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I've got a question about members Banning other member,

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by decatur212 [Ignore] 23,Feb,12 07:13  other posts
Would enjoy hearing both side? Thanks

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Similar topics: 1.Silent banning from the chat room   2.Why Do Members Here Do This ....................... ???   3.Banning   4.Say what you mean...   5.Question regarding “Notes” on members page.  

By #326816 18,Jan,13 13:30
Have banned a few people:

One, a few days ago, sent me a link to view material which was to view teen girls having sex. Another, sent me a link to view their blog and make comments on their pics, without even introducing himself to me or saying 'Hi'.

As long as people are civil and keep the discussion(s) 'legal', I use the banning feature sparingly.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 14:20 other posts 
So if the member that sent you their blog reads this and says "hi" are you going to un-ban them? To be banned for something like that does not seem very civil it seems really lame.......

By #316049 18,Jan,13 10:25
I'm not as fair-handed as most of you seem to be, but then again, i'm not the most patient or compassionate person in the world. I ban often and even if I have had no personal contact with a member - I know who and what I like and I know who/what will just "tickle me" the wrong way (if these aforementioned members ever have the opportunity to PM me). Good way to prevent myself from being overtly confrontational
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 10:43 other posts 
I appreciate your honesty and for giving me the gift of a second chance, but why would you ban someone without having interacted with them? You never know, you initial assessment may have been wrong.

By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 09:53 other posts 
I have not banned anyone, I choose to ignore unwanted private messages. On the other hand, I am aware of 4 ( could be more ) members that have banned me.

I had suggested that admin place a time period on "bans". Basically, it would require members to revisit and reevaluate their list from time to time.

By decatur212 [Ignore] 23,Feb,12 08:16 other posts 
Yes, I completely agree! I would at lease like to have a change to say Sorry, or find out Why? Thanks for your feed back!
By #23223 23,Feb,12 16:45
A ban is usually when someone decides they are being made too uncomfortable based on what is said.. Some are also more strict such as one person says its cloudy outside and the other doesn't agree with you and bans you. Basically saying that if you don't agree with them 100% or do not do what they ask they will ban you to piss you off.

All in all, though if a person does bans you for reasons other than really abusing their comfort zones or private property, you'd be more likely better off without them.
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ [Ignore] 24,Feb,12 08:54 other posts 
Here Here!!! Right on! I have only been banned once that I know of, and for absolutely no reason I can think of! I made a compliment on a female members pic quite some time ago, and it was a very positive, non vulgar, and modest compliment. I was a fairly new member, but long time visitor of this site at that time. The only thing I did other than compliment her was to invite her to look at my page. I rarely if ever use profanity and very seldom use language most people would find offensive. Any I have had contact, male or female, would verify that. I was banned and never knew why. For a compliment? Mmmm... well, better off anyway, I suppose. I would like to have known why, but oh well. I had not been offensive in any way, so shrugged it off. Many other great people here!!!

By #81191 24,Feb,12 06:49
never been banned although I have banned one for abuse. There are those that get pleasure and satisfaction from it that reminds me of a ****'s politics

By decatur212 [Ignore] 24,Feb,12 05:45 other posts 
Thank everyone, I appreciated all your good feed back and I'm starting to understand more how others feel about banning or being banned! My moto is make a friend be a friend! All have FUN!

By #205329 24,Feb,12 02:14
I thought someone was being rude to me once and banned them. A few days later, they posted a gift for me on my page. I un banned them and we talked, it was a misunderstanding. Now we're good.

By #2477 23,Feb,12 17:24
I only ban guys who are chauvinistic, vulgar or try to demean me. I usually give them the opportunity to behave in a reasonable manner, but if they insist in persisting with insulting behaviour I tell them I will ban them. If that doesn't work, I do! There are plenty of nice guys out there without having to put up with dickheads!

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 23,Feb,12 07:45 other posts 
What bothers me about it is...I don't have a problem with someone banning me...if I've done something or said something they don't like then so be it, but if someone does ban you, you do not have anyway of asking them why they did it if they haven't told you. Once banned you cannot send a message or comment to find out if there was just some mistake about it all.

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