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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #301038 [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 02:00
Is that true? After being fucked by a BBC, who knew how to fuck, am I really doomed to never enjoy sex again?

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Similar topics: 1.Black cock   2.black pubic hair   3.Small Black Cocks   4.Share Your Fantasies.   5.Black Men.  

By #274357 07,Dec,12 19:13
I gather this experience was mind blowing for you.

But, what if…you would have had an equally great experience with an:

Asian. Once you go Asian you get a couple raisins.
Arab. Once you go Arab, uh...nothing rhymes with Arab.
Latino. Once you go Latino you spend too much on Keno.
Italian. Once you go Italian you'll be bucked by a Stallion.

I'm just sayin'...
By #23212 04,Jan,13 03:08
Howabout: " Once you go Arab, you'll trade in your scarab." ?

By pifad [Ignore] 03,Jan,13 00:48 other posts 
Color has nothing to do with it. Y'all know what's important in the delivery.

By nekekal [Ignore] 11,Dec,12 20:07 other posts 
I think that the **** was a guy who really knew how to fuck. Color of the cock is pretty immaterial I think. Although black guys are rumored to have more cock than white guys. Maybe. A guy with a big cock that fit your cunt would be pretty awesome.

Of course a white guy with a big cock and really knew how to use it would be awesome too. Maybe what you mean is once you have had a big cock and a guy who knew how to fuck, you will never be happy with small and terrible again.
By #301038 12,Dec,12 03:05
Maybe, but that's not how the saying goes. The other factor, could also be his height, 6'6'', I'm 5'11''. 7 inches is a big difference.
By nekekal [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 20:05 other posts 
Yea, I know how the saying goes. I have been with black women, and as she said, "we are all the same color inside, and the same size in the horizontal" She was pretty tall.

I am not sure that size of the person matters that much. We do all line up pretty well in the horizontal. But I do think that sometimes size does matter. I think that the saying should go "Once you go big, you never go back" That is probably what they were trying to say. lol

By WristThick [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 02:41 other posts 
Really surprised to hear this question from you, Peach! You should bet on black a couple of times and see how you like it. But just as I don't have any clear favorites when it comes to women, I doubt you'll have any clear favorites when it comes to men. Sexual chemistry is often hit and miss. If you don't have a fetish for blacks to begin with, then don't be surprised if you're a bit underwhelmed by the experience.

Of course, I could be wrong...
By #301038 07,Dec,12 04:08
I got myself into this trouble... He was my first BBC and he knew that he was my first. We had very intense email exchange and I could tell that the attraction was there... Needless to say, I'm a sucker for tall men, and this guy was 6'6'' . And I went for 3 months without a good fuck, and he looked delicious, was very good with his grammar and spelling, and he didn't have a single tattoo. Plus, he was a medic in the army, played basketball and was in great shape, and his cock... Well, I haven't actually saw it before we had sex, but I could only imagine.... Oh my, yeah, that's the kind of guy that made my panties drop on their own.

Long story short, he took this "being first BBC" to a whole new level. Nobody!!!, nobody never came even close to this guy... I was blown away, fucked to exhaustion. When we were done, I asked him if he fucks like this every time. He said that he had "to represent"... Anyways, an innocent NSA turned into an everyday ordeal. I just couldn't get enough of that magnificent men and his gorgeous cock. Thick 8 and a half inches of "caramel" meat. And he sure knew how to use it. I learned how to deepthroat that monster cock all the way. I loved it when he would grab my head and face fuck me nice and deep. Loved choking on his cock. Such a turn on.

It felt like I was under a "he makes me cum a lot" spell, all I wanted was another great fuck...nothing else in the world mattered... It couldn't last forever, I had get back to being a good housewife for my husband and having a BBC on my mind was way too distracting. We decided to be just friends, and we often get together for a quick burn and talk.

It took me awhile to get over my friend.n I tried to find a replacement, a substitute, another BBC, but I was really dissatisfied. It's not hard to find a big cock, the trick is to find a big cock that knows how to fuck without destroying my pussy. You see, I like to fuck every day, and if my pussy was ruined the night before, I can't fuck for couple of days. Plus, it sucks to have your pussy destroyed in the first place. Anyways, after some sarch, I just bought a thick 8 inch dildo that mounts to the surface. A life saver, I must say.

Half a year later, I still think about his cock and wish he would be willing to share me with my husband... But men that I like, unfortunately, have too much testosterone and don't play well with other men.
By boc [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 08:16 other posts 
How old are you? Your problems seem like that of a beginner. If you you are only talking a couple of years, there are many more years to your life. Of the 2 best lovers I ever had 1 was white, and the other was black, and I still often think about both of them. My first love and gf in higschool was French Canadian and German descent, she was very athletic, bold and incredibly sensual. I guess coming in third in Miss Ct at 16 did not hurt either. Skip to some 15 years later I meet a black woman who is 6 years my senior. She use to be a ballet dancer so she has the athletic build I like, plus she is boisterous and enjoys the various different cultural cuisines that I like as well. Well the rest is history as they say. Currently I am with neither of them (though I do still talk to the ex ballet dancer on the phone a couple times a month - and we both agree that our sex life was a once in a lifetime experience), and while I do miss the sex, at my age I realize there is much more to a relationship that just phenomenal sex. Also with the right person one can always progress towards that level of sensual excitement.
By #301038 07,Dec,12 08:21
I'm 26, lost virginity at 16, second marriage at 21.

I understand that with the right partner everything is possible, but the temperament is something you can't acquire or master.

My husband and I, have great sex, but it's not mind blowing and overwhelming like it was with the other guy.
By boc [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 08:48 other posts 
If a person is open to progressing with their partner, then temperament, above and beyond that, is irrelvant. If I were you I would be wary of anyone who admits to trying to make a "great show to represent" their race or what not. That is absurd on the face of it. Our behaviors in all things in life should represent our true inner desires as individuals, and not some attempt to be something we do not really want to be based on social stereotypes.

Every woman I have been with, obviously for more than a couple months, tells me how she notices that the sex just keeps getting better. And that progress never ended for any of the long term relationships I have had (8 and 10 years being the longest). I don't know about you but I would rather be with someone who starts of average but gets better, than someone whose first couple "performances" were exceptional but it went no where from there.

I think you need to honestly to ask yourself;

What it is that is stopping you from having "mind blowing sex" with your husband?

Do you need to have "mind blowing" sex every time you do have sex? One of my exes use to like to have "quickies" every once in a while - and I am not really into "quickies" - but I had no problem helping her out with those.

Can you be monogamous with a person with which sex is only "great", while deep in your heart you seem to feel you need "mind blowing"?

Is the 8 inch dildo really doing it for you?
By #301038 07,Dec,12 17:26
I have to disagree with you on that. Excuse me my youth and inexperience, but you can never change a person you are with. You can expose them to new experiences and hope that it will open up a new chapter in their book, but other than that, you have to play the cards you were dealt.

As far, as "great show to represent goes", it didn't go nowhere from there. We had amazing, mind blowing, guts turning sex every single time. It was a more of a joke, that he had "to represent". But, honestly, don't we all try the hardest the first time we are with that person? Kind of on our best behavior? Cause our true inner desire is to charm that new partner?

I can see how sex with my husband is evolving and getting better, but due to the cultural differences (I'm open minded European, he is an open minded mormon style), and sexual experiences.... where my parents saw fit taking me to the go-go show in Thailand when I was 19, his parents are super reserved and never spoke of sex, or showed their skin to him. In my family, it's ok to work around the house in your underwear when it's just us, but in his family you can't show any skin at all. But we are embracing our differences and celebrating the diversity, you know.

What is stopping me from having mind blowing sex with my husband? There are certain things that he won't do... I like diversity and variety, so to speak. I want Vanilla sex on Monday, BDSM on Wednesday, sex outdoors on Friday and a house party/orgy on the weekend. Thats how I would do it, if I could get everything what I want. I want him to surprise me with something new and original, something he wanted to try, but never had the chance... While my box of unrealized fantasies are still almost full, his box is empty and we are doing re runs. I don't like being the only one, who brings ideas to the table. I want some input, I want to hear that he want to do something that would challenge me, push my boundaries further and explore my sexuality. And feels like he is happy with everything he gets with me, and I am left to satisfy my "perversions" on my own. At least I have that option, you know.

Do I need to have mind blowing sex every time? Yes, I do, keeps me humble and monogamous. And inspires me to cook the best food on earth. It tastes simply divine. If the sex is ok, my food is ok too. I just don't feel inspired to put the effort in. In 5 months that we were together, I cooked every single day after I would get back from work. I would devote a good hour or two preparing a three course meal. Than cleaning the house, and getting ready for him to come over. I just felt inspired to make him happy, as mush as he was making me happy.

Our relationship were never monogamous... it's "do whatever you please" kind.

8 inch dildo can hit the spots my hubby can't... he uses it on me once in a while too. I like to be fucked into exhaustion, until my fingertips start to tingle from all the orgasms I had. It's better than laying after sex, staring at the wall wide awake, while you partner is snoring happily next to you...
By boc [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 18:59 other posts 
Well I was not talking about changing the other person's basic character. I guess I am quite different than what you describe in a relationship later in your response as trying the hardest on the first date. I am not like that. In fact the more I am with someone and other things click the more it is not even an effort to give of myself from the heart. And sex should be no different than any other gift we give each other, at least in my humble opinion.

My parents were pretty open about semi/nudity and talk about sex when I was growing up as well. But I do not think a person has to be limited to how their parents were about these things. If sex with your husband is getting better why don't you kindly and firmly push it a little further to try and get closer to your ideal? Perhaps if his juices get flowing he will develop more originality and excitement in that regard.

Abot 50% of the women I have been with cannot even climax from intercourse. They did climax quite readily from me performing oral sex on them. But size of the penis was not the issue with them. If size is really a deciding factor in your ability to reach "mind blowing" orgasms perhaps there is something else your hubby can do to compensate. I have actually had to be carefull with many women that I did not hit their cervix too hard when I was having an orgasm. Perhaps your hubby is a little intimidated by your ability to take quite a bit and your labido and a different approach might work.

What I don't understand is how most women settle for a guy that is not concerned with their sexual satisfaction. When I am really into someone, and this usually happens further on down the road than the very beginning, I want to wait before I ejaculate until they have had enough or they ask me to come. It takes a while for me to get that comfortable with a woman. Perhaps your husband is still inhibited by his own fears. That can make a guy want to come quick and get the heck out of there because they have not learned that they can handle the pressure.

I do understand about the finger tngling kind of sex you are talking about. And it usually takes me a while to get there. I am kind of like a woman in that regard. I have had that kind of sex, and usually as the relationship blooms into something I cannot put into words, with every person with which I have had long term (1 to 1.5 years +) relationship. But then again I have never been a very promiscuous person myself, and have almost always had monogamous (1 on 1) relatioships, except for a couple threesomes with 2 of my exes.

By #131042 07,Dec,12 08:02
Load of bollocks!
By #301038 07,Dec,12 08:16
sometimes, I wish I had never tried it
By boc [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 08:57 other posts 
"Then a woman said, "Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow."
And he answered:

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. And how else can it be?

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the cup that hold your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?

And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?

When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Some of you say, "Joy is greater than sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."

But I say unto you, they are inseparable.Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.

Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.

Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced. When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall."

Kahlil Gibran

By boc [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 07:57 other posts 
I prefer athletic and boisterous women. So naturally I find many black women attractive. This does not mean I don't find any white women attractive. If they have those qualities then I generally tend to be attracted to their femininity as well.

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