| What are peoples thoughts on Haveing their son circumcised?
I am 100% for circumcision!
As a man who was circed as an adult and has lived and had sex with both a foreskin and now circed I can be confident in my decision that my son to will be happier!
Although this is what I believe I'm not sure if I would give my son the snip as a baby as afew guys on here wish they had the choice, but will rather let him choose if he wants to have it done at between age 8 and 10 as it can be done by a clamp method without leaving unsightly suture marks which will come from a post pubescent/adult circ
I knew from about 5 or 6 years old that I didn't like my foreskin and wanted to look like dad and other kids at swimming lessons and if offered by my parents I would have had it done!
People say "let him choose when he's 18" but I did that and like most adult circs the results just aren't as good as infant/****. |
No parent has the right to inflict this mutilation on their offsprings.
Circumcision should only be done with the agreement of the person concerned.
and as an uncut guy, i know, and can tell you: i would h a t e to loose my foreskin! it's mine, and mine, and mine, and it's part of me and i love having it!!
i would like for ALL guys they could decide for themselves!
i try to be calm..! i will quote you first:
"Anyone that says they are missing something that they have never had is a liar"
so, imagine your clitoris was cut off after birth, you never had it... so you could have never missed it??? and if you do other people tell you you are a liar???
that is what YOU say in your own words!
from my other response to you in this thread: how could we ever convince a not-informed-mother in the african backwoods, that circumcision of her daughter is NOT the best thing to do, that the tradition has to stop, if YOU, as a woman living in the developed world, with access to internet and all the sources to knowledge you can think of, SCREAMS, SHOUTS, BITCHES, to eveyone that differs on your opinion that a foreskin is only there for cutting!!
you are out of arguments, and out of your mind!
if you can say to a cut guy, that if he says he misses his taken-away foreskin, that he is a liar, i can say you don't know what you are talking about! you have no penis, never had, have no foreskin, never had, was not cut, never was!!
you might wish you had, but that is penis envy!!
thinking of it, that's just what it is!! penis envy of a woman wanting to cut it all off!! forget it!
circumstitions dot com
have a look, be informed!!
female genital mutilation needs to be adressed to and discussed until it is stopped ALL over the world!! fight for it, i'm with you on that all the way!! it is horrible and MUST be stopped! whatever it takes, a young- or babygirls genitals should be left alone! no question about it!
at the same time, i have a standpoint, that the same goes for boys!! the fact that circumcission on boys is widespread doesn't make it morally different! before screaming back to me, think about it the following.
what is the difference in the way of thinking of an african mother that decides to have her daughter circumcised and an american mother having her son circumcised?? here is what:
1. they BOTH think it is the best thing to do;
2. they BOTH think they help their **** to have a better position in live by being NOT different from the majorety;
3. they don't see what is wrong with it, because it was done to themselfes, and they do not know different;
4. they think they have a right to do it, even feel an obligation to do it because in their mind it's the only right thing to do to a babies/c h i l d genitals...
5. the african mother might have no acces to other information other than what she has been told. the american mother has access to internet to learn all about the downsides of circumcision, female AND male!
as much energy and time it will take to make an uninformed mother in the backwoods understand that SHE is the person that can make a step in stopping the problem of female circumcision, maybe even more energy it will take to make women and men like you see the same fact for their sons...
1. he is intact, was meant to be by god and/or evolution;
2. it is HIS penis, NOT mine to decide!
3. the fact that is has been tradition to cut a boy in my little part of the world, is NOT a strong argument, in the same way female circumcision has to stop even IF tradition on the other side of the world! a WRONG tradition HAS to be stopped sometime!
4, the boy, at 18, would NEVER **** you for NOT clipping him! he makes his own decisions, staying unclipped most likely!
think about this! and think about how we could ever change views in africa, when you yourself scream hell and murder if confronted with an opinion you don't feel comfortable with.
....Come to that, how would YOU feel if your father had had your ears cut off for cleanliness or had your name and **** group tattooed across your chest or on the back of your neck, becasue it seemed like a good thing for you when you were too tiny to even know what was being done?
Also, if YOU are happy to keep yourself clean an dother people do not, is that good enough grounds for routine mutilation of all male babies, often without any painkillers?
Additionally, the "sensitivity in the head" that you see as a disadvantage might be highly enjoyable to another man....Many older circ'd men have trouble reachig orgasm because they have been robbed of the inate sensation of the foreskin,..as one ages it takes longer and requires more stimulation to orgasm so the forskin voluptus is vital for many.
so if it's legal, there could be nothing wrong with it? so alcohol and tabacco are not the most dangerous drugs because it's legal? the fact that something is legal, doesn't prove the point that is that it is harmless, without danger, or morally right!
and i will NOT shut up because of anything you say! and what i quote here from your previous statement is complete BS!!
welshlad at 20,Mar,12 11:27 "i have my opinion on it and so do other people u should all jsut respect what everyone thinks and not argue over it..."
i will keep argueing because i think it's wrong to cut of foreskin of little boys and it going on and on and on!!
if the arguments you give to cut your son would be true, than in europe, 90% of the guys being UNcut, there must be a BIGBIGBIG problem with penal health!! but strange thing: it DOESN'T!!
the circumsize-lobby can argument what they like, use statistics as rubber bands, throw sand in the eyes of the naives, but it doesn't win your case!
if foreskin was a bad idea, evolution (or even intelligent design, haha!) would have taken care of it!!
so: if you want to cut up your boy, rob him of all the pleasure a foreskin can give to him and future sexpartners, decide for him, because you want him to look like daddy does, go ahead, it's legal!
take your wrath on what your parents did to you!! cut it off and feel just RIGHT about it!! he might h a t e you for it, but hey, you could not let him take the decision for himself... too little time!! you just HAD to do it!
i said: GO AHEAD! CLIP YOUR SON!! you want it? DO IT! you think you have the right? DO IT! you want him to "look better"?? DO IT! to look just like daddy? DO IT!! to make him ahev hin have a clean penis instead of learning him to put his skin back in the shower? go ahead! DO IT!
CLIP YOUR SON if you want to and if legal!! find a doctor that want to do it, no problem, he earns a living out of it!!
but since you are matt52's WIFE, you don't even know what a foreskin means to a guy!
.......You have joined this disscussion by coming here and abusing people,...telling untruths wrapped as facts,....making unsubstantiated accusations, and generally bitching about what is actually the normal state of the male body......
....So WHY?.....WHY are you so keen to mutilate?....WHY did you probably mutilate your own ****(ren)....WHY do you want male sensuality reduced?
Please listen to me when I say DON'T DO IT!!! My parents made a bad decision and ruined my life... don't make the same mistake...
this is how he feels! and he has a right to do so!
if it ruined his (sex)live because he has felt loss, who are you to judge??
in this thread, the man that knows, that is clipped without his consent, gives his opinion, and yes, it seems to go VERY deep, and you prefer to riduculize him instead of listening to him and take some reflection or input on your own opinion!
spirit chaser spoke out and he has a right to!!
and why being so sensitive about comparing a boys circumcission to a females circumcission?? (and getting to it, famale circumsission goes from a little scratch to taking away the clitoris, and many varieties -cutting the outer lips for example). but, what exectly is the difference? it is both wrong!! and there is no need for it!
i don't WANT it to look bad in my argumentation, i THINK it is BOTH bad!!
mind you, i understand there is a cultural difference between americans (clipping away for no good reason, but hey: we just do!) and europeans (not clipping).
but, i there are more guys regretting to be clipped than guys regretting to NOT be clipped! and the first is irreversable, the second is free choice!
Who are you to trivialise the responses of the men who rightly feel mutilated by the opinions of parents who were supposed to protect them from exactly this type of harm?
Only Islamic countries, or countries with large Jewish communities routinely circumcise males, as it is a ritual within those faiths, so it has nothing to do with health. People who practiced Judaism within the early years of the U.S.A's health system ensured it was done routinely.
If a man practices good personal hygiene, then you have no foreskin problems. Some men have a naturally tight foreskin, but that can be easily remedied.
Go to Canada, Australia, U.K, Germany, Japan, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, France, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Ireland.... ie, the majority of the world, you'll find it very, very difficult to find a cicumcised penis. Fact.
With the greatest of respect to you I dont know what book of fables you have been reading but as an Australian I can well advise you that it is just the opposite in the case of Australia.
Visit any nudist beach for example and you will see just by simple observation that the larger percentage of us are in fact circumcised.
The comment about the Jewish faith is also not correct.
some interesting statistics and details about male circumcision in australia at:
circumstitions dot com/Australia dot html
looking at that, i think you might visit the nudebeaches of South Australia, Queensland or New South Wales...
but the main point Intense69 was trying to make goes UNdisputed (and here i copy/paste and quote):
"The majority of the developed world is uncircumcised, and the majority of the developed world have no foreskin-related penile health problems."
and that IS a fact!
Your last sentence sums this whole silly debate up well.
There are far more important issues than whether or not we are missing a tiny piece of skin off our dicks.
Big deal if we are cut or not, we are all EQUALLY males and whether we are cut or not makes no difference to our masculinity and worth as men even though some individuals may believe otherwise.
Best regards and compliments.
What exactly is the purpose of this genital mutilation?
There IS no medical purpose!
Plus constant exposure of the glans leads to decreased sensitivity...
Leave it the way nature made it.
They butchered me when I was an infant with no power; I'd never do it to anyone else.
.....And yes, a circumcised man has indeed been 'mutilated' according to The Concise Oxford Dictionary, and I suspect, all English ditionaries.....take a look for yourself.
Personally, I find this whole business of systematic, routine and toitally needless mutilation to be utterly horrific and the work of hideous ignorance,...so yes it IS "sad" and one of the many benefis of sites such as this is to help remove that ignorance.
They usually will claim either directly or more often by inference,that cut males are "lesser" than uncut males, imperiously elevating themselves at the expense of cut males. They seem to conveniently overlook the fact that whether a man is cut or not makes absolutely NO difference whatsoever to his masculinity or worth as a man.
As far as I can see Matts wife has only said that I'm a "jerk" and an "asshole" and that we are "bashing" men who have been circ'd,....leaving aside the personal insults, which may or not have some "truth", the last is most definately NOT true.....
....Perhaps if matts wife were to say something of reasonable intellect, or even just relevant to the argument we would be able to judge whether it was "true" or not...(??)
you cannot call people that decide to leave it alone "a brigade"!!
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