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Who Gives A Big Red Rat's Ass!

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by #196416 [Ignore] 24,Oct,12 19:28
Here it is a forum to list all those topics or things you don't really give a shit or 2 shits about. Anything goes, lets hear it!

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By #339790 28,Jul,13 13:18
I get so tired of hearing this ridiculous shit....My BIGGG Cock this and is my cock big enough? Rate my cock, is mu dick good enough? Damn...IF people are that insecure about their cock SIZE how the FUCK do they every get it up to use it??? I am Avg to below avg and never had a complaint and MOST gals cum back for more as long as I will do it....I ain't NEVER had any problem getting some cootie or bootie either when I want it...I KNOW it isn't the size but how you grind it up!!! C'mon Gals, tell 'em! Do U get tired of hearing about it???
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 28,Jul,13 23:25 other posts 
Haha I am tired about hearing that and I do tell them that. Most chuck a little tanty and then block me. One did reply though and say other girls like it when he talks like that. Go figure.
By #23212 29,Jul,13 00:03
Yes, also tired of those things. But I'm also tired of hearing, "My wife won't do ...". Then why the hell did you marry her?

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 28,Jul,13 20:02 other posts 
who is this BIG RED RAT ASS Every one is talking about?

By Sickboy [Ignore] 20,Jun,13 16:26 other posts 
Squirrels(not sure if correct spelling!) Are red (well some of them)...what's your take on them??

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Jun,13 10:34 other posts 
I don't give a BIG RED RAT'S ASS if your dog ran away, if you spilled scalding coffee in your crotch because you're too stupid use your cup holder, if you received a bad haircut, if your neighbor is loud and you had a difficult time s leeping last night. I DON'T GIVE A BIG RED RAT'S ASS! YOU need to own your words, emotions and how you react to life. That's all I have to say.

Oh, I was not totally truthful, it would bother me if your dog ran away!

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 28,Apr,13 14:21 other posts 
All the post that are worth seeing are falling off the main page,Thought I would revive a few of them

By #196416 22,Apr,13 17:10
Needs to be said!
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Apr,13 17:12 other posts 
By a duck?

By #196416 06,Mar,13 21:27
Thought this may be a good time to bring this back to life.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Mar,13 21:44 other posts 
This subject matter has always been relevant. In the scheme of life, what could be so significant? Who Gives a Big Red Rat's Ass?

By #218130 03,Nov,12 14:06
I do! Don't fuck with my friends

By #196416 03,Nov,12 11:10
Who cares if you can hide your dick and try to make it look like you have a pretend pussy, YOU DON'T OK!
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 11:32 other posts 
Uhh.....daffu, what about the member(s)that can stick his dick in his own asshole and self fuck himself? Do YOU, do you really GIVE A BIG RED RAT'S ASS?

By #196416 03,Nov,12 13:35
Nope I don't bella and to that person all I have to say is Go Fuck Yourself!
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 13:41 other posts 
Yeah! To all the self fuckers; go fuck yourself!
By #218130 03,Nov,12 13:50
Tik Tok Tik Tok, the fake patrol WILL find you Don't despair, there is always hope

By #306576 01,Nov,12 18:25
I don't care if you have an 11 inch dick. If you don't want to make my mortgage payments, I don't give a rat's ass
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Nov,12 19:30 other posts 
Well.... What if he had a 3 inch dick and wanted to make your mortgage payments? THEN WOULD YOU GIVE A BIG RED RAT'S ASS? Hmmmm.....? Tell the truth! A member on SYD, I call him bay-bee, has a 3" hard on. So cute but so small. I remind him that my fingers are longer only cuz he likes SPH. Sorry, a bit off topic......
By #306576 03,Nov,12 08:39
Ok Bella,you got me on that one, Maybe he would let me have a boyfriend?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 11:35 other posts 
skinnygirl, would you be willing to share him, the boyfriend, with the guy I'm talking about? Hey, glad to see you're back and unscathed!

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 02,Nov,12 16:16 other posts 

I mean really, Dose it matter? So long as the dam things works! I DONT GIVE A BIG RED RATS ASS !!!
By #303133 02,Nov,12 16:32
I agree, Ray. Isn't your partner supposed to be pretty close to you when it comes time to shoot? Why are they standing so far away? If you are alone when you shoot, doesn't distance make for harder clean-up? Damn, that guy's walls must be a mess...
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 02,Nov,12 16:48 other posts 

By #303133 25,Oct,12 11:47
No shits will be given to those who post topics asking for medical advice!
By #218130 25,Oct,12 11:49
Will I go blind and grow hair on my palms if I "beat my meat"?
By #196416 27,Oct,12 11:37
Well just do it till you need glasses and use neet or nair on your palms they work very well.
By #218130 27,Oct,12 12:24
By #297360 25,Oct,12 12:03
but Doctors are all so high and mighty with their experience and medical degrees, i would much rather get the opinions of random people from a website centered around the display of penis.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,12 13:15 other posts 
Hell yeah

By #196416 25,Oct,12 20:48
It also really bugs me that so many have multiple fake accounts. I never know who I am talking to anymore..
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,12 19:38 other posts 
No shit! Members have multiple accounts? Oh wow, it must be rough keeping the 2 accounts separate. Yeah, right! 2 accounts!!!

By #196416 25,Oct,12 07:57
How about all the photo shopped/fake photos especially those gracing the main page. If your dick the way it is can't make it to the main page live with it, but then again I guess all those that view and comment on these types of pic's are just as bad or maybe even worse than those who posted!
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,12 10:11 other posts 
Yeah! Na na na boo boo....!
By #291618 26,Oct,12 17:24

By #274357 24,Oct,12 21:32
Seriously, what the hell is the point of all the dudes posing as women around here?

What is that about???
By #196416 24,Oct,12 22:56
Yes how stupid is that, what thrill would one get out of enticing some poor sap into conversation with someone he thinks is female when it is just some guy beating his meat.
PS: Not that there is anything wrong with beating your meat..
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Oct,12 23:11 other posts 
That is a term I haven't heard in a while. Everyone here seems to say wank and wank sounds so civilized and polite. But beating your meat primative and gorilla like!
By #303133 24,Oct,12 23:14
Much more manly than "spanking the monkey". too!
By #291618 26,Oct,12 17:20

By #274357 24,Oct,12 21:30
What is up with the dick measuring obsession???
By #291618 26,Oct,12 17:19

By #218130 25,Oct,12 17:01
Something a bit more serious. I just h a t e not knowing how our dear friend Steffi is doing? Does anybody have any news?
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,12 17:13 other posts 
No, and it is so unlike her to be away for so long.......

By #290169 25,Oct,12 14:23
Site Royalty--- now that's an oxymoron..... thing king is a fuck-tard and a bastard
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,12 14:31 other posts 
Oh no! You just might receive a pile of shit so fresh that it's still smokin'!

By #283093 25,Oct,12 13:32
This is by far my favorite ever forum topic!! I agree with all of the above
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,12 13:39 other posts 
You're right, this is the best thread ever! No restrictions, anything goes, c'mon BlondieXO, there's got to be something you just want to say!

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,12 10:18 other posts 
And another thing that makes me say "hmmmmm......." are the guys that are self suckers. Is your life that pathetic and lonely that you gotta suck your own dick? Wow! The only lips your dick will feel are your own! C'mon!
By #297360 25,Oct,12 10:21
not saying it would be all i would do with my life but if i could i would i might at least try it
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,12 11:26 other posts 
If I ever catch you doing that I'm going to slap the taste right outta your mouth!

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