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Whats the Wildest thing youve ver put up your arse?

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Started by #25041 [Ignore] 09,Sep,09 10:26
Whats the Wildest thing youve ver put up your arse, I've had a golf ball up mine, god did it feel good, kinda like erotic pain.

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,May,15 10:11 other posts 
Has anybody tried chili pepper in their ass? Please try it and tell me how it feels.
By #485312 30,Jul,15 00:21
lol, l don't think l want to try it, but l think a ice cube tube made with chilli sauce would be a good instrument, hot and cold all at once, thrilling and soothing all in a neat package *lix*

By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jun,15 14:12 other posts 
It's not to wild, but it does its job and that's what counts. ...
[deleted image]

By #254338 22,May,15 18:04
When I was like 11 i stuck an action figure up my ass...
When I was about 15 a bottle of cologne that looked a lot like a dick - it was a small glass dildo I suppose
Then in my early 20s veggies

By #143536 22,May,15 12:34
An ice cube

By leopoldij [Ignore] 16,May,15 09:34 other posts 
I used to put this in my ass when I was young.
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And sick in bed
By #23212 17,May,15 01:23
Did your family have, shall we say, a 'different' definition of 'inhale'?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,May,15 07:22 other posts 
No, it was my own invention.
By #291136 17,May,15 23:37
Did it help with your heavy breathing?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,May,15 05:42 other posts 
Only a bit.

By cockbot3000 [Ignore] 26,Feb,14 17:22 other posts 
A Full Open Bottle Of beer
By #454258 03,May,14 02:57
did you let it poor itself into you? Cause that can be dangerous
By #367009 03,May,14 13:45
You actually get drunk faster by pouring beer up your ass.
By #455374 03,May,14 18:47
That's because that way the alcohol gets absorbed straight into the bloodstream without passing through the liver. It is extremely damaging to the body
By #454258 04,May,14 00:28
by bypassing the liver, you run the risk of alcohol poisoning
By #451452 18,May,15 02:13
You run the risk of alcohol poisoning whenever you ingest too much, no matter which opening you ingest it through. Alcohol gets directly into the bloodstream from your small intestine. It goes through the river with the **** and is oxidized there. If alcohol went through your liver first, you wouldn't get drunk from it.

By #281008 15,May,15 18:05
a cat
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ohhh thk u all yes perfect vibes wen it purrrrrs
By #132188 16,May,15 02:30
By mr_blue [Ignore] 16,May,15 02:36 other posts 
I think that guy has found his purr-fect match...
By #316057 16,May,15 03:01

By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,May,14 18:33 other posts 
I put my mobile phone in my ass today. Then it started ringing. In fact, it was vibrating. It was good. I left it ring. And then I shot a load .
I keep ringing it and have no invention of pulling it out. ..
By bella! [Ignore] 07,May,14 18:58 other posts 
WOW! Thanks for sharing that with us! You must be quite social that your phone keeps ringing. I believe you intended to say you had no INTENTION of removing the phone from your ass. Dude, what goes in must come out., eventually you will need to check your voicemail or pinch a loaf. Just sayin'.......
By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,May,15 12:31 other posts 
of course, i did not mean that. this was only a ... hm... fantasy? joke? i had to say it a year after i posted it so you don't get the idea that the phone is in my ass.

By #108498 15,May,15 12:02

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[URL = /k6hy0qwj3acepic.html][IMG]/k6hy0qwj3acepic.html[/ IMG][/ URL]

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< a href = " /k6hy0qwj3acepic.html " > < img src = " /thumbs/20150310/k6hy0qwj3ace.jpg "边境= " 0 " alt = "玻璃棒和肛门" > < / >

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By #132188 14,May,15 08:57
well this one time at bandcamp.... seriously this is from 2009... why do certains re hash OLD posts

you dont get points for that shit no more... has it been that long
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,15 15:01 other posts 
You went to band camp? Wow, lucky you! What instrument did you play? In grade 5, I did not want to play the violin or flute like many of the girls, I wanted to play drums!

I believe that members do get points for responding to topics regardless of the age. It's all rolled up in the points awarded by admin for "pics and/or actions on the site".

Yes, it's a hoot to see some of these old topics resurrected from the bowels of SYD. 100 threads per page, 179 pages to go! Can you last that long?
By #132188 14,May,15 18:09
Well dear i have been here this long so why not.... i will stay.

And yes pics and actions on site earn points but im sure glad we aint doing the plagerize the blog game no more. Those poor people were starving after robbing them of their income.

Anyway where were we????
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,15 18:20 other posts 
Between you and I, I'm not sure that the asterisks suit you. Try something more, more, more, unique to you. Something like; 🔨Dev "the hammer"🔨

And I wanted to know what instrument you played at band camp.
By #132188 14,May,15 20:21
"Between you and I" is that the same as "In strictest confidence" ? And as for the instrument i play .... now thats top secr3t. And i happen to like the "hammer" part because being a nail would suck so i always strive to be the hammer. Its part of being a (THUG) and we know what the acronym is for that.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,15 20:34 other posts 
No, I don't feel that how I used "between you and I" is anyhere near "in strictest confidence". It would be the same as "in strictest confidence if I was sharing something I hoped you wouldn't repeat, but it's too late for that.

You know, it seems to me that you said something about a didgeridoo. Wasn't that a difficult instrument to fit in the tent at band camp?
By #132188 14,May,15 20:50
I am a smoker how the F*** could i play a Didgeridoo lol

Oh and yeah Pot meet Kettle
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,15 08:09 other posts 
And in the same token, how the fu@k would I know you were a one pack a day smoker when you started kindergarten?

By #485312 29,Apr,15 06:07
l love ice up my arse, lve tried lots of things, l like filling condoms with marbles or cornflour, ld love to try a heavy linked chain, lve seen it online and it looked awesome *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,May,15 08:52 other posts 
What about your pussy? What's the wildest thing you put yourself in?

By mikeyxx [Ignore] 13,May,15 23:44 other posts 
Nearly got Magic wand inside my ass , probly a good thing it didnt pop in as it might not have cum out

By #136427 07,May,14 07:55
Ice cubes
By #367009 07,May,14 14:49
I did once too and it hurt. Wayyyy too cold
By #136427 08,May,14 07:45
Yup was not as cool as I thought it was going to be. Maybe one or two is ok but not more than three
By #367009 08,May,14 13:05
haha yea i thought it was gonna be cool too (no pun intended lol) but it was so cold it burnt kind of. never doin it again
By #136427 09,May,14 08:05

By #64328 04,Mar,14 15:05
a Cigar tube
By 170cal [Ignore] 07,May,14 19:25 other posts 
Ala Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky haha

By #424469 03,May,14 13:32
[deleted image] this might make the cut
By #367009 07,May,14 14:52
It'd be great if it turned on haha
By 170cal [Ignore] 07,May,14 18:54 other posts 
Haha...Uncle Fester

By #6437 07,May,14 07:09
m i love to put things up my asshole, I have had polish sausage,bannanna,cuck,finge,r tounge, cock, dildos,plugs,enema,hotdog,toothbrush,soooooooooooooooooo goooooooooood!!!!

By #451452 06,May,14 19:45
Some people think that I have my head up there.

By #424469 03,May,14 13:33
[deleted image] the money shot

By #424469 03,May,14 13:33
[deleted image] n this

By #396572 05,Mar,14 12:21
Didn`t someone on this forum put a toaster up their arse? I seem to remember....
By #454258 03,May,14 02:54
the fuck!?

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