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Chat Room

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #30729 [Ignore] 08,Apr,12 04:37
Hi! ich glaube, ich habe diese Frage schom mal gestellt aber keine zufruedenstellende Antwort erhalten. Also nochmal: Wofür ist der chat room gut? Wie kann man ihn benutzen? Könnt Ihr mich, und bestimmt auch viele andere unser/innen, aufklären und uns die entsprechende Auskunft geben? Herzlichen dank im voraus!

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Similar topics: 1.New feature - personal chat rooms [by admin]   2.Don't Bring Main Chat Room Fight into Forum!   3.Don't bring the main chat room back   4.Video chat sites   5.iPhone chat room issues?  

By #68656 08,Apr,12 06:51
Basically he is asking the question below regards the chat room,

"Hi! I think I've asked this question several times but received no answer. So again: What good is the chat room.? How can you use it? Can you advise me, and certainly many others and give us the appropriate information? Many thanks in advance! "
By #89828 08,Apr,12 09:50
JohnS-Thanks for the translation! As I read this, I imagined a new "species" of forum posts:

"I am an English speaker, and not at all attracted to other languages, but I sometimes find myself fantasizing about reading German. Does this mean I am bi-lingual?"
By bigone21 [Ignore] 08,Apr,12 12:07 other posts 
hahaha!! @justlookin: funniest post of the month!!

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