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Small Additions

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by admin [Ignore] 30,Mar,15 16:53  other posts
I've changed slightly the groups - made list of members short by default, if you want you can switch to full view, which is mostly useful to moderators, not to everyone else. Was kinda messy. Also added a little something for moderators.

Also, I added the page that shows your friends recent blog and forum posts (not comments, just main entries) - /friendstopics.php - accessible via menu both under "Social" and "Comments" (I thought it kinda suits both of them).

If you notice that I fucked up anything, please let me know.

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Similar topics: 1.under 35yrs old with small penises or likes small penise....   2.Small Penis Wannabes??   3.Small boyfriend?   4.Do small or short guys have small dicks ?   5.Tiny additions to the functionality  

By #485312 30,Apr,15 02:56
its a great little site, hope it always gets better...just wished ld found it years ago *lix*

By #472683 30,Mar,15 17:07
By #316057 31,Mar,15 05:03

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 30,Mar,15 21:11 other posts 
Thanks admin. And I have a question, as I may have found a glitch or I may be mistaken...when you are trying to put a picture of a gal in the C/C*nt area (pardon my language please, ladies) and you want to Categorize the picture as "Art", does the system automatically put it in "BDSM" instead, because of a glitch? If I am wrong, sorry about that. It just looked like it was doing that earlier.
By admin [Ignore] 30,Mar,15 21:44 other posts 
There is no mismatch in the code. Sometimes that selection tool does not moves exactly where you expect it, though. Happens to me too with this type of select on any sites in general.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 30,Mar,15 23:49 other posts 
Thank you admin. Well, I don't know what's going on. I fed in a picture I own to test it and tried very carefully to set it as "Artistic" (not that the pic is all that artistic, I was just trying to test it) and this time after it uploaded all that was showing for me is a little empty space and no category word displayed under the picture. Here is a screen capture of what I'm talking about.:

By admin [Ignore] 31,Mar,15 00:05 other posts 
I know what it is. I never added female art category to a certain category names list. From the beginning. Must be 5 years or more with this bug. Strange that no one ever reported this. Must be fixed now.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 31,Mar,15 01:28 other posts 
Thank you for fixing it admin, it says "Art" now. Thank you!

By spermkiss [Ignore] 30,Mar,15 18:17 other posts 
Well, this is unrelated, but since you asked, I'd like to make a couple of comments about the Forum.

When I click on the link "Recent Replies on Your Topics/Comments" I see replies other members have made to comments I have posted on Forum Topics, but I do not see comments others have posted to my Topics.

Secondly, is there any way to remove old Forum Topics that are no longer relevant? I put one up a few years ago about leaving for vacation. The vacation is over and done with and I'm back, but years later the Topic is still there.
By admin [Ignore] 30,Mar,15 18:44 other posts 
If internet was full of honest and intelligent people I would indeed let you delete old topics. Problem is that most people would use such a feature in incorrect manner. Such as deleting topics when others started an interesting discussion inside or creating abusive topics and then deleting them so there is no proof left.

You can ask me to delete it if that topic is an issue for you.

Ok, I updated "recent replies" page, not sure if it works correctly though. Seems right to me. I set it to show only direct replies in your topics, not replies on other comments that are not yours. Not sure if it's what you wanted. It's what I think is more useful.

By big9inch21 [Ignore] 30,Mar,15 17:53 other posts 
Thanx admin for the additions, everything appears to be working Keep up the good work. Cheers!!

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