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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 03,Dec,22 23:38  other posts
Trump/? and ?/? 2024. Any comments?

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By #336173 04,Dec,22 13:34
I like some of Trumps policies but if he gets the nomination it will be same liberal shit show as before. Desantis/Hallie or Hallie/Desantis 2024.
By #610414 10,Dec,22 08:24
DeSantis? That Repucker heart attack? Please, give us a break. Just don't run anybody.
By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Mar,23 02:36 other posts 
Beats anything the libturds have to ovver.
By #610414 30,Mar,23 00:17
The thing is, what do they bring to the table? Do any have a solution to poverty, inflation, trade, health, or the national debt? Or are they just stuck in the mud of WOKE this and that, illegal aliens, and the 2020 election?
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 00:57 other posts 
The person that has solutions to all of your named problems will be wealthy and a genius.
By #610414 30,Mar,23 08:27
And president.
By tecsan [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 00:35 other posts 
Right, just not the current bafoon.
By #610414 31,Mar,23 08:05
Maybe, maybe not
By tecsan [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 20:18 other posts 
Problem is that you know I am right. Sorry Mr Magoo let you down.
By #610414 31,Mar,23 20:40
He didn't. Given the head winds I'd say he's doing his best. I would vote for him again if he runs.
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 03:36 other posts 
Damn, I would hate to see his worst. Bet he does not know what Country he is in. I know democrats that would never vote for that old fart.
By #610414 01,Apr,23 09:15
As opposed to most Repuckers that wouldn't vote for the Clown again? Get real. In 2024, the Dumbocrats would vote for a dog catcher as long as a Repucker like Trumpo or DeSantimonious runs.
By tecsan [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 01:57 other posts 
I think you were copying Trump with 'de-sanctimonious' , but who cares. So now the "Repuckers" that voted for him will not and many libtards that voted for Mr Magoo will not either. Hmm, where does that leave the progressive left?
By #610414 02,Apr,23 08:36
In the right, of course.😈
--------------------------------------- added after 21 seconds

By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 03:47 other posts 
And Second place. LOSER right!
By #610414 03,Apr,23 08:58
If you mean you and me, yes. This ideological war between the left and the right is going to destroy this country. If we don't find a UNITER, we are done for.
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 22:16 other posts 
Guess that leaves most out then, including the libtards.
By #610414 04,Apr,23 08:17
Yes, including them. The difference between you and me, and I could be wrong about this, is that I look at the people as a whole group and am willing to work with a good, competent person. You just have libtards tattooed across your ass. 🤣😈

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 07:41 other posts 
ZERO chance- he is a mongoloid that steps on his own dick.

Look at what the muppet did with Bragg: posting that picture of him with a baseball bat. Just when the public was sinking with him, he shits the bed yet again. Gave Bragg another chance to indict him!

Talk about a retard
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 02:44 other posts 
The baseball bat was just another distraction that the libs love to use.

By #610414 04,Dec,22 07:57
I'm for ?/? In 2024. If the Repuckers nominate the Clown, they deserve whatever befalls people who don't learn from their mistakes.
By tecsan [Ignore] 10,Dec,22 01:57 other posts 
Trump will be nominated. Mr Magoo may get his dementia wish and get to debate Trump. Would that not be funny as hell.
By #610414 30,Mar,23 00:19
Would it be for you? An ex-president who doesn't know the difference between NATO and NAFTA? I'd like to see that

By tecsan [Ignore] 06,Dec,22 02:23 other posts 
You have to admit that it is always fun to see the left wiggle and try to dodge they're own crap.
By #610414 10,Dec,22 08:22
We say the same about you guys. Have you seen the Clown flap around like a fish out of water? 🤣🤣😈
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Dec,22 02:40 other posts 
Hmm, Mr Magoo would wiggle if it were physically and mentally possible.
By #610414 11,Dec,22 09:26
So far, lollipop, we've been spanking your ass. Except for 2016 where the racist right managed to elect the Clown, your brand of politics has been repudiated
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Dec,22 00:13 other posts 
Think your brand is being repudiated daily. Feel free to spank my ass.
By #610414 14,Dec,22 07:15
A USA Today-Suffolk University poll published Tuesday showed that 61 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters want someone else to be the party’s nominee for president in 2024.

The poll also showed Republican voters prefer Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) over Trump as a potential presidential candidate by a margin of 56 percent to 33 percent.

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You asked for it.🤣😈
By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Dec,22 03:13 other posts 
Not surprising, DeSantis may have a shot in about five years. I bet the poll is skewed a little with Florida voters. The above you cited was boring as hell.
By #610414 15,Dec,22 08:39
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By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Dec,22 23:12 other posts 
Cobert is a moron. Like wise he can say what he wants, I think this is still a free country so far.
By #610414 15,Dec,22 23:34
It sure is a country where our rights are protected. I'm thinking of my right to be pro-choise or my right to choose a president and no one will try to change that. Oh, wait, my right to send my child to school were censorship of books doesn't exist.
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Dec,22 01:59 other posts 
If the book cannot be read on the house floor, then maybe it belongs in a porn store instead of an elementary school, you think?
By #610414 17,Dec,22 08:29
Hmm, you are equating Congresspeople to kids? Sounds about right. Some books banned from schools. If any of these are found in the Congressional floor, the guilty one will be sent to the principal's office.

The "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling has been banned several times.

"To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee has been banned due to its use of the N-word and other racial epithets, as well as its "adult themes."

" Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" has been controversial in schools for its language and depiction of African Americans.

"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck has been banned due to its use of profanity.

"Thirteen Reasons Why" by Jay Asher was the most challenged book in schools in 2017.

"The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas was removed from a Texas school district's libraries in 2017.

"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger has been removed from school reading lists, citing a plot that is "centered around negative activity."

"The Color Purple" by Alice Walker has been deemed "smut" and "X-rated" by several school districts.

"Maus," a graphic novel by author Art Spiegelman about the Holocaust, was banned by a Tennessee school board that called the graphic nature of the book "completely unnecessary."

Among the 1,648 unique titles in the Index, these are the themes.
674 titles (41 percent) explicitly address LGBTQ+ themes or have protagonists or prominent secondary characters who are LGBTQ+ (this includes a specific subset of titles for transgender characters or stories—145 titles, or 9 percent);
659 titles (40 percent) contain protagonists or prominent secondary characters of color;
338 titles (21 percent) directly address issues of race and racism;
357 titles (22 percent) contain sexual content of varying kinds, including novels with some level of description of sexual experiences of teenagers, stories about teen pregnancy, sexual assault and abortion as well as informational books about puberty, sex, or relationships;
161 titles (10 percent) have themes related to rights and activism;
141 titles (9 percent) are either biography, autobiography, or memoir; and
64 titles (4 percent) include characters and stories that reflect religious minorities, such as Jewish, Muslim and other faith traditions.

I don't expect all these books to belong in elementary schools, but, most of these books were banned from high schools. Many of these, are classics, and not for the prose, but, because they bring social issues to the front. Issues that high schoolers, soon to be young adults, need to know.
Nearly 300,000 children under the age of 18 were legally married between 2000 and 2018. I guess these children can legally fuck but not allowed to read.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Dec,22 09:42 other posts 
tecsan Stop jerking off to Nancy's Pelosi's new portrait!
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Dec,22 22:24 other posts 
Not into your bad habits skittles.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Dec,22 09:41 other posts 
Trump's stock is falling faster than the Saggy Granny's nasty tits when she takes off her bra..

He had great policies ... just too stupid to shut the fuck up

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