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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Dec,12 21:14  other posts
Why is it necessary to be harsh with someone just because they don't agree with you? Are you able to convey your thoughts without being vulgar?

Why is it important to have the last word? Does it make you feel like you're the "winner"?

Why do you always have to be right? Are you incapable of making mistakes?

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By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Aug,15 14:37 other posts 
Answering your questions in the order asked:
1. Because they are doo-doo heads.
2. Fuck no.
3. I prefer to have the first word. Unless it's "irregardless" (which is a nonsense word), in which case I will take the second word.
4. Hell, I get a trophy just for showing up.
5. I don't "have" to be, I just AM.
6. Yas.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,15 15:50 other posts 
Thanks for YOUR informative response! I've been waiting 32 months for a logical and straight to the point answer, what took you so long? Oh well, better late than never. Maybe I should thank the ninny-hammer for blowing the dust off of this one!

By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Aug,15 16:30 other posts 
That was very kind of you.
We often forget that ninny-hammers have feelings too...
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,15 16:38 other posts 
Thank you very much.

Yes, ninny-hammers do have feelings....
By #485312 24,Aug,15 01:11
name calling? very below you l thought *Lix*
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,15 01:15 other posts 
suckit, you win. You meet all the criteria in my original thread, believe that!
By #485312 24,Aug,15 03:58
would you like that 5 points back for your deleted blog comment?, since that's what started this whole little disagreement, seems it made you a tad angry, maybe l could get someone to send it to you as l don't want to visit your page, l'll ask if anyone has a spare 5 points to send your way so you don't feel robbed of it ... wouldn't like you to feel this bad over such a trivial thing like 5 points again!! maybe you should up your membership so it doesn't hurt so bad next time someone doesn't agree with you!!!...might be wise to get to know someone, like lve read in one of your other informative threads...*Lix*

and you can say something witty underneath since l know you like to have the last say on everything, wouldn't like you feeling like you didn't get to have it...the stage is all yours

By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,15 10:30 other posts 
Let me break the matter down and I hope that it is simple enough for you to understand. I found it odd that you would chose to delete my blog comment after 4 months or so. Yes, I sent you a message with the hope of getting clarity and you delivered.

Jul 21, 08:03 licksipsuckit: fine by me *lix* 

Jul 21, 06:27 bella!: "have more pressing things to attend to, like trying to gather points like nuts and running your side show by trying to put your generic comments on everyone page for exposure, just do it on someone elses page".....ahhh.....odd that you would think I'm gathering points by generic comments, couldn't your actions be viewed as the same by your multiple responses posted in the forum, many made to posters that are no longer here? There really isn't much that I have to say to anything you post but it won't happen again. 

Jul 21, 03:01 licksipsuckit: yes, that's my choice, l don't want women on my page, don't know why it would even bother you, you should have more pressing things to attend to, like trying to gather points like nuts and running your side show by trying to put your generic comments on everyone page for exposure, just do it on someone elses page and not mine *lix* 

Jul 20, 06:01 bella!: Really, you decided to delete a comment that I posted on your blog almost 4 months ago? Wow! 

suckit, alley, what ever you chose to go by, you're quite entertaining.
By #485312 24,Aug,15 10:36
all that for 5 points, pitiful and sorry no one has said they'd give you them yet, but lm holding out hope for you *lix*
oh and wheres the break down, that's just another copy and paste, repeated my copying and pasting my thoughts and your posts are boring and generic, like 'nice pics' on the most boring cock shots and 'welcome, have fun' on blank l said or should l copy and paste if for you again
Jul 21, 03:01 licksipsuckit: yes, that's my choice, l don't want women on my page, don't know why it would even bother you, you should have more pressing things to attend to, like trying to gather points like nuts and running your side show by trying to put your generic comments on everyone page for exposure, just do it on someone elses page and not mine *lix*
Jul 21, 03:01 licksipsuckit: yes, that's my choice, l don't want women on my page, don't know why it would even bother you, you should have more pressing things to attend to, like trying to gather points like nuts and running your side show by trying to put your generic comments on everyone page for exposure, just do it on someone elses page and not mine *lix* Jul 21, 03:01 licksipsuckit: yes, that's my choice, l don't want women on my page, don't know why it would even bother you, you should have more pressing things to attend to, like trying to gather points like nuts and running your side show by trying to put your generic comments on everyone page for exposure, just do it on someone elses page and not mine *lix*Jul 21, 03:01 licksipsuckit: yes, that's my choice, l don't want women on my page, don't know why it would even bother you, you should have more pressing things to attend to, like trying to gather points like nuts and running your side show by trying to put your generic comments on everyone page for exposure, just do it on someone elses page and not mine *lix* Jul 21, 03:01 licksipsuckit: yes, that's my choice, l don't want women on my page, don't know why it would even bother you, you should have more pressing things to attend to, like trying to gather points like nuts and running your side show by trying to put your generic comments on everyone page for exposure, just do it on someone elses page and not mine *lix*

got it yet????? understand it yet, l don't like copy and pasted reposted generic remarks like yours, lm starting to think youre a little thick *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

almost as boring as your page lve been told by some of your regular viewers, isn't it about time you added some sexual pictures, they say your page is boring so unlike mine *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

would you like me to underline the bit that's says, that's my choice???? just in case you didn't read it while your were copying and pasting it
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,15 13:16 other posts 
"almost as boring as your page lve been told by some of your regular viewers...."

Oops! You showed your hand. Apparently, YOU discuss me with our mutual friends. I'm glad that you find me that interesting! Thank you! 💋💋💋

And all the you proved with your repeated cutting and pasting of our conversation is that you are a "point monger". I will leave you with this, as interesting as you obviously find me, my opinion about YOU has not changed, you are abrasive and a certified whack-a-doodle! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

By #485312 18,Aug,15 07:15
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 07:43 other posts 

You have the ability to blather on about anything and everything. Surely you didn't run out of things to say!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 20:33 other posts 
Sometime ago, we had a discussion about emoticons and how men use them more often than women. Well, is that true?
By #485312 21,Aug,15 09:41
some things words just cant explain leo *lix*

By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 12:20 other posts 
I was about to reply "what made you write this" but then I noticed that the post is old. So, I guess, it's not relevant any longer. But, indeed, no need to be vulgar. Well, unless we're talking about sex
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 14:35 other posts 
You see who revived it!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 20:31 other posts 
Looks like it was revived twice recently:
By bella! at 15,Apr,15 16:32
By licksipsuckit at 18,Aug,15 07:15
The latter revival was uninformative.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 20:56 other posts 
My guess is, nothing was said because she had nothing to "perv" about.

By #454258 18,Aug,15 20:52
this is how wars start

By #477384 16,Apr,15 21:00
Is there anyone that triggered you to post this? There is no prerequisite for maturity and objective points of view here. 20 points wasted. I would be vague with points of view in forum and keep your thoughts and feelings that require more than 20 IQ for friends you trust in PM's
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Apr,15 21:45 other posts 
Thanks for your thoughts and thank you for your concern regarding the 20 points. Please note the original date of the thread was December, 2013 and I believe at that time, it was free.

By Fritz [Ignore] 16,Apr,15 21:22 other posts 
Because it is anonymous!!! Most People are not so nice when they believe that they do not get recognized.

By #451452 16,Apr,15 17:18
There are people who are hell bent on showing that they are superior by cutting others down. In addition, most belittling type comments are to direct attention away from the fact that the commenter really has nothing relevant to say, so attack mode it is.In most cases it is like trying to have a logical discussion with a drunk idiot. Hang in there Bella this too shall pass.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 16,Apr,15 17:37 other posts 
Very well put kind sir....

And may I just add,as you well know,what you see on the surface of something doesn't always tell the full story.

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 16:32 other posts 
This seems to be relevant.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 18:59 other posts 
What names have you called past and present members of this site ? hmm....there at least two peoples usernames you have mocked openly on the forum....

So who is being harsh ?

I haven't called you a name, I have questioned your motives for being on a site like this.

And you say this post seems to be relevant ?

What did you say to me about taking my own advice ?

My personality is who I am,my attitude depends on who you are...
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 19:21 other posts 
It has to be in the wee hours in the U.K., don't you need to rest?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 19:30 other posts 
If you must know, I have a sl33p disorder thank you very I work shifts.

Such a cheap shot, I at least thought you had some style left in you,but that last bit of hope I had just went....
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 19:49 other posts 
Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder, alexblue.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 19:54 other posts 
And I interpreted it as a cheap shot,which it was in my repost what I say over and over,that is no discussion....
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 20:18 other posts 
I'm sorry you felt it was a cheap shot. This is just a quick cut and paste. Goodnight, alexblue, sl33p well.

If you find yourself constantly logging on to SYD or browsing for hours at time, you may be setting yourself up for poor mental health.

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg found that those who constantly use a computer or their mobile phone can develop stress, sleeping disorders and depression.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 21:59 other posts 
Once again you should read what you post yourself....

Sl33p disorder in this case means I don't sl33p well at all...and I have had it since a ch!ld So you saying to me sl33p well,in my view,is like saying to a blind person 'can you see that' ?....

Researchers at the university of life found those that talk the talk should walk the walk....

The term is copy and paste fyi....cut would delete something... lets try some patronisation shall we ?
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Apr,15 13:34 other posts 
Thank you for pointing out that cut and paste was incorrect and completely different! Oh no, I didn't think you were being patronizing, you were just being kind! Thanks again!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 16,Apr,15 16:26 other posts 
I was talking about you patronising me.... ...
I guess you missed that,in your interpretation....

Compos mentis semantics is that logical ?

By WristThick [Ignore] 16,Dec,12 15:32 other posts 
Actually, considering the nature of this site, it's amazing how many people here maintain any sense of civility and decorum as it is!

By #59855 14,Dec,12 15:02
From Matt's Wife: Sorry if someone was an ass to you Bella
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Dec,12 17:24 other posts 
Thanks Matt's Wife, I dish out some sarcastic stuff and I am far from perfect. I'm okay if someone doesn't agree but the name calling, gotta be right and the world is only black and/or white ( no room for grey ) attitudes are wearing me out.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 14,Dec,12 16:21 other posts 
bella!, this is something that has bothered me for a long time. Click on my "other posts" an pull up my Forum posting "An Appeal for Civilized Conduct on the Forum". I posted this on December 7, 2010, more than two years ago, but the nastiness continues.

By nekekal [Ignore] 14,Dec,12 15:06 other posts 
I know what you mean. There seems to be a lot of people on here like that. Some of them I have seen you praise.

Nice thought tho.

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 13,Dec,12 21:25 other posts 
I find that a lot of people here and on other fourms are that way! Dont know why it is but I see it a lot! My thought is if, you can't handle the the answers , don't ask the question! No need to be rude at all,If you have the least amount of common cence you will understand and expect that you will recive a wide varity of responces to your question.

By pifad [Ignore] 13,Dec,12 21:15 other posts 

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