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fake accounts

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #85894 [Ignore] 24,Aug,11 16:13
why do men feel the need to set up fake accounts pretending to be a female? they chat to you and send fake pic after fake pic pretending its them when you can clearly tell that the women in the pics are different each time then they ask if you want to cam on skype or yahoo or whatever then conveniently they cant believe it but their cam isnt working for some reason. if you want to be females then get the fucking op or if you are wanting to chat with men then be man enough to put your real details and be genuine instead of being a fucking weirdo and a perv its almost like adult grooming sometimes like paedos do on kids site

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Similar topics: 1.Multiple accounts   2.WHO IS A FAKE?   3.Calling out fake accounts   4.Fake accounts   5.Fake accounts  

By bella! [Ignore] 18,Oct,23 18:47 other posts 

Why do some men feel the need to establish multiple accounts for any reason? Heck when you need to commandeer 3, 4, 5 accounts only proves that you are an insecure asshole.

By #530038 05,Sep,17 21:10
I did it because I feel like a woman trapped in a mans body. I'm married with a family and won't ruin their lives to change in the real world. So I lived vicariously online playing out my female fantasies. So yeah attention whore.
By #536760 07,Sep,17 03:17
I must put my paw up here. I'm not really a wolf. (Please don't tell my pack)
By #485312 09,Sep,17 19:25
sounds like you found a way to express yourself without hurting anyone, l don't see the need to apologize when you haven't used your fake accounts as a way to be malicious toward others, the net is a place to use anonymity in many ways, and all the comments lve heard about your altered egos, was always good, many missed you when you left, so you must have bought them joy and entertainment in a good way.. fessing up your altered egos was another release l guess from the frustrations of holding it in on the real world side and again on the cyber side.. *lix*

By #485312 09,Sep,17 19:19
fake accounts aren't only made to deceive people, they are also made as a way to contact people they are obsessed by, when they have already been blacklisted, and they feel the need to get onto peoples pages to leave bad comments or send nasty messages.. some here find it a necessity to insult others in a back door fashion, when a simple anonymous comment just isn't enough.. these types of people clearly don't have the mind capacity or the self control to simply be nice or just say nothing.. being nice for some people just isn't in their DNA l guess, and trying to f0rce their opinions onto others for some reason makes them feel better about themselves in some crude and medieval way.. l suppose its a cheaper form of therapy for them, its cost efficient and if it makes them feel like a better person, than l guess it has a purpose in fulfilling their need to b/eed their demons onto others.. luckily the world isn't perfect, and it makes for some great reading and lots of laughs..
if you do have a problem with depression or lack of emotional control, l do suggest you get professional help for it and not use sex sites to cure your ailments.. you should bring your light hearted nature to these places and use them for what they designed for, which is fun and sexy times...and don't forget, STAY SUPER SEXY PEOPLE *lix*

By #202354 08,Sep,17 04:23
Not only that, but the plethora of accounts posting pictures that aren't their own, or stealing other members pics. What some people won't do to get on the main page always amazes me. Pathetic, really.

By admin [Ignore] 02,Sep,11 22:49 other posts 
I have 2 words for you - "attention whores"
By #536760 07,Sep,17 03:20
Please forgive me GODMIN. I repent .

By #124665 01,Sep,11 20:06
Get real, there is no fakes on this site!
By #99385 02,Sep,11 19:24
yeah decent you have none.... like no one ever leaves
By #124665 02,Sep,11 21:11
Monted my #1 favorite fake I've done sooo much with you, it's like you've taken on a life and many more of your own...

By #59855 01,Sep,11 13:41
From Matt's Wife: Just because someone does not want to skype does not mean they are fake. We don't even own a cam and value our privacy. We have proven we are real by posting pics holding a sign that has our screen name and syd/syc on it. Not everyone cams

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