Just wondering if anyone else has had sex with a sibling, whether it be same sex or opposite sex. I fucked my younger sister a few times when we were in our teens and wish I could do it again.
Topics like this should not be allowed, I know that we all(myself included) feel that we need to post our comments and try to discourage them,But They just seem to keep coming back, I think it is totaly repulsve and people that indulge in this sort of sexual behavior (in my mind) have serious psycholagical problems,
Interesting to note that the originator of this disturbing and repugnant discussion recently sent me a short, terse and needless to say "unfriendly" private message. Also needless to say he received a polite but firm Aussie rebuke from me suggesting he improve his communication skills and tactfully recommending he review his values.
You know John, I've quit responding to these threads. Everyone knows they're inappropriate but they just keep coming in part because we keep feeding them comments. I think if we just quit responding to stupid, irrespectful, and outrageous comments, the comments themselves with die off.
End of story.
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