it now that I'm a little older lol.

18,Jan,16 13:16

15,Aug,15 21:27
I love seeing pussy and boots at the same time