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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by *kmadeau* [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 00:15  other posts
but it's seeing on one of the first place of our MAIN PAGE!!!

[deleted image]

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Similar topics: 1.Nonexistent Members   2."Members" voting against pics.   3.Xo kat ???   4.One down, one to go!   5.We have a Kitkat down, we have a kitkat down  

By admin [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 20:58 other posts 
That just means the member was deleted as fake but the site glitched and the photo was not deleted along the poster.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 21:24 other posts 
Thank you admin for the explanation!
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 21:42 other posts 
thank you admin! I'm sure you also do not like how many people are trying to unfairly used the main page for easy points. Is in your power to change the rules! Maybe a lot of ideas could come here on the forum.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 21:51 other posts 
kmad, admin has said time and time again that they have nothing to do with what makes it to the main page. It is "us" the members that click on the pictures and leave comments that cause any picture to make it to the main page. The main page is like a democracy, the person having the majority of the popular vote is quickly propelled to the main page. *IF* you know that a picture is web derived, report it. As for something that appears to be photo-shopped, well, don't be foolish and click on or/and comment on it.
By admin [Ignore] 02,Jul,12 08:30 other posts 
I do not know why it's so hard for people to grasp the conception. If something is popular - it goes to the front page, because if something is more popular it is more likely to attract newcomers who see the front page first time (come from google or other sites). This algorithm is used on adult sites like since 2002 and proven to increase retention rate of visitors about +200% (3 times) comparing to the situation when pics are selected manually. I would be stupid to do it manually, even if I did not know programming...

By #146804 01,Jul,12 20:19
I love how they didn't even try and left the website URL it was from in the corner lol
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 21:45 other posts 

By #218750 01,Jul,12 18:39
I don't know my dear friend!
But I think it is necessary to redisign the main page in order to eliminate the fakes and non existing members!
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 20:18 other posts 
BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! all my honor Alhexander!

By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 18:13 other posts 
nobody can say me why one not existing member is (was) on Main Page?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 01,Jul,12 20:04 other posts 
I presume by "Main Page" you mean "Most Popular". Pictures get on this page by being voted there by other members. Regardless of who posted this photo, it is obviously a popular one and I can see why.

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