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small dicks

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #204849 [Ignore] 01,Nov,11 08:53
my husband has only 4 inches when hard does any girls like small dicks

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Similar topics: 1.Big cocks for small dicks   2.Women who prefer small dicks   3.Do small or short guys have small dicks ?   4.What about the small dick?   5.Prefer small dicks or huge dicks?  

By heine [Ignore] 13,May,14 10:04 other posts 

By #11431 06,May,14 12:24
I have never had sex with a guy who had a really small dick , not by choice , just by chance. If it ever arose ( no pun intebnded ) it would bother me or put me off , I take dicks as they come ( again no pun intended ) .
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,May,14 16:01 other posts 
Would you consider my dick? It's not big, but it works miracles. It also cums 3-4 times a day!
[deleted image]
By #11431 06,May,14 17:11
is that my bum ? You promised not to put that pic on SYC !

By #194437 03,May,14 20:56
[deleted image]
By spermkiss [Ignore] 06,May,14 11:43 other posts 
You've got the finest micro in Europe, perhaps the world. It's a Major Plus that you keep yourself hairless. A lean, hairless physique with a micropenis is hot. And you do a fine job of photographing yourself, too. A lot of SYD members must agree with me on these points, because your pictures often make it to the Most Popular page.

By #457685 05,May,14 11:33
[deleted image]
By spermkiss [Ignore] 06,May,14 11:38 other posts 
Man, you have a lovely micro.

By #130137 01,Nov,11 11:08
mine is small
By Arlo [Ignore] 05,May,14 18:26 other posts 
You are right it is. I checked it out. It is cute. I would jerk it for you.

By #32273 01,Nov,11 10:58
i think mine is very small...?
By Arlo [Ignore] 05,May,14 18:26 other posts 
I checked it is and it is cute. I would jerk it for you.

By #424469 03,May,14 03:29
[deleted image]i think this is fine

By #206678 19,Oct,13 16:12

By #188764 16,Nov,11 20:46
I'm at 4.5" (and I love giving blow jobs to other guys with small cocks!)

[deleted image]
By staudacher [Ignore] 17,Nov,11 08:12 other posts 
How about me?

By #65952 17,Nov,11 04:57
my cocks small, really does my head in hiding in changing rooms and toilets

By wankman9558 [Ignore] 05,Nov,11 10:03 other posts 
well, mines about six and a half inches but it works just fine
By slipper [Ignore] 15,Nov,11 19:54 other posts 

By #209431 14,Nov,11 13:46
mine is the size of my username
By slipper [Ignore] 15,Nov,11 01:44 other posts 
Inches, centimeters, mm???

By #135959 14,Nov,11 21:40
I know a lot that don't care about size and my cock thanks them all

By staudacher [Ignore] 14,Nov,11 13:02 other posts 
Mines tiny!!

By #154173 04,Nov,11 17:47
Im about 5 in. Some girls dont like it, some do. But I know how to use it and other parts of me..

By bradyD [Ignore] 03,Nov,11 21:38 other posts 
LOL, you're asking girls their opinions and you get a flood of small dicked guys showing off our tiny cocks for attention. Too funny. Anyway, my wife's still with me and she loves my tiny little cock. I'm just really excellent at oral to make up it.

By #1047 03,Nov,11 15:19
i am 5.5"

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