Arthur's answers to questions of the day

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Do you like swallowing cum? NO

Would you let a stranger masterbate you? YES

A vaginal fuck is much more pleasurable than an anal fuck? YES

Do you get a lot of pre cum? YES

As a straight man, do you like it if a gay man says that you are hot? YES

Any straight guys open to frotting or measuring cocks? YES

Have you ever been involved with double penetration (dp) either giving or receiving? NO

Do you like seeing men spreading their cheeks and exposing their assholes? NO

If your friends girl was coming in to you would you give her the D? NO

Have you ever been "face fucked" (male or female)? NO

CUMSHOT is the most exciting moment in a porn? YES

Would you rather have bad sex (yes) or no sex (no)? YES

Have you ever masturbated or suck another guy and nobody would ever suspect that you have? NO

If asked to would you give a blowjob and swallow? NO

Have you ever secretly wanked with a family member in the same room who is unaware? YES

If you like strap on does that make you gay? YES

Straight guys, have you ever tried to suck or lick your own cock? NO