By #485312 21,Sep,17 18:25they will always be archived and somewhere, as well as on others computers and lve even found whole profiles made on sites lve never been on, they just take your whole profile from other sites and use the pics to make them, lve gone to these sites and had the profile taken down, only to find it reopened in a week, l think to just make up the female numbers on not so scrupulous sites.. its the nature of the be@st, the internet.. *Lix*
By admin 11,Apr,15 21:50I'm not sure why you refer to r@pe fantasy as "newer" porn. It's banned all over the world for a least 10 years already. If you can still find something like that on the net today it's a poor shadow of what once was. Back in 2000-2003 it was all over the net. And I even knew couple of guys who ran such paid sites. You may be surprised but according to them their sites had 3-4 times higher percentage of female members than ordinary porn sites. I mean, it was almost about 35-40% when on ordinary paid porn sites females are rarely more than 10%. Yes, I'm saying that women liked those sites more than any other kind of porn, no matter what they say out loud.
By Andthisisme 21,Aug,18 18:30I don’t know is my answer to your last question. Except that maybe they are paid by sites for directing people to these regular porn sites through their links. Sites like SYD would not pay for people to be directed towards them via such links. I have certainly seen material from well known and established subscription websites on sites like Imageporn and they would not allow that without reason.
So the business model of imageporn maybe to attract people to their site as they have collated all these links into themes and hope that the punters who visit will click on the links and visit the sites who will then pay imageporn a certain amount for every 100 or 1000 or whatever, people who visit them via the links,
I may not have explained that very clearly but that would explain why SYD type sites don’t feature.
By #485312 07,Aug,15 06:59they are on other sites, lve posted them there and under the same name, l have nothing to hide, lm real and that's totally proveable, its all my material and lm allowed to post my pics where ever l choose...if its not in the same name, than they are stolen from me without my permission...if lm deleted, than so be it, its the sites loss, not mine, other sites will welcome my contributions eagerly *lix*
By andrew999999999 04,May,15 16:14I Skype with a few women I've met on other social networking sites, not adult sites. Better off trying to meet women on non adult sites, as women on adult sites will assume you just want to chat about sex and show your cock, even if you just want to chat about everyday things.
By Ray10754 10,Nov,11 14:06I often wounder why this topic keeps coming up amongst sites like this,It is time for all to just get over it and not worrie why or why not someone is cut or not.In my honest oppinion,I have read most of the posts on here and other sites,and I totlay agree with most of them,weather negitive or positive about the subject,everyone is entitled to there oppinion and there own beleifs,but to sit here and squable over it amongst grown adults is beyond my comprehention,Neither side will win the battle,so why dont we all just enjoy the sites and have fun????
By Ananas2xLekker 24,Jun,21 02:17Maybe those old reactors have become very dangerous over time and/or they are not as efficient as the new ones.
Nuclear power is not the solution. There are 80 sites in the United States where nuclear waste is stored. Some of it is stored temporary in a location that is not safe long term. The best uranium sites are already running out and it's getting ever more expensive to mine the stuff.
That waste has to be looked after for the next 20,000 to 1M years, before it's safe. Humanity probably kills itself before that or there might be a few survivors that don't know how to keep the waste safe and radiation will finish them off. But who cares, right?
only registered users can see external links
Like nuclear is the only alternative to coal. 
By #201583 03,Apr,13 13:06Other sites on the net won't let people create multiple accounts, because I have tried. Some sites go off your email address, and If Yahoo or Gmail allows you to create a new account every day then you can create multi accounts on other free sites. A lot of sites won't accept Yahoo or gmail because It's harder to create multiple accounts through your primary ISP.
By #6568 02,Aug,12 09:01There's a whole lot of sites now,,...perfectphallus,....and many 'homeporn' sites too not to mention the many blogs on Tumblr such as Celebratingforeskin etc
By #580336 22,Feb,19 08:40Unfortunately it's a sad fact of life that you will get fakes on sites like this. But also it may be that people have pictures on other sites too. I can certainly guarantee that I am not a fake though!
By Blade 29,Aug,16 22:31I'd like to know of other sites like this also. IIN is another site like that that you can ask quesitons if something is normal or not, and then you discuss.
But it would be nice to know if there are other 'member' sites like this that you can post on.
By admin 31,Jan,12 14:51I can explain how it works if you wish, though I'm not sure if you will understand it, not being in this biz.
It's actually extremely simple - they take a list of words that are typically used on ille_gal sites for promotion / member attraction and ban those words. Most common sites like that are: under_age, sc_at, ra_pe fantasy, slee_ping/drunk sex, best_iality, and recently pissing in US.
All those sites were legal 10 years ago. Even under_age stuff was legally processed through CCbill and other adult billings, which do not exist anymore, CCbill the only survived from then. Almost each year they move more and more stuff from legal to ille_gal. Where they stop - I do not know. May be adult sites will be banned at all at the end.
By #463848 14,Feb,18 02:18Some of the sites like xhamster and dinky-dick have video chat sites. DD has the option of multiple views
By MoeJoe 06,Feb,11 04:29I like to show off my cock to those who like to look at cocks and I also enjoy looking at others. I tried a couple of other sites, but this one is by far the best. I only exhibit here and have no interest in browsing the web for other sites.
By #201583 30,Mar,13 02:48Stay patient. I have tried other sites as well, and I agree with you. The encounters on here are very slow but the quality to crap ratio is much better than the other sites.
By #10886 28,Aug,09 10:32There is a new feature called bookmarks....members can list favorite sites. It is a little empty, but as we add sites it will get better! Check it out!
By #485312 30,Apr,15 03:16l come to these kind of sites, as the net is mostly directed at men, so its full of pussy and not much straight cock, most male porn is gay, lm not attracted to pussy and gay men look great, but you know they don't like this site and ones like it are the only place a straight women can get her fill of real straight cocks...
lm not into pretend sex or fantasy sex, and these sites are also an extension of dating sites for finding really horny uninhibited men, you know they don't mind having their pic taken and love to expose themselves to others like its a win, win for girls like me *lix*
By #485312 30,Aug,16 00:18nice might have to check some out, do you use the same name on all these sites Jayman??? and l agree, this is the best, it doesn't use much net and is simple and easy to use, has all the features of the bigger sites but are better because its basic...*lix*
By fatcock66 26,May,18 12:30I learned of it thru here. used both sites regularly. Really do miss the group vid chat feature on They have on some sites, but none work as good (for free)
By #616869 11,May,20 10:29Well said DP lets hope the message gets through, although i wouldn't hold my breath, its a shame because i have been on a few sites and its this that drives people away and eventually kills the sites.
By admin 30,Aug,09 17:26May be I should explain a bit. The idea is very simple, even primitive, but most of people seem to do not get it. Let see:
Almost everyone of you have bookmarks (also called favourites) in your browser. You put there sites you like. Some of you do not do this, as you do not want your relatives to see them, but many do anyway.
Obviously, we do not have exactly same lists of sites in our bookmarks. Let's say, I like big tit babes and John likes ebony babes. So we have our bookmarks - I have 20 bigtit sites and John have 30 ebony sites. This is very primitivelly, indeed.
Now, it appears that 5 sites of John's 30 are not just about ebonies, but about ebonies with bigtits, and I happen to have one of them in my bookmarks. So when I click on [i] link and then on "other sites that people who like this site like" I find sites that John like, most of them are ebonies at general and that is not my interest but I also see those 4 with bigtit ebonies that may be of interest for me.
When more people join the site, it's possible to make more and more precise comparison of favourite sets of sites of different members and thus find only what I really need, not 30 ebony sites from which 5 are also bigtits, but only bigtits, which is what I need.
Now, the problem is - people do not enter anything or enter only one site and this is quite pointless. I do not know why they are so reluctant to import bookmarks from their browsers. The procedure of import is indeed quite challenging, but I simply cannot read your bookmarks directly - it's not permitted by browsers security and this is correct - you do not want anyone to read your personal data easily. It's probably possible to hack, but this is not my area of expertise, nor those are my methods of work. So, the bottom line is - I cannot read your favourites from your browsers directly. Would be much easier if I could, but I just can't. So if members who register on that site do not enter their favourite sites manually or do not import them from their browsers manually - that site is totally useless for them.
By #6568 11,Feb,12 05:27....No, it's just Chinese gangs using the internet as a spamming battle,.....if they get sufficient control of particular sites (especially 'fringe' sites like this with little moderation) they can then use it as a free for all market to sell just about everything....
.......This is not new, it's going on a lot on the web now.
By #216929 16,Dec,11 01:02again mr. Ray posted the counterview of mine. I think u have gone through so many sites. Just google penis enlargement. Read the wikipedia. U'll find the right & correct answer. Don't go through the bogus& fake sites.
By Andthisisme 11,Apr,19 02:59I can see links for it but. I have not attempted to use them. I am afraid these types of sites are my pet hate. We have all become accustomed to getting ‘stuff’ for free on the internet and see nothing wrong in downloading/watching copyright material on such sites.
By #526776 06,Dec,18 16:12I go on I can see both sites popular pages there...,or log in to either of the other sites from there.
By admin 08,Nov,13 20:40I hear these "cool" stories on all my sites during past 10 years. Usually from people trying to push their own agenda.
But no one of users usually knows anything about real reasons. It's only possible if you do a thorough and costy research and no one ever did.
I can tell you this: except for VERY FEW sites on internet a popularity of a site depends on how well it's being advertised. All the rest is pretty much irrelevant.
2.5 years ago I made a mistake of dropping my small "feeder" sites which at that point were pretty much useless due to various circumstances. Now Google has changed it's strategies and I'm paying for that. Not enough new members = membership dropping. Period.
By admin 22,Aug,09 13:11Thanks for your warm words.
I'd wish I get that much money from my sites as I get gratitude :) Strange thing, but I get more money from the sites where people curse them all the time :)
By #485312 22,Sep,17 19:50he watches lots of stuff from youtube, and other video hosting sites, movie sites, doco's and the like.. he doesn't watch television, he choses what he wants to watch *lix*
By mr_blue 01,May,20 17:55Funny how many "women" have pics on other sites but struggle to write on a post it note and post a verification pic for this place though...
Just a username is nothing,cuz it doesn't show where it's for..
Needs this sites name on it somewhere...
By #485312 20,Apr,15 07:39you need "net-smart" l don't think either count here...nothing prepares you for how people behave on these sites...they wouldn't behave on the street or in a library the way they do on sites...*lix*
By soundsgreat87 25,Sep,19 00:07I think it was just momentum and network effects. For some reason it became popular on porn sites. I only got it to chat with people from porn sites!
By #275407 14,Oct,21 13:24All my pictures are of me and I can positively prove them
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
I posted a couple of pictures of me on two other sites about 12 years ago and never went back to those sites
By #460385 11,Jan,18 14:17I agree. Remember to use common sense when referring a member for deletion. There are many amatuer sites as well as Twitter, imgfap, Reddit, Tumblr and others. I have tried to do my homework when looking at members pics I find on other internet sites. Look at the name of the sites, make sure amatuer or homemade pics are uploaded on them. But if it's a straight up porn site or you can prove it's a porn star or a model, then you got to prove it. There are many here who I have no doubts are fake pics. But the sites that are coming up with their pics are amateur sites. So leave them be, eventually they will get comfortable and start posting pics that are plastered every where. Then you can report them. Also, if a long time member has a few fakes but hundreds of real pics, give them a break. Read the titles on the pic you are reporting. A lot of times the pic title will tell you that the member is not claiming that pic to be themselves. If a brand new member has posted 5 -10 pics and they are fake, report them. But if I only find 1 or 2 fakes out of 20 or 30. I leave it be. Just use common sense.
By #137050 19,Feb,13 21:27Yeah I just got hit with this one on my home pc.
My wife rang very sheepishly to tell me about it and the fact that it claimed because she had been to porn sites.......which she of course denied.
Little does she know its actually me who goes to porn sites (on a different pc)
I got rid of it by signing on using a different username and then scanning with Malwarebytes
By Hotcaramel91 28,Nov,18 12:16i found it by searching for sites where you have your cock rated. I'm glad i did too. the first site i found with real people instead of all those fake ass sites that have bots talking to you to lure you into paying. 
By #27570 01,Nov,09 22:01Looks uncut and great from here. I'm still pissed at my parents for not consulting me about my mutilation. Restoring mine is something I've been thinking about doing for awhile. I've been to a couple of sites about foreskin restoration and you seem to have the best results in a short period of time. Some of the sites say it could take up to 5 years to get where you are. Can you give me some info about what you've done to this point? Thanks.
By admin 03,Feb,22 14:14Well, I told you all from the start that this is MC regulation and everyone who accept MC can't avoid it. Some big sites that rely solely on advertizing or may be some small sites that utilize shady payment schemes may avoid it. But the majority can't. 
By #6568 04,Oct,14 02:50I don't think there are any other sites like this. This site is nicely balanced in various features and aspects, especially between gay/bi(largest group) and straight. Also there are some women here.
The few other sites include which is more aggressively gay and Newbinudes which is not as well designed. Mrs Candy's site was quite well done but I think it's defunct now.
By #460385 27,Sep,17 22:48Yeah, it's hilarious. But most members use common sense when voting. Such sites as Tumblr, Reddit, and others are amateur sites. Spaced19 is a perfect example. She has her own Tumblr site. She hasn't been referred to the review panel yet.
By #642345 20,Sep,21 01:31I have posted pics with my face on many sites over the years and have not had anything bad happen. I personally get excited at the thought someone might recognize me. You can count on your photos ending up on other sites, that's part of the fun! I always get turned on seeing my photos have been reposted somewhere.
[deleted image]
By #485312 13,May,17 00:58commercial dating sites only objective is to make money, l have met blokes off them in the past and most have many stories of fake women just talking to keep them paying, using free sites is more appropriate to date as 'most' people are there for the right reasons, and not pretending just to make you pay for contacts... *Lix*
By Ray10754 22,Nov,15 19:38Check with your bank in person, I had the same problem a few years ago with another site,come to find out some banks will not honor payments to X rated sites and Dating sites.
To remedy the problem I suggest you get one of those pre paid cards (from Walmart for example)and do your payment through there
By slipper 08,Jul,11 23:36Thanks. Other sites seem to be able to make it work pretty well. At some sites, the group-creator has power to remove group members, though, to keep a group "focused." 
By Sir-Skittles 14,Jun,22 12:21Banned lumps, losers, degenerates, and worse: All booted in the cunt here, or have profiles on both sites.
Aussie midget man and his war pig Lix, Saggy Granny, etc. All have been attacked on those sites as well!!
All still have fakes lurking about here for sure! Especially the wimp and the blimp: Lix and Aussieman

By #519886 24,Jan,20 03:16Very hot! I think I might have seen your pics posted on other sites before. I also love to find my pics reposted on other sites.
By #610414 03,Oct,21 07:28Mr Blue, you are painting with a broad brush. No one, especially women, should have to verify herself to you or any other member. You can suspect a fake account and I would suggest you don’t have interaction with them.
As far as I know, members are in other amateur sites with pics from here and visa versa. There’s several wanking sites men members like to show. I don’t see the problem.
By admin 29,Dec,10 23:53Actually your statement about women is not correct.
About 30% of members of "Fantasy Rape" sites were women. Now almost all of those sites are closed, but I knew one owner of a bunch of such sites, he told me that stat.
Also, not every women get raped by accident. There are women who have a rape-seeking behavior. Those usually get raped not once, but twice or more when normally raped women are overcautious after the first time. I personally knew at least one of such women. That behavior is usually subconscious, indeed. If you ask them they will deny.
So, I don't know if that is a deviance or a mental sickness, but some women DO dream about rape, wish to be raped and even look for it.
By admin 18,Feb,18 07:20Aside from being site admin I've been an Internet user for 20 years now. Some periods of time I spent over 14 hours per day on Internet. I never used AdBlock, though indeed I was aware of it since the beginning and still I did't have problems with malware or ads. Under windows I used anti-virus software of coarse.
Communities also organized anti-spam blockers and as a result email stopped being reliable mean of communication. And those were communities of Internet "professionals" who were supposed to know what they were doing. Pretty much everything that is given in hands of masses turns into crap. It's always a kingdom of incompetence overwhelmed by most loud (scientifically speaking - most dominant) and not most intelligent.
As for what's in the future - it's already obvious that good free sites are dying. More and more quality sites demand paid subscription with every year. I'm sure there still will be free community-run sites with low quality content and huge-ass sites like facebook that can monetize your personal data even without ads. The rest will be mostly paid or die out. You will see.
By admin 01,Mar,18 05:13You ask like this site is something important. I ran tens of sites over years. People know what I do and know it's partially about porn but most don't bother to know what are my sites exactly. The wife and close friends know about this site since I sometimes tell them how strange some people behave here, but again, it's never a big deal.
By mr_blue 18,Oct,23 19:35I was getting people asking me if I was on other sites,cuz they have seen alex_blue on a lot of I just put mr_blue instead of alex_blue....and I picked that name(alex_blue) at random.... 