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SHit assed Women

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #284666 [Ignore] 17,Oct,12 21:29
Women who don't clean their asses to leave a nice aroma. WTH? This is an actual group here, so I guess the idiocy of the chat/forums has bleed over into the groups now.


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By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,12 21:44 other posts 
That and a rapid erection with smelling stink of pussy gets the guys every time..... Does a woman even need social or domestic skills if she's got a shitty ass or a stinking pussy? Seems not!
By #284666 17,Oct,12 22:14
The fact that they felt the need to band together and make a group blows my mind. I hope they get stuck in a room on a steamy humid day, with a really nasty sweaty person who hasn't bathed in weeks and see if they like the smell after that.
By #218130 18,Oct,12 01:09
I mean shit is shit, whoever it comes from, it still stays stinking shit. Let them not wipe their own asses then they can smell the so called "NICE" aroma the whole time and walk around with permanent hard-on's if that arouses them so much. Just another one of the thousands of fetishes I guess.
By #303133 19,Oct,12 12:57
Shit stinks because that is NATURE"S way of saying: "Don't touch this."
By #218130 19,Oct,12 14:24
By #218130 20,Oct,12 00:13
And very expensive here at SYD/SYC. Pile of shit gift=150 points

By #218130 18,Oct,12 03:08
I prefer the normal, natural scent of a woman

Scent of a Woman - (by LionTamer)

the scent of a woman is not chanel number five.
its the smell that makes a man feel alive
it fills a man with hopes and dreams
it fuels his fire to change the world.
it can even fuel him to wage a war.
all for the love of his life.
the one that he adores.

i know your scent my love
i know the sweet smell on the folds of your skin
i know the smell of your petals spread wide
as I grab your stem and pluck you from inside.

you are the sweetest flower in the garden
men would walk miles just to smell your name.
for you are sweeter than a rose
and stronger than a night blooming jasmine
oh my love how i yearn for your pollen.

like a rose your skin is soft and fragile
and your smell is so sweet and sinful.

like a jasmine your scent ripples for miles
men are like walking zombies in search of your smile.

i feel like a man that has known a long famine
i desperately desire my sweet tasty jasmine.
i desire those red swollen rose petaled lips.
i desire the flower that will show me my heaven.
i desire the soft sweet scent of my woman.
Lion Tamer

By #218130 18,Oct,12 00:50
Birds of a feather flock together

By #291618 17,Oct,12 23:22
ok theres a group for everyone whats wrong with it?

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