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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #14216 [Ignore] 09,Sep,09 02:26
This is not so much a discussion as to show you just how daft and pathetic our so-called masters in the UK are. I heard on the radio news this morning - honest truth - that the county councillors of Flintshire in north Wales have banned the use of the term "Spotted Dick" in its staff canteen for fear that "it could be misconstrued". Instead, it will henceforth be shown on the menu as "Spotted Richard"!!! I kid you not. Thought I'd just mention this to give you a laugh and show how mad the world is nowadays. I hate to think how "Spotted Richard" can be misconstrued too, pity anyone named Richard with a bad skin. Anyone got any other ideas what foodstuffs can be renamed for fear of them being "misconstrued". Tarts could be renamed "Flans of Easy Virtue" perhaps? Many a true word said in jest!

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By DJS [Ignore] 27,Jul,13 04:22 other posts 
ACNE RICHARD isn't very appetizing

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,13 22:45 other posts 
Although the original poster is long gone, there are many more members from the UK that might be able to answer my question........if I saw and ordered Spotted Dick/Spotted Richard from a canteen, what would I expect to have served to me?
By #23212 26,Jul,13 22:49
Steamed suet pudding. Enjoy! Buen provecho.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,13 00:05 other posts 
Thank you. So it is similar to mincemeat pie? It's a dessert item rather than a meat and potato dish?

By #6236 11,Sep,09 03:50
ornithology will suffer as well gone is the tit,a red breasted anything ,and the boobie, i guess these birds must now be hunted to extinction.

By admin [Ignore] 09,Sep,09 09:56 other posts 
BTW, I wonder when do they ban nickname Dick on the same basis...

By admin [Ignore] 09,Sep,09 09:06 other posts 
It reminds me of a joke that luckilly did not turn out to be a truth - when in USA they banned a "black hole" in astronomy. :)

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