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Wow. Great pose

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This image was commented 12 times, viewed 196 times.  

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Vote (3 points): [HOT!!!]   Votes: 5

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Wow. Great pose

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 5


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By alanhuk 26,Jul,22 07:41
Wow. Great pose
By CutBritDude 26,Jul,22 14:07
Thanks bud! ✌🏻
By *kmadeau* 28,Jul,22 17:01
oh mon amour je t'aime aussi

By *kmadeau* 28,Jul,22 06:52
cute boy
By CutBritDude 28,Jul,22 13:48
Love you, man! ✌🏻

By bella! 28,Jul,22 07:21
Thirty-nine views, three comments and not one [HOT] vote!? Oi! Why are members so stingy with their points?
By CutBritDude 28,Jul,22 13:52
Bella! Thanks so much for the comment and for voting on my pic! 😊
It’s weird isn’t it…? Don’t they know activity and spending points brings more points…?! ✌🏻
Hope you’re well 👍🏻
By bella! 28,Jul,22 14:37
You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, members are rewarded, by the site, for their activity as long as they do not exceed their daily maximum of 250, 400 or 600 points. Some days I forfeit hundreds of points because I have exceeded 400.

Well, MY INITIAL GUESS was that the members were being stingy and now you've tossed "stupid" (MY word NOT yours) into the mix. Either way, stingy and/or stupid are not flattering qualities to possess.
By CutBritDude 28,Jul,22 14:54
Some people should read the rules 😂 best way to get the most out of it 👍🏻 I’m the same with my points if you work it right you get 250 and spend 250 everyday, plus I get to spread some love and joy in the process ✌🏻
Stupid might be your word but I think it hits the nail on the head! 🤣
Not flattering qualities at all. Never mind, just means they’re missing out on the best bit about the site which is interacting with the fabulous members! ☺️

By bella! 28,Jul,22 14:44
I wasn't certain if you accepted comments/compliments from SYC members because I do recognize and respect that your interest is in men.

Your picture is stunning. I love the lighting and how the sunlight dances across your trim body. Well done!
By CutBritDude 28,Jul,22 15:03
I do appreciate the respectfulness bella! For clarity I’m always delighted to receive comments from any member, be they from SYC or SYD.

Thank you for your comment 👍🏻 I do try and make things a little different if I’m going to upload a new pic or vid so I’m always really pleased when it has the desired effect 😁

I always love how considered and appreciative all the comments you make are. You always have something so lovely to say. Just awesome! ✌🏻

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