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That weird crap that you are into...

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #303133 [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 12:14 majorly fucked up.
Please...don't get too upset when we tell you so.

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Similar topics: i a weird woman??   2.Am I a weird guy?   3.Buying Underwear   4.Delete poor quality pics   5.Why do you ask such weird fucking questions?  

By #485312 03,Nov,16 16:37
[deleted image]
love some pointy stuff *Lix*

By #485312 02,Nov,16 18:34
[deleted image]
damn l love those kinky boots *lix*

By #485312 02,Nov,16 18:08
[deleted image]
now that's my kind of bike seat *lix*

By slipper [Ignore] 05,Sep,15 19:09 other posts 
Prick... tata!
By #491031 05,Sep,15 23:42
How incredibly brave to insult a deleted guy! You're, like, my new hero and shit...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Sep,15 23:44 other posts 
gotta love this place sometimes bud,ignorance is definitely bliss to some...

By #491031 05,Sep,15 15:18
For the record:
Posting pics of your tits is WAY different than boning your aunt.
There are DEGREES of perversion people.
Just because you are into fucking an albatross or rimming chickens, that doesn't mean that, because we are members of this site, we are all as degenerate as you are.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,15 16:05 other posts 
Rimming chickens!? Oh frick, I bet there are some pervs that are going to try that!
By #491031 05,Sep,15 18:38
My favorite are the pervs who will only rim "free range" chickens...because they are against cruelty to poultry or don't want "additives" in their bird-butt.

By pifad [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 12:22 other posts 
Ha! I'm into that "wierd crap" as well. I love when str8 folks say we are wierd when they are the ones going around abusing kids.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 05,Sep,15 18:07 other posts 
Ha-ha! Bravo!

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