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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #209707 [Ignore] 17,Nov,11 13:02
neatly trimmed or all natural and manly??

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By Ray10754 [Ignore] 19,Nov,11 07:42 other posts 
I my self prefer to be shaved smooth from the neck down,as for my sexual partners, I would also prefer them to be shaved or atleast very neatly trimed,I honestly belive that each man should at least once in his life, experiance the feeling of being totaly smooth,Many years ago I was chalanged to a dare and shaved my hair off completely, after letting it grow back, I found that I no longer like having all that hair and missed the feel of smoothness on my entire body so I trimed it all down as short as possible and left it that way for a few years but still was not happy with it,with in the past yaer and a half I started shaving more and more off each time I shaved and now I can say that I am truly happy being smooth again.
As far s being MANLY ! Im still the same person that I would have been if I didn shave a (MAN)
By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Nov,11 16:33 other posts 
I'm with you all the way. Every man should do it at least once in his life, just as every man should let his beard grow out at least once in his life. Once you go hairless it's hard to go back. The smooth feeling is out of this world. As for being smooth not being manly, just look at competitive swimmers and bodybuilders. Virtually all of them do a considerable amount of body grooming and many go completely hairless.
By #209707 20,Nov,11 13:43
thanks for the tip. I think am gonna try smooth.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Nov,11 14:55 other posts 
Go for it, you'll be glad you did. Be sure to post some pictures.
By #209707 21,Nov,11 03:52
will do. you new to this?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 22,Nov,11 11:39 other posts 
New to the site or new to being hairless? The answer is neither. I've been here for years and I've been hairless for decades. I started shaving off my body hair pretty much as soon as it started growing in, years ago long before it was trendy. I'd sometimes stop for months or even a couple of years, but it was always something I came back to. Then about ten years ago I had it permanently removed with a laser.
By #209707 23,Nov,11 21:12
how much was that? the laser? I like the smooth feeling but I hate ingrown hairs. that shit itches and is uncomfortable. I think i will shave during summer, when its warm.
By #209707 23,Nov,11 21:13
until then I will post pics of me with a haircut
By spermkiss [Ignore] 24,Nov,11 12:27 other posts 
About laser hair removal. Most people require between two and six sessions of laser treatment spaced a few weeks apart for complete hair removal, depending on how thick and dense the hair is. I had one on my chest (which wasn't very hairy), two on my underarms (again, not as hairy as most men's) and three on my pubic region. By pubic region I mean everything. Starting on my lower abdomen from just above my navel down and around my genitals, my scrotum, my perineum and up the crack between my buttocks to above my anus. Also the upper part of my inner thighs. A totally hairless crotch, both front and back. I paid about fifteen hundred dollars for these six treatments about ten years ago. I think that the price has come down since then as more practitioners have entered the field.
By #209707 24,Nov,11 18:38
dang, thats alot of $$$$. am good for now. I just got my "haircut". pics are up.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 25,Nov,11 12:18 other posts 
Yeah, it's kinda pricey, but in my case I knew it was something I really wanted since I had been shaving myself for years, decades even. I gave it to myself as a birthday present. For me, it was worth it. To be hairless without the bother of shaving and to be without shaving bumps and rashes or the stubble of re-growth is really fine. You could probably fine laser hair removal now-a-days for a lower price than I paid. As I said, I think that prices have come down as it becomes more mainstream. Also, my practitioner was a medical doctor, not all of them are as one need not be an MD to do laser hair removal. A practitioner who is not an MD would probably charge less.

One other point I should make is that laser hair removal has got to be considered permanent. Unlike shaving, where if you stop the hair will grow back, when you remove hair with a laser it's gone forever. So be sure that this is something you really want before doing it.

Having said that, however, SOME re-growth is to be expected. In the ten years since my last treatment I've had a small amount of hair grow back in my pubic region, maybe two percent of what was there originally. I often think about another treatment to take this off, however it is very fine and light and can be dry shaved off in a matter of seconds.

By the way, you look good hairless. Enjoy it. Sex when you're hairless is mind blowing, especially when your partner is also hairless. The skin to skin contact with no hair in between is out of this world.

By #7566 24,Nov,11 13:28
By slave_toy [Ignore] 24,Nov,11 14:19 other posts 
danke das Ihr mich empfehlt Herr!

thanks for posting me here Master!

By spermkiss [Ignore] 17,Nov,11 15:30 other posts 
I vote for shaved hairless. And why would being hairless not be manly?
By #209707 20,Nov,11 13:41
no reason, some guys perceive hairless as more effeminate, but I believe in todays world lots of chicks dig a guy who keeps up with personal hygiene. I just needed to say whether I needed to or not. thats all.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Nov,11 14:54 other posts 
Yes, some guys perceive being hairless as more effeminate I expect partly because we gay men were among the first to do it. Hey, we're used to being the trendsetters. But now it's gone totally mainstream and there are hundreds of thousands, probably millions worldwide, of hairless straight men. And yes, many, perhaps most, women like their men hairless.

By #200236 19,Nov,11 08:08
Shaved SMOOTH cock & balls..... SEXY and EROTIC............PRICELESS !
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 20,Nov,11 06:23 other posts 
you have a beautiful big cock - but it would be nice to see you one time with your natural growth of hair

By pifad [Ignore] 19,Nov,11 02:49 other posts 
I like the natural hairy style best. Like men to be men and look the part!
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 20,Nov,11 06:22 other posts 
I agree

By bobbies12246 [Ignore] 19,Nov,11 22:24 other posts 
I shave my cock very smooth,I love a man's cock shaved smooth when I suck it.

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 19,Nov,11 21:03 other posts 
It is a mater of preferance, it is what each individule wants and likes, some men like hair,and some dont,Dose not make either of them wrong!!!!!

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