All I see are penis pics, so my guess is that you are Cockasian.
I must note, however, that your pissy attitude implies that you might also be part Assholevanian...
No One Gives A Big Red Rat's Ass what ethnicity you are, but many of us do Give a Rat's Ass about you being an asshole and being rude to bella. And in a different post you wonder why no one comments on your pics. Maybe your personality is showing through. Now I suggest you try being nice to people it is surprising how that works. Don't bother to reply with some nasty shit, it will just make you look stupider (is that a word?) if that is possible and besides I Don't Care! Oh almost forgot
My dear friend, Bella is by far NOT being stupid! She happens to be a very intelaget person here and to my knowlage she is well liked by most,she speaks her mind and tells it like it is!On the other hand it is You that is being stupid and acting like a c h i l d, As far as I can see any of the replys here are not stupid or wrong, Although your replyes have been rude and de meaning to say the least,You might try some politeness when posting,and if you cant handle the answers then don't bother! So with that being said,it is time for you to put on your big boy panties and act like a grown up! You would be amazed how far that can get you!
And I have not had any comments because I have not been active on this site.. I have more productive things to do with my life than sit on a computer looking at dicks all day!
Thanks daffu, looks like your words were exactly what penisguy needed to hear. It's too bad that he's not aware and can't recognize how his rude and uncalled responses to both dreamer and me made him look much more STOOPID then anything I said. lol. Thanks dreamer!
If you dont want or like this response then dont push those buttons with so many dumb questions. I am actually a very nice person. I just dont have the patients for stupid people
I must note, however, that your pissy attitude implies that you might also be part Assholevanian...
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