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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #8189 [Ignore] 22,Feb,09 07:11
Uf you are uncut, are you happy that your parents made that decision for you when you were a baby before you could have any say in the matter or would you have preferred to make your own decision, either way, when you reached adulthood? My parents left me in tact and I am very geateful to them, I don't think anybody else has the right to make such a personal decision for you, parents or otherwise, though I am sure there are many who don't agree with me. Anyway, would be nice to hear your views.

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By #4222 20,Apr,09 18:22
I'm mad as hell--they chopped me at birth. I agree--no right to remove part of my body without my permission. The scar is not pretty, and there were a lotta good nerves in there.
By #187354 02,Jul,15 20:15
I feel the same way
By routemaster [Ignore] 02,Jul,15 20:20 other posts 
I don't think parents should have the right to do this, its YOUR body not theirs. If as an adult you decide to go for the chop, fine, then its your decision and its should be yours and yours only. I'm fortunate that my mum and dad left me in tact and I've always been grateful for that, its never given ME any problems. I LOVE my foreskin!!!
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By #3997 23,Feb,09 13:40
i like being cut, but i have always been a fan of uncut cocks, and wish i could have seen mine uncut and what it would look like.
By #187354 02,Jul,15 20:14
I too wish I could have seen mine uncut

By #60507 21,Mar,10 18:46
I'm cut since was borned, I like my cock and don't have any complait about it.

By #20745 16,Mar,10 11:36
Must say I'm surprised some guys here think penises actually look better circumcised. I'd never seen a circumcised one till I saw the pics on this site. I'm straight & don't find cocks particularly attractive - to me they are functional. Aesthetically speaking though, a penis that has been mutilated by having a lot of its skin cut off and has a ring of scar tissue around it - is not a pretty sight. The foreskin is there to protect the sensitivity of the penis head, as is the hood of skin over the clitoris. Excision of either is a form of mutilation & the latter is a significant crime in the UK when done to children (FGM). Some of the sensitivity is lost if the foreskin is removed & as someone rightly pointed out, it has a degree of sensitivity itself & plays a part both in masturbation & sex with a partner. I don't understand what is being said about hygiene. Bodies & body parts that aren't washed, smell. You don't go cutting them off (if you have any sense) because you don't keep them clean! Anyway, the issue should be one for adults & not children.
By slipper [Ignore] 20,Mar,10 23:42 other posts 
Acceptance often largely depends on whatever people have gotten used to and THINK of as "normal." For many, especially in the US, that is cut or in some cases actually mutilated, scarred, and/or cut so tightly there is no skin movement possible when erect.

By slipper [Ignore] 15,Mar,10 21:41 other posts 
UNCUT... seriously uncut and PROUD of it. The only way to fly!
By slipper [Ignore] 16,Mar,10 14:49 other posts 

By #52421 14,Mar,10 05:03
sI love my cirmcumsised cock - it truly enables me to show off my massive mushroom helmut head,

By #7976 07,Jun,09 18:35
Although this is a repetitive question on the site, here goes again. I have what has become defined as a loose circumcision. It covers about half or my cock head when flaccid and pulls back completely when erect. It can be pulled over my head when erect but not all the way. If I had had sons, they would have been uncut and had the opportunity to decide for themselves. While I don't have any issues with my penis, it works very well, I am very disappointed that I was circumcised at birth. I would rather have the whole, natural package than an altered body in even this small way.

By #9210 24,Mar,09 14:43
Unless there is a medical reason for being circumsised or religious one then I see no reason for change. Uncircumsised is NATURAL, as nature intended, so why change it? It isn't as if you can be born "cut", uncut is the "meant to be". You wouldn't go and buy an expensive Ferrari or Porsche and then remove the spoiler, you can't improve on perfection!!
Oh and lose that additional sublime sensitivity, no thanks.
Good discussion piece UKUNCUT2, Cheers.

By #6568 23,Feb,09 18:35
I'm grateful that I am not mutilated but it had nothing to do with my parents. Having been born in England circ. would only have been carried out for a medical reason. Had my parents asked for it the doctor would have refused anyway. When I was a kid one of my best friends had been circed. because of a problem with his foreskin. I now realise that this had been carried out by a very skilled and knowledgeable surgeon because the most sensitive areas had been carefully separated and repaired....a testimony to a very mindful and kind doctor who must have worked hard to keep the senuality of my friends foreskin.

The sensations of the foreskin are quite distinct and different from those of the glans itself,...I think that the foreskin is more like the clitoris in women. I can easily get erect by lightly brushing the loose end of my foreskin.

I think that the removal of the foreskin for no reason is the work of ignorance and thoughtlessness.

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