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YoungBoy or YoungGirl to chat in skype or msn

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #219074 [Ignore] 05,Apr,12 18:17
For chat and cam or only chat, only young between 29 - 18

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By #59855 23,Mar,13 15:41
From Matt's Wife: Classless.

By #238807 18,Apr,12 23:51
Well, if there is any part of the human anatomy that is IMPOSSIBLE to guess the age of, it is a nice hard cock, being displayed by itself.

By #68656 10,Apr,12 04:17
Hello Acro and Matt`s wife.
The part about the poster claiming we are "arrogant" is interesting when he demonstrates elitism as well as blatant ageist discrimination.
Presumably he has parents and heaven help them if they ever get old and suffer something like Alzheimer`s or require assistance, using his own guidelines they would be "lesser" than anyone under 30.
I will not be drawn into foolish debate and will as you say will not concern myself any more plus in all actuality the poster is fake.
By #166469 15,Apr,12 14:28
nice defense John refuse to answer any questions, make an irrelevant point and then accuse me of being fake just great.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 18:48 other posts 
@fuzza: you do well! in this thread you are the ONE guy that respects the rules of a discussion!

you are just 18 y/o, and some people here could learn from you..!

i don't think you are fake, i just think you very well know how to speak out!

By bigone21 [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 19:26 other posts 
@JohnS: leave the guy alone!! he wants to talk with guys his own age! what is wrong with that!? you are acting like a pissed old sour fool!

why is it that you gather all your friends (m'wife, j'35, mr'7) to learn this 18 y/o a lesson??

youth is the future! and i for sure would not burn them for feeling the exact way i did!! yes JohnS, we are getting old! live with it!
By bigone21 [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 19:42 other posts 
JohnS, you are crazy! what has Alzheimer has to do with the original post?? you have too much time on your hands!!

By #68656 08,Apr,12 11:20
Hello Matt`s wife and Mr. 7 inches.
We can well assume the high intellectual and fuzzy logic that will be discussed on any contact that eventuates.
Certainly of no intellectual interest to we old fossils who are over 29, now we need to go back to our warm milk and classical music and let the kiddies play. One day they will be over 29 and ancient just like us and even Robert.
By #166469 08,Apr,12 18:15
Dude im not going to pretend that a chat between younger people is going to be intellectual in nature if it derives from an invitation to cam. It is quite obvious that this forum post is a proposition for sexual conduct.
Is it not true though that if a younger person did want to have a conversation that another younger person is more likely to be interested in the same things?
Also (and this is the only question i really care for you to answer) is it wrong that a younger person feels more comfortable talking to and doing sexual things with another young person and not a man in his 60s ?

P.s. The arrogance is very unattractive.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 17:25 other posts 
@Fuzza: sure man, everyone, including you and Seviper, has a right to decide to whom they want to talk sexy, skype, cam, or in the end even fuck with!!

male/female, gay/straight, over 29 y/o or under, you decide for yourself!

when i was 18 y/o i never thought about or even considered a guy in his forties or older! and 30 years later i see a 18 y/o with the same thoughts, sure you do!

you made a good and fair statement about it!

By #59855 09,Apr,12 23:55
From Matt's Wife: Agreed........I find it sad that this place is some peoples only way to have sexual contact

By #59855 06,Apr,12 12:23
From Matt's Wife: Hmmmmmm, what is he seeking????

By #147052 06,Apr,12 10:21
You just might learn something that you would enjoy if you were to stop the age discrimination.

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