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How often do you jack off?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #221574 [Ignore] 08,Jan,12 00:19
Just wondering if I'm a freak or not. I have a girlfriend and we have good sex a couple of times a week but I jack off all the time. At least once a day or on days like today where I have the place to myself all day, I'll do it three or four times. Four times so far today and I'm thinking of going for a fifth. I seem to jack off a lot more since finding this site. Let me know what you guys do.

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By #74896 12,Oct,16 16:30
1-2 tims a week. Then I oiled my cock and then mastrubat and get precum.I love to eat precum and after 3-5 tims I cumming

By #519017 31,Aug,16 04:36
When I was single I'd jack off a couple of times most nights. Now I've got my woman and getting regular sex its perhaps 2-3 times a week. Sometimes if she's not in the mood for sex I ask her to stroke my balls and thighs while I jack myself off. She's OK with that.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,16 06:45 other posts 
That's great. It's nice to know that she will play with you.
By #519017 01,Sep,16 12:43
Yeah! Nothing gets me up harder than running my spare hand over her naked body, over her boobs, her bum, and between her legs, and watching her boobs swing above me while I'm pumping my muscle. She'll even wipe it off me afterwards! But afterwards I usually finger her to an orgasm.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,16 06:46 other posts 
hornyboy70, i'm the same...

By #465980 03,Jul,14 18:51
i jack off once a day sometimes for 2or 3 hours
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Jul,14 06:18 other posts 
assuming you're sleeping for 8 hours, your masturbation time (say 3 hours) is about 20% of the time you're awake.

way to go dude! looks like you've got a lot of free time... in your hands!

By #136427 02,Jul,14 08:32
Everyday unless I have sex. Its a fucking curse!!!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jul,14 09:49 other posts 
What's wrong with having sex AND wanking?
By #136427 03,Jul,14 07:44
Not a thing, but I feel the need to release all the time like its a curse
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Jul,14 16:41 other posts 
me too.

By #465168 03,Jul,14 11:21
Every night before I ****, and sometimes another time during the day if I'm horny.

By Cutewilly [Ignore] 03,Jul,14 11:13 other posts 
Once a day normally but sometimes twice and occasionally more than twice. I worked out that since leaving school (I didn't discover masturbation properly until that time), I must have had a wank roughly 12,000 - 13,000 times (rough estimate). That's a lot of cum!

By #463304 29,Jun,14 14:02

By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Jun,14 13:59 other posts 
Don't worry, I jack off 2-3 and sometimes 4 times a day. What's the problem?

By normal1 [Ignore] 29,Jun,14 11:51 other posts 
The older I've got the more I find my self jacking off

By #445722 29,Dec,13 01:33
A lot. Usually 3-4 times a day.

By #292697 28,Dec,13 20:36
Daily if possible sometimes two or three times a day love to

By cruzinlion [Ignore] 28,Dec,13 15:43 other posts 
Every second day.

By yellowman [Ignore] 16,Dec,13 08:17 other posts 
As a chronically addicted masturbator, as often as possible

By CreativeOne [Ignore] 12,Dec,13 22:20 other posts 
I'm actually very selective on the days I play with myself ... I only do it on days that end in a "Y" !!!

By skot [Ignore] 11,Dec,13 13:40 other posts 
Depends on whether the house is empty. If it is whip my cock out several times a day and whack off at least twice. Otherwise I sneak a wank in whenever I can - 6 times a week on average.

By #393930 11,Dec,13 03:14
everyother day

By #316057 11,Dec,13 02:12
once a day

By #390287 22,Oct,13 03:38
my record is five, but the average is twice a day.

By 22john22 [Ignore] 21,Oct,13 13:37 other posts 
3-4 times a day

By #437400 21,Oct,13 02:49
oh...jerk of every day...sometimes at two times a day

By johnwish [Ignore] 20,Oct,13 17:08 other posts 
Pretty much every day since Ive found this site.I love looking at other blokes hard cocks and fantasising about sucking them off.

By notnow [Ignore] 20,Oct,13 12:38 other posts 
im in the once to twice a day club

By #204766 20,Oct,13 09:59
At least once a day

By #289712 18,Oct,13 10:08
I do it every day. Once, maybe twice, occasionally multiple times. Barely missed a day in over 20 years. Matter of fact im gonna cross to porn and masturbate shortly! My penis is poking out of my pants looking at me with his watery eye.

By #22771 17,Oct,13 20:48
I jack off at least once a day, if not more

By cumaddik [Ignore] 17,Oct,13 20:21 other posts 
At least once a day...and i love doing it

By #278535 03,Jun,13 15:25
Once or twice a week, four or five times in a month. My wife almost lost her libido and let me F**K her once or twice in a month so rest of the days I have to jack off....

By #225670 03,Jun,13 15:12
once a day, sometimes more

By #359325 03,Jun,13 12:12
I usually do it at least 6 days a week 2 x a day.

By #260412 01,Jun,13 21:57
once a day

By #64328 01,Jun,13 17:48
Between 7 to 10 times a week. Not always everyday but some days more than once

By #202599 13,Jan,12 16:15
as much as possible !
[deleted image]

By #143536 09,Jan,12 10:09
I masturbate at least once a day, have phone sex as often as I can with my online gf (at least twice per week), fuck my wife whenever she wants some.

By #222486 08,Jan,12 17:32
I love this site . I jackoff every chance i get on this site all these cocks and pussies get me hard.
By #143536 09,Jan,12 10:08

By #23195 08,Jan,12 21:44
every day, I can't live without it... normally 3 times per day, but some day more I don't know if it's because i'm young, but I would like to do that all my life...

By #203440 08,Jan,12 15:52
I have a wife, but sometimes I jerk off 6-7 times a day, and I am starting to think if it is bad for health.
By #221574 08,Jan,12 16:59
Wow! 6 or 7 times. I just don't make enough cum for that. I jacked off this morning after cumming 5 times yesterday and didn't produce much. Still felt good though. I'm a little sore and should probably leave it alone for a day or two.

By #181785 08,Jan,12 00:24
At least once a day

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