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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #22008 [Ignore] 27,Oct,09 17:04
When I was 3 years old there was no Internet or PC's or anything .We had w.w.pigeon post. So I took pics of my 3 yr old dick,stuck the pics on a pigeon's leg and sent it off around the world with a note asking people to comment on my dick.NOBODY EVER EVER REPLIED!!!>I was so traumatised that my dick stopped growing when I was 5 and has never got any bigger!The moral is that people WHO KEEP ON GROVELLING FOR COMMENTS ARE ACTUALLY VERY LITTLE PEOPLE!!!

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By #33252 29,Oct,09 08:47
if you dont like the site we are on ,,,,just go to your room and cry about it.
By #22008 29,Oct,09 14:22
Um,do I get the feeling that was a pointless comment?
By #27570 30,Oct,09 01:25
I do think it's pointless to bring this topic up again. They won't go away. They're like flies on shit. They'll be here begging for comments as long as the site is here. Personally I think the beggers should go bugger themselves!
By #6568 30,Oct,09 04:12
Thats true but please remember that a lot of the men coming here basically lack sexual confidence and/or have negative feelings about their penis of sexual ability,....and there are not too many other places for them to go.

By #22404 28,Oct,09 10:26
Sucks to be you. Lighten up dude.
By #6568 28,Oct,09 11:45
NO,..he does'nt need to lighten up,...he's already a lot lighter than you for a start!

There are too many men who come to this site hurting about with their lack of confidence, least he's trying to help.

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 28,Oct,09 06:37 other posts 
LOL...good one....grovel, grovel, grovel....

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