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first hair

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #279981 [Ignore] 10,Aug,12 17:20
Hey guys, what age were u when started to grow hair on ur dicks. I was 11.

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By #265525 02,Dec,12 02:29
I was 8 when I began growing pubes! The first person to see them was my older ****! I fell asleep in the tub and he woke me and said nice bush and I laughed like what's a bush.

By nekekal [Ignore] 01,Dec,12 23:55 other posts 
I was about nine. I got a lot of shit in the locker room because my cock was bigger than everyone else and I was growing hair on it. I went home and pulled them out. I actually shaved for a number of years to look less freakish.

By notnow [Ignore] 01,Dec,12 14:23 other posts 
i was 12 , thought it was great !!

By #220845 01,Dec,12 12:40
Probably 9 or 10, and I shaved

By taurus [Ignore] 05,Sep,12 17:11 other posts 
I was 11 and the first in my class to have hairs...the other boys were envious...

By #291618 12,Aug,12 21:51
Mine started growing at 12 and i shaved them cause on swimming class i looked my friends didnt had haha and now im hairy but i prefer being soft

By #183178 12,Aug,12 08:01
Mine started coming in at 12, it was great in the school gym shower having some hair and most didn't yet
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 12,Aug,12 15:08 other posts 
When I started 7th grade & there were showers after gym - most of the guys had some hair - some had lots of hair aeound their cocks - as I remember

By #64328 11,Aug,12 03:28
I had an adult size dick and could ejaculate at 13 but no pubic hair until 17
By spermkiss [Ignore] 11,Aug,12 12:21 other posts 
That sounds like me, but you got hair growth even later than I did. See my note above.

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 11,Aug,12 10:57 other posts 
I started growning hair around my cock when I was 11 - nearly 12. I hit 12 during late Fall - at the end of Summer - I was still 11 - the hair started growing. It was there when I went to school to start the 7th grade.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Aug,12 20:44 other posts 
I was very much a late bloomer as far as pubic hair is concerned, probably about fourteen. That's how old I was when I started high school and saw other boys nude in the showers after gym class. Almost all of them had at least some hair, but I was still hairless.

I knew I was entering puberty, however, because my dick had grown to adult size and I could jack off and ejaculate. So there I was with my skinny, hairless boy body with a huge man size dick. I was sometimes kidded about not having hair and at first I was embarrassed about it. But at some point I embraced not having hair. It became fun to be hairless with a big dick.

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