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I cant figure out my obsession with sucking cock

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #249458 [Ignore] 07,Apr,12 15:29
I'm a bi-curious/bi male who loves women with a passion, but I also have a very strong desire to suck cock. Im not attracted to males in any other way, but cocks turn me on like you wouldnt believe. I wish I could figure this out.

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By bigone21 [Ignore] 07,Apr,12 17:23 other posts 
i too wish you could figure this out!! it is getting annoying that all these "straight" guys want to so suck cock, and still claim to be straight!!

be a sport, and admit to be at least: bicurious!

some of these guys even want it UP THE ASS and still claim to be straight because "they are not romanticaly involved"..! sure!! i'm NOT romantically involved with every ass i fuck, i just LUST for it!!

and if you LUST for cock, please explain to all us gay and bisexual guys, who are OPEN about our sexual orientation, who came out with our feelings, who are sometimes discriminated against, by society and governments, please explain, why a hetero guy sucking cock is any different from, for example, a guy like me!
By #286115 26,Jul,12 05:48
No need to get annoyed mate! It just seems that our definitions of what's straight & what isn't are different that's all!.

The reason its different when a hetero guy sucks a cock to when a gay guy, like you, for example, sucks a cock, is that a hetero guy can then go & suck a pussy, which a gay guy would not! Seems pretty simple to me.

You seem to think you deserve more consideration because you have come out, & had to put up with shit. While I feel bad that you copped a hard time with it, you have NO confusion cause you only like guys!

I'll compromise with you & say I'm semi-bi!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 26,Jul,12 12:20 other posts 
What bigone21 has done is extrapolate his own feelings to every other man in the world. He's saying "I desire to have sex with men, I self identify as gay, therefore every other man who desires other men has to be gay, too, or at least bi-sexual" He's far from the only one who does this. Many straight men say "I'm straight and I have no interest whatsoever in having sex with another man, therefore any man who does cannot possibly be straight."

Human sexuality is far from being that simple. You an I both understand this. There are, what, six or eight billion people in the world and no two are exactly alike. But, as I said in my original post back in April, there are a lot of men like you and like 24mnj who self identify as straight but who like to suck cock. It's so commonplace that it's within the range of what's normal.
By #89828 26,Jul,12 14:20
Respectfully, spermkiss, I disagree. It isn't "cultural conditioning", as you say in your second reply on this thread,but rather the very definition of the terms straight/gay/bi. Words MEAN what they MEAN...you can't alter those meanings to better fit your world/self-view. That's one of the fundamental laws of language! "Homosexual"(gay) means having sexual relations with people of your own gender. "Bisexual" means having relations with both sexes. "Straight" means having relations of a sexual nature only with the opposite sex. The DEFINITIONS of the terms do not include specific sex acts, "romantic feelings" or "how you view yourself"...they clearly specify that the proper terminology is dictated be the genders of the people involved in the sexual activity. Nothing more, nothing less. You can't change the definition of a word in order to make it more comfortable for the user (By "you", I am not implying YOU specifically, btw, but the collective "you" who share a common language.). A STRAIGHT guy cannot suck cock and be STRAIGHT...by definition. He is engaging in a Bi/homosexual act by doing so. It doesn't matter how he "identifies". I can identify my CAT as a CHICKEN, but it will never cluck and lay eggs.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 26,Jul,12 20:57 other posts 
I think that we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this. If the definitions of the various words were so strict and absolute then there would be precious few "gay" or "straight" men in the world. Most gay men I know have had some sex with women. I certainly have, have you? Does that mean that we are all not really gay but bi-sexual? I've also had sex with numerous men who identified as srtaight but who were having a little man-on-man sexual fling. Are these men not really straight but bi-sexual?

I stand by my original statement that how a man self-identifies and how he lives his life are the most important criteria of his sexual orientation. An occasional contact with someone other than his prefered gender is just not that important. If you think otherwise, that is certainly your privilege.

By #269929 26,Jul,12 13:25
This discussion has made me feel i'm not alone with these feelings. Hiding them has messed me up sexually and in life. I adore cock but i love women

By slipper [Ignore] 10,Apr,12 02:21 other posts 
Suck on mine while you contemplate... (same here, btw)

By bigone21 [Ignore] 08,Apr,12 17:50 other posts 
so now we know that being in love with another guy's penis doesn't make you gay, sucking dick and claim to be straight? sure! take it up the ass and claim to be straight? sure thing!! why not??

you can do ALL the things you see in gay-porn and STILL be straight!!

because what identifies a guy being gay is: coming OUT to get off on that stuff sexualy! it's fuckin' GAY to tell your parents and even neighbours that you are into all that!! it is STRAIGHT to do it and deny you get off on BIG, HARD COCK you want to SUCK!

it is GAY to share a mortgage loan on the house you live in with your man, and it is STRAIGHT to leave the house and your wife and ch-il-dr-en for the evening, to go out sucking cock!??

is it GAY to promise your man to take care for him for the rest of your live, and STRAIGHT to suck or fuck with this gay guy and come home feeling all STRAIGHT??

so, my point of view: male/male sex is AT LEAST bisexual!! and sucking cock and being in denial makes you a closetr case! come out!!
By #217368 08,Apr,12 23:51
i would love to share my interest with my wife, but social pressures and the life I have established with her scares me.

So for me I love posting pics, to relieve my tension... I can't endanger my family like that, because the depend on me.

So I can claim bi curious, but due to the social climate I'm in telling the world is not beneficial to me.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 09,Apr,12 12:31 other posts 
so, NO offence, that makes you a closet-case with your sexual feelings! i have been there, until i came out to be gay. and it's NOT a good life, being in the closet!

and that is what it is, being in the closet as gay or bisexual, being scared all the time!!

i wish you all the best! and maybe someday you will find out, as i did 25 years ago, that coming out is the only solution to being scared!

By #172995 08,Apr,12 16:55
We read far too much into labels like straight, gay, bisexual, etc. We have to laugh at the denial by so-called "str8" men when many of them have sucked more cocks than most Bi-Sexuals will see in a lifetime.

I adore women with tender feelings and I love pussy. If given the opportunity, I could savor the sweet scent and taste of pussy 24/7.

I enjoy playing with cocks and balls mainly because men are convenient and easy and no emotional strings are attached.

In summary, lovemaking with women and relief with men.

By #5532 08,Apr,12 03:02
Just do it. I love to see my guy suck a cock, and to have his sucked by either a man or a woman
By #249236 08,Apr,12 11:33
i'm looking for more girls like you. one that understands its okay to be bi. bi doesn't mean you only suck cock.

By #188764 08,Apr,12 09:03
Every man is fascinated with his own penis, and many of us had our first sexual experiences playing with the stiff cocks of other boys. So it's natural that we would be fascinated with cocks generally. Why many of us bi guys have such a powerful urge to suck them, however, is not as easily explained. I have no interest in a romantic relationship with men, but I love to have sex with men.
By #249236 08,Apr,12 11:31

By #249458 07,Apr,12 17:11
I hear what you're saying but theres a part of me that just feels like it is wrong for me to suck a cock. I just feel like its not natural for a man to suck a cock. For example, when I see a video of a girl sucking a cock I think its the most unbelievable site there is. When I see a man sucking a cock it just doesnt look right at all.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 07,Apr,12 21:14 other posts 
If it weren't natural, then you wouldn't want to do it. Nor would I want to do it nor would any other man. But a lot of men do.

What's happening here is cultural conditioning. There is an enormous amount or anti-homosexual bias in our society (as a gay man I'm painfully aware of this), and that cannot help but effect your views. But consider this: homosexuality has been around since the dawn of mankind and it is seen in other species as well. Despite huge efforts to make it go away, it just won't.

The best advice I can give you at this point is to find a way to get the man-on-man sex you want (be it giving oral sex, receiving oral sex or both) in a safe and controlled way. If you do not, there is a very good chance the desire could just building inside you and it could drive you to do very risky things.

A recent example of this is the arrest of Senator Larry Craig for soliciting in an airport restroom. He emphatically denied being gay and he probably isn't, but his life was turned upside down. Don't let this happen to you.

Send me a Private Message if you want to discuss things privately.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 07,Apr,12 16:22 other posts 
This is so commonplace that it is within the range of what is normal. There are a lot of (mostly) straight men who like to suck cock but have no other interest in men. I call them straight cocksuckers and there are thousands who are members of this site and undoubedly millions worldwide.

Human sexuality is an extrodinarily complex subject and some things are just impossible to figure out. So if you want to suck cocks, go for it and don't try to figure it out. Just enjoy it.

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