I'll have a grading system somewhat like the one in the other thread, though I'll give different weightings. I will be a rather strict - some may say unforgiving - judge. Only the best cocks will score high! (I may institute a minimum standard for being considered for points-judging, a pre-screening if you will. To save everyone time, if you don't think you'd score a 10/20 or better, you needn't submit. For a rough guide to beauty-pageant standards: A minimum of 10 is what I'd consider suckable, a 12 I'd definitely suck, and higher than that I'd go out of my way to suck.)
Length - 5 maximum points
You can post measurements if you like but there's also the visual estimate (someone saying 7" won't get length points if they only look 5" on sight - I also reserve the right to penalize
exaggerated/inaccurate claims).
My personal "length" point-system:
below 4.5" - 0 points
4.5" to 5.25" - 1 point
5.25" to 5.75" - 2 points
5.75" to 6.25" - 3 points
6.25" to 7" - 4 points
above 7" - 5 points
Girth: 5 points maximum
Same visual-estimate thing applies as with length as explained above.
below 4.25" - 0 points
4.25" to 4.5" - 1 point
4.5" to 4.75" - 2 points
4.75" to 5.25" - 3 points
5.25" to 5.75" - 4 points
Above 5.75" - 5 points
Aesthetics - 10 points maximum
This is the highest-weighted segment. Things like head shape, shaft shape, length-width proportion and overall look (including surroundings - e.g. grooming and balls) are judged here. Basically the "wow" factor. A full score of 10 here will be quite rare; a 9 is already considered outstanding. (NOTE: A video with an impressively beautiful cumshot could add to the aesthetics score, though be advised that I might not have the points to download/view it.)
Overall score is out of 20 points.
Okay, I'll start with my own as an example:
[deleted image]
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It measures a very average 6" by 5", so 3 points each there, for 6 points.
Aesthetics - proportions are nice, head shape and proportion is very nice, nicely shaved, stands up very nice and straight, no particularly funny-looking curvatures, shaft maintains pretty uniform thickness from base to head, circumcision scar is not distracting, nice color, no surface blemishes, would definitely suck one like this. For the size, it's hard to find one much better-looking. 8/10 at least.
6 + 8 = 14/20, or 7/10. Definitely above-average but there are more delectable cocks out there in virtue of length/thickness.
BONUS cock: I'll use the one in the video I have currently on my profile page:
[deleted image]
Looks like around 8" by 6", so it gets a 10 on size. Nice proportional cock-head, head shape okay, skin tone nice, veiny surface quite appealing. (Damn, my boner may be compromising my judgment on this one.) C-scar barely noticeable. Has a little brown freckle on the shaft but that hardly bothers me. Looks like a little disproportionately wide and flat across the upper side of the shaft, i.e., could be more rounded out. Stands nice and straight and looks quite fully rigid. Though it would definitely stretch my mouth out, I'd go out of my way to suck this cock. At least 8/10.
18/20 on this one. A magnificent cock.
bigone21 - 19/20
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marvinn - 17/20
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erex - 17/20
bluemn7 - 16/20
[deleted image]
yeahsure - 16/20
Lengt masurement..
and girth...mesurement
Aesthetically it looks great aside from the metal ring, quite nearly my idea of a perfect cock. I'm just a little troubled by the top-side vein and slight asymmetry towards the head. 9/10.
19/20. Yum!
don't be troubled with the top-side vein..! it's doing well, transporting b l o o d!! haha!!yes, the piercing i CAN take out, and sometimes do, on request.
the asymmetry thing, i don't see, and was never commented on by all the hundreds of guys that took hold of it, but hey: YOU are the hornybicurious expert!!
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