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So im fucking a tranny for the first time tonight

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #527357 [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 14:14
I meet the most beautiful tranny last night through a CL add i posted and she want me to come over to her place tonight, i want to do this so bad, ive been dreaming of this for like 6 years now and its finally happening, im a little nervous though, really hope i dont pussy out, which is weird if i did pussy out given that ive fantasized about doing this for so long, any advice anyone guys or trannies can give me would be greatly appreciated, lmk know what your first experience with a tranny was like..

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Similar topics: 1.Anyone ever been with a tranny?   2.fucking a tranny   3.tranny hubby   4.might have sex tonight!!!   5.Sex with a tranny (and common logic)  

By #524323 25,Feb,17 09:06
Strange post ks, not bothering to read any farther, seems to be, your fantasy has come to life or your a fool, if your paying for Craig's list t,s, hooker/companion , take a photo,

By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Feb,17 01:52 other posts 
You still fucking her?

By #528034 23,Feb,17 10:33
This is a great story! I am so glad you declared your sexual preference. It is really a great step. So happy for you!
By #460385 23,Feb,17 14:27
KS didn't declare shit by writing this bullshit story. His profile still says he is straight. Until he changes his status, he's full of shit.
By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Feb,17 14:36 other posts 
Technically, he is only "full of shit" until he takes a poop. He will then be a guy who is mostly empty of shit, but still being dishonest about his sexuality.
By #527357 23,Feb,17 15:11
Really harping on that, you sound like a mad old man arent your like 50 hahahahaha
By #460385 23,Feb,17 18:11
You don't text like your from Detroit. You misuse words like a foreigner. Or it could be your brain doesn't fire on all cylinders. Now as far as your PM to me. Me being gay for you. Don't flatter yourself. Me being a pussy. If you only knew the shit I've done for punks like you.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Feb,17 18:49 other posts 
cb54, maybe he lives in Dearborn, the Middle East of Michigan!
By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,17 11:11 other posts 
Well it must not have been any good,he has not told us about it good or bad.
By #513002 24,Feb,17 12:07
so true its a good start for him with tranny

By #460385 22,Feb,17 14:25
You might want to change your profile status from straight to bisexual after tonight. Since you will be doing a dude in his poop shoot.
By #527357 22,Feb,17 14:59
Youre making fun of me for being bi on a website dedicated to pictures of guys dicks which you made an account on, let that sink in for a minute
By #523323 22,Feb,17 15:19
There is also the more likely scenario: He is on Show your CUNT...

So get back in your box KS

ps- double bag it tonight
By #527357 22,Feb,17 16:25
one more thing what straight man would click on, read and comment on this forum talking about my experience with a tranny? really who do you two think you fooling?
By #460385 22,Feb,17 16:31
No I'm as straight as they come. But I do enjoy the Forum topics and expressing my opinion specially ones like this. No need to get excited. Have fun tonight. No one is making fun of you. If your that sensitive, maybe you shouldn't ask for others help on topics like this. Good luck.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

One more thing, there's a difference between clicking on a topic and commenting and sticking your dick in a dudes ass that dresses like a woman. So I'm not trying to fool anyone. Don't convince your self that you and I are alike. Just saying.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 16:36 other posts 
Hey, you've opened discussions about having a cock sucking rendezvous with another man, now with a tranny (a chick with a dick) but consider yourself as straight. Who do you think you're fooling?
By #527357 22,Feb,17 17:01
You sound dumb because i just said im bi
By #460385 22,Feb,17 17:31
Why would she sound dumb? Your the one that claims you are straight on your profile. Who are you trying to fool?
By #527357 22,Feb,17 17:54
Next stupid question
By #358797 22,Feb,17 18:41
How do feet smell if they have no noses?
By #527357 22,Feb,17 18:59
Because you need to wash that shit with ajax
--------------------------------------- added after 68 seconds

By big9inch21 [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 19:06 other posts 
Are shart's and skid marks caused by the same thing?
By #460385 22,Feb,17 19:10
Maybe KS can ask that question with the Tranny tonight. And you might need that Ajax to scrub your dick in the morning.
By #527357 22,Feb,17 19:12
No not wipeing your ass properly will
By #460385 22,Feb,17 20:09
Your welcome.
By #358797 23,Feb,17 20:20
But the feet themselves have no nose, therefore, the feet can not smell.

Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 20:01 other posts 
If you try and fail, and succeed, which have you done?

By #460385 23,Feb,17 10:51
Can we talk more about my self worth and vanity. It was really elevating my ego.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 23,Feb,17 15:39 other posts 

By #529736 22,Feb,17 22:52
did he have tits?

was it fun?
By #460385 23,Feb,17 04:53
Or did the Tranny fuck him?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Feb,17 04:12 other posts 
So did you fuck the tranny? How was it?

By #513002 22,Feb,17 17:32
i was with a blk tranny but she fucked me for 2 hrs with 10 inch, it was the best sex ever but it was rough on me i love them, enjoy.

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