| Hey Admin. I?ve see a lot of complaints about whether you should limit the number of pics, and I?ve seen you try to respond. I?ve seen complaints about quality of pics and you put in a picture voting system. I?ve seen suggestions for a discussion form, and favorite pictures, and you made them happen.
As Admin you take all the complaints but you don?t get enough kudos. So I?d like to just say thank you.
There would be no discussion and no complaining, if you didn?t create and diligently maintain this site, all at no cost to the users. Thank you for a site that lets secret exhibitionists and secret voyeurs enjoy themselves. Thanks for a site that lets men who think they are too small to build confidence by seeing that there are plenty of others the same, and for guys who think they are large to be humbled a bit by the fact that there?s always someone a little larger. Thanks for a site that brings out the wide array of male and female forms, some good looking, some scary looking, but all treated equally, and made feely available..
Thank you, Mr. Admin, for a fun site.
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