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panty sniffer

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #254459 [Ignore] 04,Jun,12 05:44
Does anyone like sniffing panties? I love the smell of different panties

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Similar topics: 1.Panty, etc,, Under male clothing   2.panty pics   3.Panty sniffer panty shot.   5.panty sniffer  

By #467291 19,Jul,14 18:54
I've been a pantie sniffer all my life. I started when I was 12 sniffing my mother's panties as I masturbated. I went onto sniffing my ****'s panties, then every girlfriend's panties. I am present living with my daughter & 16 year old grand-daughter and sniff their dirty panties as often as I can.
By #446675 20,Jul,14 18:59
mmm bet hey smell good
By #143546 13,Aug,14 10:32
Same here, started with moms panties at 8 and now i love sniff my dau´s strings
By uncutjoy [Ignore] 21,Dec,22 09:18 other posts 
Your grand daughter is 24 years old now. That’s how old this post is! 😂
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 21,Dec,22 09:36 other posts 

Yup, and the OP is probably in jail with the rest of his scummy family!

By #662360 21,Dec,22 08:37
Perhaps I’m kinky or a pervert but I like my sexy little panties nice and clean and sweet smelling straight out of her lingerie drawer. Anyone else out there like me? [deleted image]

By #136427 21,Jul,14 07:45
I sniff

By #136427 26,Feb,14 15:54
Im a sniffer

By #136638 14,Jun,12 14:09
Its so exciting finding a pair of dirty panties, how nervous one gets picking them up and examining them and how they instantly get you hard and how they get you so excited you have to be careful not to cum to quickly. Its so amazing the effect panties have on us guys, how they turn us on and how much pleasure we get from the scents, the tastes, seeing the panties and the feeling of the fabric. To bury your nose into the crotch and smell a womans intimate area, and how it instantly makes us hard and twitching for release. Each womans dirty panties smells different and the thought of how potent they will be, or how fresh they are makes one even more excited. Not to many guys can resist checking out a dirty pair of panties. When a woman is not around having her dirty panties to pleasure yourself with is the next best thing. Check out our profile for more about us.

By #234610 10,Jun,12 09:33
Hell wife and I have a lot of teenage girl friends who are fuckin hot! And their panties smell so to sniff and lick em...and jack off. Sometime I wrap them around my cock and jack off with them depending on the material...I love fuckin sexy...they really emphasize their asses...and man do these girls have some asses for young white of the girls actually sucked me once till I exploded in her mouth...she didn't waste a drop. I don't think I've ever cum so hard in my life...felt like my balls were gonna turn inside out! Still jack off to the memory of that episode!

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