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How long do you take to masturbate?

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Started by #37169 [Ignore] 30,Nov,09 08:03
What is the fastest you have done it - from start to ejaculation? What is the slowest - longets time you have taken? On average [I know there is no such thing as average but I mean routinely, how many minutes from start to finish?

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By #652988 08,Nov,21 06:36
30 to 45 minutes

By #654585 28,Oct,21 11:17
I actually prefer to edge, and try NOT to cum. That has a lot to do with my status as a denied cuckold husband. I'm working to go longer and longer - now can regularly go several weeks without cumming.

By #637145 28,Oct,21 01:32
I’m really depends on what I want. Some days I want it to last a while. Other days, I want to do it in a hurry. I can make it take over an hour or just take a few minutes. I prefer taking my time whenever I can.
--------------------------------------- added after 59 seconds

*It really depends
Damn autocorrect doesn’t know what it’s doing.

By #64328 26,Oct,21 16:01
That just depends, I've done quick ones in about 45 seconds. Usually in an odd, risky or semi public place that I dont want to be caught. Like a public bathroom or somewhere secluded outside where I could be caught. I also have masturbated for hours when I have the time and privacy. Growing up I had secret masturbating friends that we had contest to see who could cum the fastest and sometimes the game was to see who could go the longest.

By #463848 26,Oct,21 08:22
At my age I can last forever. As a boy 30 seconds (from soft).

By #652988 15,Oct,21 20:46
Anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes

By #631189 21,Sep,21 01:58
About 30 minutes last night. Whilst enjoying some of my favourite pictures on here and chatting to a couple of guys on here
By #628350 28,Sep,21 15:31
About 20 minutes these days but I'd love to chat to other guys while I'm doing it and they are too.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Sep,21 19:32 other posts 
If I'm being watched then it takes new less.

By Wipperman [Ignore] 24,Sep,21 18:45 other posts 
Sometimes a few hours the more time edging leads to very strong ejaculation squirting past my head onto the wall and lots of cum !

By #610414 20,Sep,21 18:28
Sir-Skittles Don’t have a penis. His whore mother cut it off

By earthy [Ignore] 20,Sep,21 16:19 other posts 
If I do it non-stop, about 2 minutes. But I've edged myself for about an hour before. But usually about 5-10 minutes.

By #647621 20,Sep,21 01:38
DEPENDS on What I got going on... Way Faster if I’m Thinking about another Doing the Same...

By 7uncut [Ignore] 19,Sep,21 06:51 other posts 
As long as I want

By #646957 18,Jul,21 09:43
I can literally cum in 10 seconds from getting fully hard. But on the flip side can play and edge for a few hours if I’m the mood.

By #645870 17,Jul,21 06:22
Well I've never really tried to get it over with quickly because I enjoy it too much and it feels too good, but I would venture a guess at 10 minutes for the shortest. Also, I love to edge and I have done it for hours. So, I guess the longest time would be about 10 hours of edging before one hell of a massive orgasm!!!

By #64328 02,Jul,21 14:47
Sometimes under a minute other times I have edge or did stop and go for hours

By #645561 01,Jul,21 19:27
Depends on the mood, how full my balls are etc. When I was a teen I could blow a load simply by stimulating my balls, without touching the dick. I think the fasted I ever blew my load of CUM was about 2 minutes, and the longest probably 30-40 minutes of steady non-stop pumping. It's all about controlling it with your mind. If I want to enjoy the awesome feeling of pumping my dick for longer, then I can think about something non-sexual for a minute while doing it, and then go back to sexual thoughts and just go back and forth with the thoughts until I want to shoot my load.

By Strongmember# [Ignore] 09,May,21 18:21 other posts 
Fastest: as teen could get worked up and run into bathrooom stall and tug it out in many 20 seconds. Another example, I uncontrollably came from lapdance at 18, first song too lol.

Slowest - In last couple of years I've gone for days without cumming.. I've gone the way of Sting
By #64328 29,May,21 11:13
Quickie in the bathroom as a teen brings back plenty of great memories. I always got a major thrill secretly masturbating in odd, risky and semi public places. I became quite good at doing it in under a minute and nobody ever suspected what a horny boy I really was. Later I found that many of my friends were doing the same.

By berlinstud83 [Ignore] 21,May,21 19:18 other posts 
usually a looooong time, 2-3 hours is normal

By #638797 09,May,21 10:45
I love masturbating myself SLOW along TIME, I'm INTO Male Masturbation often HERE, I will get a super feeling on my dick and steady stroking mine along time until I SHOOT A LOT of sperm, I have been doing this for years,I enjoy the Feeling on my cock good for Hours if and other guys into masturbation too like to chat sometime
By #631079 21,May,21 18:03

By #642031 13,May,21 18:00
Depending if im at home or a motel, a couple hours at home but like 4 or 5 hours at a motel

By LGA6969 [Ignore] 09,May,21 17:42 other posts 
When younger I use to cum fast, now I like savoring the feeling of edging for a few hours til I orgasm
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 09,May,21 18:17 other posts 

By #631189 08,May,21 18:59
Between 1-2 minutes if I just want to empty out, up to two hours if I’m edging and looking at Cock online

By Sucklove [Ignore] 08,May,21 18:28 other posts 
When Im sober really fast, sometimes before Im rock hard. On average 2-4 min. Rolling on tina, safe motel room, endless porn, lube and lingerie over 24 hrs.

By cumaddik [Ignore] 08,May,21 12:50 other posts 
Depends on how i feel...sometimes in about 2 minutes or so, and sometimes i like to edge for hours.
So let say that as i always masturbate when i go to bed, it take about 5 minutes to cum off.

By #539358 01,Jun,18 14:37
I’ve been masturbating for the last ninety minutes, and boy does it feel good

By #527723 01,Jun,18 14:11
I have on occasion taken only 10 mins to masturbate and other times upto an hour or more

By Darthshame [Ignore] 31,May,18 21:17 other posts 
I wanted to see how fast I could go once and i blew my load in about forty-five seconds, it wasn't easy. Caming i last for four and a half hours one time, fully erect the whole time. I was so fucking sore the next two days. Average time fifteen to thirty minutes depending on mood.

By Dong69 [Ignore] 30,May,18 21:45 other posts 
Fuck forget mimutes or secs, try fucking hours!!! Omg some times i can wake early, and by med afternoon i might blow a load, and if not, then by night for sure or next day

By Dong69 [Ignore] 30,May,18 21:45 other posts 
Fuck forget mimutes or secs, try fucking hours!!! Omg some times i can wake early, and by med afternoon i might blow a load, and if not, then by night for sure or next day

By #522791 26,May,18 21:32
Sometimes I like to edge for a long time and others I just feel like exploding as soon as possible but hey what's it matter riiight

By #64328 26,May,18 10:25
I have edged for 8 hours,before finally letting my self cum. But i also enjoy a quick on too in places that i dont have the time or privacy to do it. I can masturbate and cum in under a minute anytime i want also. Ive jacked of in restrooms while standing at the urinal many times or in a stall. Jacking of in semi public is Hot. Im sure i have done it in 30 seconds before when i need to be quick before someone walk in to the restroom.

By What-once-was [Ignore] 25,May,18 14:19 other posts 
I’m 22 and my fastest is about 5 or 10 minutes.
My longest was most of a free day so about 7 or 8 hours.
My average is 30 minutes to an hour.

By knewbi [Ignore] 25,May,18 12:56 other posts 
I'll spend a couple hours or more edging while watching porn. Into my second hour right now as a matter of fact.

By #536019 25,May,18 07:39
Shortest (when I was young) - about a minute. Average back then was about 10 minutes.

Longest (these days) - about 3 hours. Average now is about an hour.

[deleted image]

By #539358 25,May,18 07:29
Depending on my mood. I can cum within a minute when I just want to empty out or I can edge for over two hours if I’m playing on Skype . The end product is fantastic, no matter what way I do it.

By #463848 25,May,18 06:04
As a boy the quickest was 30 secs. When I first stated to fuck girls almost as quick. Even now on a very good day and with some prior visual stimulation I can go from soft to cum in about 2-3 mins.

By #520705 16,Oct,16 04:27
If i have the time and im in front of a cam , i can make it last hours .But some mornings i can blow in minutes

By #502711 15,Oct,16 18:22
15 minutes to 2 hours

By #74896 12,Oct,16 13:13
I am wanking normaly 1-2 times every week. First I oiled my cock and then I can mastrubate 4-6 hour witout problem

By #455846 06,Sep,16 15:52
normally as long as possible but I have had days when I just getmy penis out and wank it for the sake of it and from flacid to erect and cumming about three minutes

The best was when a friend wanked me through most of a movie (Starwars). He got my penis out and we sat in the back I was erect through most of the movie and he did it when he could

By #519331 06,Sep,16 10:26
I've got off in probly under a min before but if I do any drugs I'll go all night and all day like 12+ hours

By Frenum [Ignore] 06,Sep,16 07:57 other posts 
From flaccid to ejaculation in under two minutes faster if i am being sucked at the same time

By #500100 05,Sep,16 06:55
I'm the same as a few others here. If I'm really horny and feel the need for a quickie handjob then I can cum in about 2.5 - 3 mins, but I can also stroke for ages if I want. Edging for hours is utterly amazing. 3-4 hours of intense edging with the biggest cum explosion and orgasm at the end.

By mrseveninches [Ignore] 04,Sep,16 15:22 other posts 
At least 1 hour. Average time is about 1 hour and a half.

By #494374 01,Sep,16 21:53
Fastest, like a minute, longest like 40 minutes, average i would say 10 minutes

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Sep,16 19:03 other posts 
Anywhere from 1'5" to 25'42".

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