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All this damn silliness...

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by #303133 [Ignore] 16,Nov,12 14:30
In another forum thread, a valued and outspoken SYD member brings up a point about the rise of "silly and pointless discussions...usually metaphorical, illogical, pointless and have no real purpose or topic" in the forum. (I have the greatest of respect for this individual and consider them to be a friend. I do not want this topic to be perceived as an "attack" by anyone, so I am not including that member's name.)

Is it possible that there is a valid point here? Is the "silliness" a detriment to the integrity of the forum? Is it disruptive and/or unwelcome?

As the originator of many of the threads/posts this subject refers to, I would welcome feedback from any Forum-folk on the matter...

PS: I am not posting this as a way of getting my ego stroked. I am seriously trying to open a discussion about the merits (or lack there of) of silliness in the forum.

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By #297360 16,Nov,12 16:44
Personally I'm finding it hard to give a crap about the so called decline in standards.

As far as detrimental to the integrity of the forum, this site is called Show Your Dick/Cunt, anyone surprised that Literature, Philosophy and rocket brain surgery are not the usual topics for discussion in this forum our painfully stupid.

To elaborate I do not see what is wrong with having a bit of fun on here in the form of our "illogical" and usually just plain silly discussions. I do not think it is anyone's place to pass judgment on the harmless fun of others.

To conclude I will answer your questions directly: No and No

P.s. I think it would be best if we stick to our fun and the particular member with an objection can stick to whatever it is that he does.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 16,Nov,12 16:46 other posts 
Well stated
By #303133 16,Nov,12 17:02
Your comment leads me to express two thoughts:

1. Damn, looks like I have to scrap the bit about rocket brain surgery I've been working on!

2. It seems that it would be much better to give a crap than to receive one...
By #297360 16,Nov,12 17:26
re-reading my post i cant help but think that my first comment makes it sound as if i have a bad case of constipation, most sorry for the mental image.
By #313314 16,Nov,12 22:01
Quit lying Silly, you know you are too indeed constipated. You told me so yourself. All that damn cream cheese and smoked salmon bagels did it. Now quit bellyaching and go get you some pepto bismo stat!
By #297360 17,Nov,12 05:59
I am not constipated and i have proof!!...

+salmon and cream cheese cant be any more of an onslaught on the system than constant intake of beans .
By #159671 21,Nov,12 21:28
Exactly how can you be constipated and still give a crap? ...unless you either saved it from before or stole somebody else's crap.

FYI: I AM a rocket scientist, yet still just a perv like everybody else on this site. Just because I flash my dick on the interwebs doesn't mean I can't discuss the subtle nuances of human life, philosophy and the arts (or Farts).
By #300891 18,Nov,12 08:05
fuck for all,any thing goes...any one want their **** fucked,**** you mother,**** shagging brothers any one,**** buggered?i dont give a shit what happens any more as long as i have my fun.....right?
By #297360 18,Nov,12 10:29
Are you trying to say that HARMLESS fun is a bad thing?

I think if you actually read the silly “harmless fun“ threads which Will, Bella, I etc have bean envolved in, you will find an absence of **** in our discussions.

It was an ill thought out attack and warrants an apology.
By #300891 18,Nov,12 12:46
"personaly i am finding it hard to give a crap about the so called decline in standards"... that is what i am getting at.if you use some thing or take part in some thing then give a crap...apologies?..bollocks.
By #297360 18,Nov,12 13:12
The reason I started with that statement is that I do not believe there has bean a decline in so caled standards.

The level of gutter conversation such as the cock rateing and other more disgusting subjects like i-ncest have always been here simpy because of the nature of this site.

I do not believe that this forum was ever the centre for intellectual discussion on the internet...
By #300891 18,Nov,12 14:12
so "personally i am finding it hard to give a crap about the so called decline in standards" actually means "i do not believe there has been a decline in so called standards"?....not only that,what does the "nature of this site" have to do with what topic is,or is not posted,on this forum?
By #297360 18,Nov,12 18:13
The reason "Personally I'm finding it hard to give a crap about the so called decline in standards. " is because i do not think there has bean a "decline in standards."

I do not care about something i believe to be fictitious.

"nature of this site" comment explained: I think that a site named Show Your Dick/Cunt is unlikely to yield the most high brow or intellectual form of communication between its members.

I expect the user base mainly to be interested in sexually explicit content, which it is, i am not surprised by this. It is simply not a site which lends itself to intellectual conversation.

When i come on here, usually i am seeking a bit of fun jokey conversation with the people i know on this site. If i want to talk politics or philosophy i don not log onto SYD.

Is that any clearer? Sorry for dragging on quite so much.
By #300891 19,Nov,12 03:17
no not really,its just another load of self oppinionated crap.from what i read,you thing we are a bunch of thick cunts,just because we have decided to display our genitals on this site.well then,whats stopping you posting a topic about literature,philosophy or rocket brain surgery(sic),or do you just come on here to poke the apes with sticks?
By #297360 19,Nov,12 06:34
I'm terribly sorry but you seam to have misunderstood my point. Maybe you should re-read it and offer another reply .
By #300891 20,Nov,12 02:53
i would read your comment again but, seeing as,it would appear,you have left the site,to find a more stimulating coversation some place else i would guess,then i dont think i will bother.
By #323005 20,Nov,12 11:38
from member #297360: feel free to reply intelligently at any point...
By #300891 20,Nov,12 11:51
oh your back, was the conversation on rocket brain surgery(sic) a little to high brow for you? and what,you thought you would come back and have a laugh at,and at the expence of,the bunch of thick wankers that congregate on sites like this?is that intelligent enough for a delusional,condescending little prick like you to understand?
By #323005 20,Nov,12 12:11
sigh...this may require you to put two dots together...
By #300891 20,Nov,12 12:17
as for putting two dots together,i am not quite sure what you mean.did you mean joining the dots,as in your favourite pass time,joining the dots on the table matts at which ever fast food out let you work at?
By #323005 20,Nov,12 12:22
I was suggesting that you seem to have trouble understanding something so very simple.
By #300891 20,Nov,12 13:31
how will putting two dots together help me understand what the fuck you are talking about...i could join two dots together,that would make sense,but then again i am not philosophising,rocket scientist brain surgeon with a bent for literature am i,unlike yourself of cause..
By #323005 20,Nov,12 16:02
The word is the you are a nice guy with the best intentions but you often fall short in the intellectual department.

If you read and understood what i have said you would know that I did not suggest that people on this site are incapable of being intellectual.

I said that this is probably not the place people come when they want intellectual discussion.

By #300891 21,Nov,12 04:34
and,as i have said,you are a condescending,patronising little prick,who uses an over inflated perception of his own intelligents to hide behind. "nature of this site comment explained:i think that a site named Show Your Dick/Cunt is unlikely to yield the most high brow or intellectual form of communication between its members".nope,nothing there to suggest you think any of the members are just a bunch of knuckle draggers. "it is simply not a site which lends its self to intellectual conversation".nope,nothing there either.. "if i want to talk politics or philosophy i don(sic) not log on to SYD".nope,still nothing... as for "the word" about me being a "nice guy with the best intentions",on what,is this oppinion based?and please can tell me who is of the oppinion i "fall short in the intellectual department"....i would have gone for the department of intellect,if i were trying to sound smarter than some one else that is...
By #323005 21,Nov,12 18:38
Let me use an analogy

The crowd at a football game are most likely going to be talking about football not literature, science etc. This does not mean that outside that environment, they do not talk about those subjects.

In the same way i think that people on this site come here to talk sex or joke around. Again this This does not mean that they cannot/do not talk more intellectually of this site.
By #300891 22,Nov,12 09:26
and are you say that if you go to a football match and talk football,and when you leave,if you then do not talk "literature,science ect",then you are thick wanker?
By #323005 22,Nov,12 11:34
no i do not mean ever of those things. Also it isn't patronising, your just opting into looking like a dumb ass .
By #300891 22,Nov,12 11:43
you are a patronising little prick,as you seem to think you are the only person who can decide what is,or is not,or what is ,or is not, an appropriate topic for,an intelligent conversation,who can have one and where it can be had..
By #323005 22,Nov,12 11:55
I have not said any of these things. You are simply choosing to find a message which is not there. That or you are just quite thick.

P.s That wasn't patronising it was insulting. (This, by the way was patronising)
By #300891 22,Nov,12 13:58
"nature of this site explained:i think that a site named Show Your Dick/Cunt is unlikley to yield the most high brow or intellectual form of communication between its memebers" your opinion,why not?
"its simply not a site that lends it self to intellectual conversation"...again,in your opinion,why not?
"if i want to talk politics or philosophy i don(sic)not log on to SYD" were do you go,if not here? time may i suggest,out of kindness toward you,you might like to try p.s.,PS or that patronising.
By #323005 22,Nov,12 14:13
The first two statements you seem to have trouble with:

I think that the naming of a website will dictate what sought of user interaction will happen. So a site named Show Your Dick/Cunt will encourage conversation of a sexual nature.

Also there is the actual basis of this site which is to show yourself sexually; again encouraging sexual interaction.

just like a tech forum on the internet encourages discussions about technology (obviously) more than conversations about cheese.

Where do I go if I want to talk philosophy: My best source for philosophical/ political discussion is a good friend of mine from school who currently studies History and Philosophy at university.

I do not belong to a website that caters to those particular needs/wants.

Hope this helps you understand those comments a bit better
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 22,Nov,12 14:24 other posts 
DAM !! Can we agree to disagree and get on with things?
Just my humble oppinion
By #300891 22,Nov,12 15:05
now theres a funny thing.if i were going to say "i thing that the naming of a website will dictate what sort of user interaction will happen.So a site named Show Your Dick/Cunt will encourage conversation of a sexual nature".,then that is what i would have said.What i would not have said is "nature of this site comment explained:i think that a site named Show Your Dick/Cunt is unlikley to yield the most high brow or intellectual form of conversation between its memebers".unlike you,and seeing as i have not been a party to every single conversation had,by every single member,in the entire history of this site,i do not make wide,sweeping judgements about the intellect,or lack of, of other members of this site purely based on my interpertation of what,is or is not,"high brow" or what is or is not an "intellectual" conversation.
By #323005 22,Nov,12 16:15
Your passion for deliberately misconstruing a point astounds me.

Those two statements of mine basically say the same thing the difference being that one is more tarted up and the other has bean broken down for ease of understanding.

Also you do not have to be Omniscient to read a public forum or a public chat.

As for the use of the expression "high brow" and the word "intellectual" I would say that Google is your friend. If you don't know what a word means look it up

I expect you will comment on how patronising that comment was but when you say something stupid please expect to get mocked.
By #300891 28,Nov,12 10:40
no they are not,they are two very different need to look up the meaning of Omniscient,high brow or intellectual thanks...but suggest you look up how to spell "bean"(sic)
By #323005 28,Nov,12 18:00
They are by no means very different, at the most they are different on the fact that they use different words, they have the same meaning.

If you don't need those two looked up for you then why where you so confused by my using of them?

And I so very sorry by my use of "bean" instead of been you must have found it very confusing.
By #274357 28,Nov,12 19:08 two.

You are both friends of mine, but stfu.

Hook up on a PM or something.
By #323005 28,Nov,12 19:41
I officially declare for the sake of the un-involved people who have to put up with this, that i shall no longer comment in this forum thread.

P.s have some pie
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Nov,12 20:23 other posts 
For the record, I asked that this pissing match stop days ago. Nobody is a winner in matters like this. I hope this will be the end of the bullshit!
By #491031 07,Sep,16 21:34
I like the fact that this very looooong thread contains an argument between members who are no longer here.
By #415959 08,Sep,16 08:28
I'm trying to remember who they were...
By #491031 08,Sep,16 08:31
I believe it was Mr.7 and confuseddolphin.

By #325134 14,Dec,12 19:12
Seems to me like a select few feel that they govern this site. FUCK THAT!!!!
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 14,Dec,12 20:27 other posts 
Nice choice of words I think your wrong! It is not that a select few govern the site at all, Plenty of people vioce their thoughts,questions and oppinions here.The problem here is that the majority of people that do post cant handle the oppinions that they recive with out being offended or acting like a complete idiot.You have to undsestand that it is an open fourm,with that you will recive all types of comments and replys! Question is,are they adult enough to handle it like an adult and not becoming an idiot?

By #7976 30,Nov,12 18:14
Well, it appears that I'm a bit late to the party on this thread however, it strikes a chord as an issue with me. I have long said that topics such as; "Hey, check me out", Has anyone gotten off on my pix", etc. don't belong in the Discussion Forum. They are topics that are rightly placed in one's own blog.

The Forum, in my opinion, should be the place where folks discuss issues near and dear to their hearts but aren't personal. Topics such as; "Why do we care about size?", "Gloryhole Experiences", or 'At what age did you have your first gay experience?" are relevant to everyone or at least, everyone has an opinion on them that they may choose to discuss if they please.

Well, that's my opinion on this topic anyway.

By just16cm [Ignore] 30,Nov,12 15:59 other posts 
Umm... nice "similar" topics...

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Nov,12 16:20 other posts 

By #159671 19,Nov,12 19:28
Tolerance, Acceptance. Some folks want deep discussion, others are entertained by silly. They both have their place.

To consider supressing certain ideas is to me, akin to say supressing small cocks or overly large tits. Live and let discuss!

By #68656 18,Nov,12 06:05
I have a vague idea as to the identity of the individual described above as "a valued and outspoken SYD member".
If it is whom I think it is, those words are too kind, I would personally use the old Australian colloquialism of "galah" to best describe the individual.
By #23212 18,Nov,12 21:46
Perhaps, my dear friend JohnS, your "... idea as to the identity of the individual ..." would be a lot less "vague", if you were to reread the Forum post called 'New Brigade Rising'. No indeed, this respected individual is most definitely NOT 'an idiot' at all, just someone with some very outspoken views on certain topics, and perhaps just someone who does not enjoy metaphorical humour, as many others of us do enjoy.

By slipper [Ignore] 18,Nov,12 21:45 other posts 
"Silliness" ??? Welcum to the Internet (and almost any forum on it relating to nearly any topic)!

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Show your Genitals