He only came back to deal with the issue of someone posting a picture of him without his consent... and he asked if I could pass along that he's sorry that he didn't get a chance to say goodbye, or even hello, to some of the folks here.
I wondered if that was him. Thanks to all in this post.
He was only here that short time, and of course, had the number one first slot on main page, rightfully so. Not many guys are that popular.
I've seen this name come up here before but I wanted to mention it again. Only the older members know who i'm talking about, she had tons of friends and i'm extremely happy to be one of them and actually I still am and we are very close. Her user name was Milly and she is a little doll!! For the people who knew her I need to say nothing but for the ones that don't i'll say this, she is gorgeous very intelligent, polite and someone i'm very proud to call my friend, she is extremely special.
I can't mention her without bringing Rayne into it she is another good friend of mine still today also a wonderful little lady. I could go on all day about them but enough said.
If your "still" friends with Rayne, and/or Milly, are you still in contact with them? I loved chatting with them and their friends and felt a true connection as friends. I was truly saddened when they disappeared. If you are in contact, would you tell them I'd love to get in touch again and let me know how? Thanks.
What the heck happened to xsteel, member #473582. He was formerly known as xaoxaoxao ( I'm not sure if I spelled that correctly ), you know him, the "sometimes when I'm alone...." guy? He returned for such a short time......
Goodbye ***mr7inches*** and jess, members #472269. I hope you both return someday. Don't tease us with your presence of just a couple of days, that's not fair!
WOW, heavenbesideyou is gone. She told me that she didn't have the time to devote to the site but I didn't think she would leave so soon. Take care, heavenbesideyou, member #472228.
I have heard from Steffi just recently. She is still struggling with health issues--had shown some improvement, but has had a bit of a set-back recently, but is doing well and stays in a positive frame of mind. She sent her regards to all of her SYD friends!
He was only here that short time, and of course, had the number one first slot on main page, rightfully so. Not many guys are that popular.
Milly Rayne
Mantis-Perfect & Maint-Man
and, I'm sure there are others that I just can't think of at the moment.
I can't mention her without bringing Rayne into it she is another good friend of mine still today also a wonderful little lady. I could go on all day about them but enough said.
That went by quick .Was that not one of Mr Motorhead13 threads.
--------------------------------------- added after 23 hours
And now not only the topic has gone but the author as well.
He was a sweet fella. Always left me teddies. I fucking love teddies.
--------------------------------------- added after 40 seconds
that was today on main chat
--------------------------------------- added after 115 seconds
ban]22:54 anonymous635: If I come back, that will be my new name.
--------------------------------------- added after 28 hours
Damn that should read "SEXY WEXY"
--------------------------------------- added after 28 hours
poolboy_ wrote (Sep 7, 10:52):
Missing you BIG time hon .Hope you can read this SEXY WEXY ;0) XXX
Yes, you knew him as anon73 and he did return as Lover_Fighter. Lover_Fighter has since departed.
Hope your doi'n OK buddy
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