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Please Blacklist Me Please!

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #665411 [Ignore] 01,Nov,23 19:31
oh, it is hilarious watching people throw a hissy fit because they get black listed! Grow up you LOSERS!
I’m inviting everyone to black list me! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please! Please Blacklist Me Please!
I want hundreds of people to black list me! The more the better! GROW A SET YOU LOSERS and black list me encourage your friends to blacklist me! You bunch of over sensitive cry babies

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Similar topics: 1.What happens when you....   2.why do people blacklist other members out of left field?   3.Ban franklin007   4.feature request - enhanced blacklist   5.Your Blacklisted.  

By phart [Ignore] 04,Nov,23 21:11 other posts 
I think we are in the room with some kind of nut!
By #665411 04,Nov,23 21:55
Guess what douche bag this is the United States I have a right to be a nut! I know you ultra conservative bible thumping republicans don’t like it but that’s too bad.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,23 13:31 other posts 
If I was as miserable and ugly to everyone as you are I’m sure I would have shot my self by now
Oh I’m sorry you liberals are against guns
Well how do you feel about slicing your wrists
Use a new razor blade so you bleed out quickly
By #665411 05,Nov,23 14:12
Hopefully the next mass shooting occurs where you and your family are and every one of your family members is shot and killed. But worthless old you live on.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,23 16:08 other posts 
You dumb ass if you knew anything about me and were i live you would realize how stupid your comment is
I’m worried about if the caves are deep enough to withstand an enemy bombing
And you are talking about 1 nut jobs with an assault rifle fat chance that ever happens up here
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Nov,23 00:17 other posts 
dgraff, I know you like to ruffle feathers but emotions are escalating and things have gone too far.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Nov,23 05:25 other posts 
Hey good to hear from you Bella
I know and I should back off a bit it happens every time an election is near
--------------------------------------- added after 30 minutes

I guess encouraging someone to off themselves that may already be a nut case was wrong
He was a member years ago I’m guessing he ran with John spooners possy because he knew skittles name
By #665411 06,Nov,23 10:18
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,23 15:29 other posts 
Your right to be a nut ends when it interferes with my right to be sane.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 20:52 other posts 
there is no cure for Down's syndrome
By phart [Ignore] 04,Nov,23 21:13 other posts 
There's not? Oh shit,I am screwed!

By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Nov,23 19:53 other posts 
You sound like another whacked out democrat with your crazy antics
By #665411 01,Nov,23 20:34
More reason to blacklist me. do it you cowardly, lowlife, gutter, trash cock sucking fucking Cunt face, Republican
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Nov,23 05:28 other posts 
Peace pot and microdot you liberal retard
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Nov,23 12:02 other posts 
What do you mean by "microdot"? Thank you.
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Nov,23 19:05 other posts 
It’s a term from the 60s micro dot is a hallucinogenic drug known as acid
By #665411 03,Nov,23 13:28
Bet you wouldn’t have the balls to say the R word to my face! Because I guarantee you that they’d find Jimmy Hoffas body before they found yours!so bring it trumppanzee to bad you’ve been on your knees for donny duck for all these years!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 16:15 other posts 
Buddy I don’t know what you’re problem is but you better cool your tool before I make you disappear
By #665411 03,Nov,23 17:25
Fuck you you fucking lowlife fucking loser! You think I’m scared of a lowlife cock, sucking fucking worthless piece of fucking shit like you? I ain’t I guarantee you I ain’t so bring it on bitch do your best. Go put your lips back on Donny’s brow star where it belongs!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 18:00 other posts 
Hey Sony I think I hear your mommy calling you for dinner so run along now you’re just another liberal with a big mouth that doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up just like your buddy cat now run along to mommy and finish your dinner and mommy might give you dessert 🍨
By #665411 03,Nov,23 18:05
I don’t live with my mom I live by myself and hold a full time union job with benefits! A job a loser like you cannot do! You’re the one with the big mouth you threaten to get me banned from the site and you ain’t done it yet or are you gonna do it or are you all mouth you lowlife fucking useless piece of fucking shit!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 18:24 other posts 
I never had contact with you before Dick head but have you ever heard the saying don’t Polk a sleeping bear 🐻 before
By #665411 03,Nov,23 18:30
Poke poke poke! Stop talking about having me banned from the site and do it already! I’m gonna smoke a doobie hopefully I’ll be banned from the site soon. Poke poke poke! Come on you can do it report me!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 18:38 other posts 
For what you’re just a harmless liberal that couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag
By #665411 03,Nov,23 18:41
I can take care of myself! Trumppanzees like you don’t scare me
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 18:57 other posts 
Are you talking to me cupcake 🧁
By #665411 03,Nov,23 19:07
Absolutely! Now go get back on your knees for your Lord and master, who you pledged your lifelong allegiance to. And I’ll keep being a free independent person who is not let around by anyone!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 19:16 other posts 
Give it up cupcake 🧁 you’re not going to get anywhere with me I can do this for years if I have to and before you even ask no you can’t suck my dick you’re not putting your crusty liberal lips on me
By #665411 03,Nov,23 19:21
Ain’t gots no interest in republican cock.
I was right you are too cowardly to have me banned from the site. All talk like all you lowlife gutter trash Republicans. Make sure you keep working, so you can donate your paycheck to your Lord and master donny duck
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 19:35 other posts 
Blow it out of your ass cupcake no one wants to hear you preach the Biden gospel now run along back to mommy
By #665411 03,Nov,23 19:46
Just go, put your lips back on donny’s brown star where they belong. I hadn’t voted for years. Then your lord and master decided to run and started his daily tweets and speeches on how much he hates democrats. I’m anti government! Now because of people like you I will mail in my vote for every election voting Democrat, no matter who they are. And the non-partisan ones will just be randomly chosen.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 20:17 other posts 
I’m the same way I hate anything to do with government and at one time I was a democrat until they let that nigga in office and he made a mess out of things just like MR magoo is now
By #665411 03,Nov,23 18:34
Was on the site for years. Then got bored of people like you, so I deleted my account. I’ve had this one over the year. I created it purposely to aggravate people like you into getting me banned but none of you have had the balls to do it yet. Skittles constantly and he wouldn’t do it maybe you will
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 19:00 other posts 
It’s more fun letting you here and aggravating the crap out of you cupcake now run off to mommy like a good fat little boy
By #665411 03,Nov,23 21:23
Your partner skittles had to be a tool so I blacklisted him lol. I get him to get me kicked off the site yet. Boyd is a douche bag.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 21:31 other posts 
Awww not skittles he’s so nice to everyone
By #665411 03,Nov,23 21:33
Boyd is hilarious he’s another one that makes threats to get rid of people but Boyd ain’t got the balls to actually do it. I’ve been poking Boyd the bear for years.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 20:51 other posts 
By #681164 04,Nov,23 08:34
"Boyd"???? Hahaha.

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Nov,23 12:01 other posts 
You have been blacklisted once was that a result of this request?
By #665411 03,Nov,23 13:31
Nope! I just want more because i think it is funny all the loosers on this site have a hissy fit when they get blacklisted! I FUCKING DON’T FUCKING CARE HOW FUCKING MANY FUCKING PEOPLE BLACKLIST ME! Especially the fucking losers on this site!
By #681164 03,Nov,23 14:40
By #665411 03,Nov,23 17:22
See I keep try to get the losers to black list me but they won’t.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 18:02 other posts 
Because you don’t deserve a black listing you deserve an ass kicking
By #681164 04,Nov,23 08:31
You do know that anyone that blacklists you would be admitting he's a loser, don't you?

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 20:50 other posts 
Clean your page cunt!!!

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 20:46 other posts 
FUCK YOU - site princess

By #610414 03,Nov,23 10:08

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