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Who Sleeps Naked

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #219847 [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 04:37

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Similar topics: 1.Naked 24/7   2.Your roommate sleeps NUDE ? You like to look at him nude when sleeping ?   3.Women and naked men   4.Naked men vs naked women   5.Full body naked  

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 27,May,12 17:34 other posts 
I've been sleeping since I was in college.....over 40 years ago....I'll never wear clothing to bed again.

By #220845 26,May,12 00:35
Luv 2

By spermkiss [Ignore] 25,May,12 17:02 other posts 
Is there any other way?

By niginni [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 10:36 other posts 
i have been sleeping naked since i was 14, saves money
By niginni [Ignore] 06,May,12 07:38 other posts 

By #122507 05,May,12 06:11
I always **** naked!

[deleted image]

By #164428 18,Apr,12 04:44
I used to, but not now. I live deep in the woods, and, sometimes, I get huge hunting spiders in the bed. I don't want one in my hoo-ha! It gets damn cold here, too.

I'd love to **** naked with you, Honey, after a night of hot sex!
By #164428 18,Apr,12 04:45
s l e e p
By #219847 18,Apr,12 04:49
I love how s l e e p is censored x'D
How did you know what I was gonna ask
By #164428 18,Apr,12 04:50
Yeah, that is censored but you can say FUCK! Go figure!

Awww. I would love to be with you any day or night of the week!
By #219847 18,Apr,12 04:52
Really, wow x'D
Or just the whole week
By #164428 18,Apr,12 09:49
NOW you're talkin'!
By #205329 19,Apr,12 03:51
I'll keep you warm Steffi..and make sure there's no room for those nasty spiders in your hoo-ha.....with my tongue of course!
By #164428 19,Apr,12 13:26
Now THAT'S a plan I can get behind!
By #205329 21,Apr,12 00:13
I just hope my tongue glove!!! Sort of a "love" glove.
By #164428 29,Apr,12 02:41
It would fit just perfectly!
By #205329 30,Apr,12 01:37
hmmm might have to wiggle my tongue to get it all the way in...just like a tight fitting leather glove..would that be ok Steffi??

By #208346 28,Apr,12 03:37
I rarely wear clothes at home.always naked in bed.

By #24358 27,Apr,12 16:26
lov slept naked

By #249167 27,Apr,12 07:21
Naked all the time in bed. I dont like to feel restricted when I get a hardon- also easy to get hold of !!

By #218130 26,Apr,12 18:45
That is the only way for me

By #240539 26,Apr,12 18:37
naked ONLY...and I'd be naked all the time everywhere I went if society allowed it.

By mywusch [Ignore] 26,Apr,12 09:24 other posts 
always, like the feeling

By smartex [Ignore] 26,Apr,12 05:24 other posts 
I always do. If it gets really cold in the winter I'll wear a t-shirt, though, but no pants. Never...

By #220845 26,Apr,12 05:12
I luv too!

By #181785 20,Apr,12 00:16

By #54774 19,Apr,12 21:34
I ALWAYS go to bed nude. If it is cold then I trow an extra blanket on but NEVER any PJs or anything. Far more comfortable and what's the point in wearing clothes in bed anyway? You're asleep!!!

Sometimes in the summer, when it's really hot, I don't even have any covers over me!

By #205329 19,Apr,12 03:48 have to be ready..

By slipper [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 21:42 other posts 

By bigone21 [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 14:22 other posts 
i've slept naked since puberty!

By #220845 18,Apr,12 11:57
Have always loved it.

By #147052 18,Apr,12 09:57
Naked!!!!! Have since I was a ****. Just don't like having my body covered with bed covers and clothes. And my willy likes the fresh air of summer breezes blowing across the bed.

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 18,Apr,12 05:16 other posts 
Having been a nudist most of my life I always s l e e p nude! I Live a nudist lifestyle 24/7 with the exception of when I have to be at work or out in public,I lve in an area that affords me to do so and love it emencly.Most of my friends and family know and dont have a problem with it at all.

By #187578 18,Apr,12 05:02
From the bottom down yeah but I always wear a shirt

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