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Private chat etiquette?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #223252 [Ignore] 13,Jan,12 20:21
In a Private Chat that both members are enjoying, when one member needs to leave, should they part with a statement like "nice chatting with u" or "need to go, let's chat again" or "bye", etc. Or, should they just disappear? If they just leave without any parting message, is that poor etiquette? It feels kind of strange when after about 10 or 15 minutes and no response, you say to yourself "well, I guess they're gone?" So..to leave without parting message: Poor etiquette? Or That's just normal for a Private Chat. How do you feel about it?

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By #59855 15,Jan,12 01:04
From Matt's Wife: I seldom have time for live chats so it is usually a back and forth when I have time

By #30090 14,Jan,12 02:30
definitely agree that something should b said b4 u leave even if its just a quick gtg or something

By #88520 14,Jan,12 02:26
Yeah it so annoying when you don't know if someone will come back or not.

By #13219 13,Jan,12 20:49
Should have something in closing so the other would know. Even a quick gotta go. Sometimes though if you are in a relationship or living with someone who does not know you are in a closet, you may not be able to continue with out getting caught
By #223252 13,Jan,12 22:02
Good point!
By #205329 14,Jan,12 00:02
Maybe that person "in the closet" should make it clear to the other, that if they suddenly disappear for more than 5 minutes( or more), they have likely left the site, or at least that conversation.

By #205329 13,Jan,12 23:57
I absolutely **** it when some one leaves and doesn't tell me. I understand sometimes members get disconnected, but they usually are back in a few minutes. But to leave without telling the other person is very rude in my opinion. I usually say I have to leave and then say bye or hope we can chat again.
By #205329 13,Jan,12 23:58
* h a t e

By littleun [Ignore] 13,Jan,12 23:12 other posts 
the last sentence of bp's post says it all. Common courtesy takes the day

By #7976 13,Jan,12 23:08
This is one of those types of question that drive me nuts. One should ALWAYS be courteous in a conversation whether it's face-to-face of a chat over the internet. We've all had moments when we've had to attend to family issues in the middle of a chat. That doesn't mean you can't at least say something like; "Family issue, got to run", etc. At least it puts a punctuation on the conversation and frees the other party to go elsewhere till you can return to the conversation. Just use common courtesy and you'll always be right.

By #181785 13,Jan,12 21:42
Should say something but dances12 also has a point

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