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Started by #3034 [Ignore] 02,Dec,09 18:17
After seeing the prostitution topic I figured I would start this topic to see how many 4-20 followers I have on here. Do you think Marijuana should be legalized. And why or why not?

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By #300891 07,Dec,12 10:59
not in a million years........
By #301038 07,Dec,12 16:24
Why not?
By #300891 08,Dec,12 04:09
this is going to sound like the kind of standard answer that people troll out when asked this kind of question,the yeah yeah yeah heard it before kind of thing, but its true...if you have very seen the damage that smoking dope can causes you would say the same thing..i have known people killed because of it,i have seen familys torn apart because of it and live destroyed by it...never ever should it be legal....and no i am not a hypocrite,i have smoked more than my fare share..
By #197831 08,Dec,12 04:53
And i have seen alcohol and **** have similar effects yet both are not only legal but promoted. Ppl have the right to choose , that fact i can not use a plant because paper/chemical companys saw it as competion is not right.

Btw the planet would be a lot greener today if we continued to use hemp to its full potential
By #300891 08,Dec,12 05:23
standard reply and its total bollocks ....i can drink three to four pints larger or beer,and it will not have any noticable affect on me at all,and you have to make an effort to drink that amount and/or more.not only that you cant drink all day long,even if you wanted to,you cant be pissed 24 hours a day,if you are by any means normal,as in work and private life ect.rolling a fag/joint and smoking it is easy,i do it all day,ever day,roll up ciggies,not joints that is joint and i would be wasted,i could be stoned all day long with no effort at for the green issue...what?
By #197831 08,Dec,12 05:51
So alcohol is safer cause its less intoxicating ? Ive never heard of anyone passing out ond choking on there vomit from smoking dope. Anything is subject to abuse making it legal enables discussion and education to help prevent this. Alcohol addiction/withdrawls are also a lot more dangerous than dope
By #300891 08,Dec,12 06:02
are you serious?do you have any idear about how the law works when concerning alcohol?
By #197831 08,Dec,12 06:14
Being alcohol laws vary between countries im not sure what this has to do with anything . Simple fact mj is safer than alcohol
By #300891 08,Dec,12 06:23
well you seem to be implying that the laws concerning being under the influence of alcohol are somehow different than if you are under the influence of drugs..and no its not, its just alcohol is legal,dope is not,the effects of alcohol can be seen as its is legal.legalize dope and it will be just the same,but more so.
By #300891 08,Dec,12 06:26
all so,i dont know any one whos deaths have been directly linked to alcohol,but two directly linked to the use of mj,as you put it..
By #316049 08,Dec,12 09:55
It is - if it doesn't act as a gate-way **** & your not the small percentage of the population who's brain chemicals it messes with - regular but responsible weed-smoking is exponenentially less detrimantal to a human being than a 3 or 4 drinks a day plus drinking habit. Legalise it though, no - not a good idea, works fine for all of us now expect for the imprisoned members of the distribution chain. Legalising it would make it a problem...and who wants the government to control the strains...
By #300891 09,Dec,12 03:14
two dead against weed,none to alcohol....
By #316049 09,Dec,12 05:24
I agree with your rationale for it staying ****, but comparing the effects that weed-smoking has on people's lives and those around them when compared to alcohol is rubbish. Legalise it and they might become more comparable (but even then, if the government was monitoring it - strains would be weaker, there'd be public facilities and employees to deal with people who overuse and to disperse education,...). After all, weed addiction is an easily overcome mental addiction, not a physical and mental addiction that runs peoples lives like alcohol
By #300891 09,Dec,12 05:33
your argument that alcohol being more dangerous is based on what?just about everyone i know drinks,to one degree or another,none have died from any thing remotely related to alacohol.i know very fiew dope smokers,two have have died,and there deaths were directly linked to them being you tell me?
By #197831 09,Dec,12 05:57
There has never been any recorded death direclty linked to dope ( eg overdose , withdrawls ) compared to hundreds every year due to alcohol. Yes someone may get stoned and do something stupid , but this happens a lot more with alcohol than dope . Alcohol is also more prone to making someone violent towards others , dope has the opposite effect. Although smoking anything is not an intelligent idea there is no link between mj and cancer as it does not contain all the chemicals processed tobacoo does. If it was legalised in ediable form only and only avail to 21+ yr olds there would be little to no health concerns.
By #316049 09,Dec,12 06:10
To comprehensively cover the pros and cons of this argument would take usforever. You've made up your mind and there's no getting through to you. I'm quite unbiased one way or another, I drink and smoke - one trivial but poignant point i'd make would be that i've never woken up feeling like death from weed smoking, whereas even a 3 drinks a day drinking habit.slows you down. Your two friends must've been Bob Marleyesque stoners if somehow they find a way to die from being under the influence of weed. I've never heard of any other cases - harder drugs yes, and alcohol definately
By #300891 09,Dec,12 06:28
i have told you that i know of two people whos deaths were directly linked to pot,and none to alocohol,and seeing as i know far far more drinkers that dope smokers, i would conclude other whys....what personal experiance do you base your arguments on?
By #197831 09,Dec,12 06:34
Based on simple facts and figures.

Again there has never been any death directly linked to dope that fact that you claim to no 2 is either bullshit or you are saying they have had accidents while high , this happens a lot more with alcohol than weed speak to any er nurse .

Think what you like the laws are already changing. Although medical mj is legal in some us states its stilll agaisnt us federal law but is mostly ignored. Denver has passed the alcohol vs marijuana act . And i live in a state where small amounts are already decriminlised meaning its easy to get and i can grow my 1 plant a year.

Think what you like there is a bigger world out there beyond you and your experiences
By #300891 09,Dec,12 06:54
are you calling my friends deaths bullshit????????????????
By admin [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 14:51 other posts 
You probably live in an environment where people do not abuse alcohol.

But there are thousands of alcohol-infused homicides (mostly "kitchen knife-fights") per year in countries like Russia or Poland, where heavy drinking is very common. Basically it's a whole eastern Europe. Also thousands of deaths per year caused by drunk drivers.

I can add to that thousands of deaths from brain hemorrhage or heart attacks also induced by excessive alcohol consumption. Numerous deaths from cirrhosis - "liver cancer" caused mostly by the same reason.

I do not want to involve myself in your discussion, but saying that alcohol cause less problems than weed is just ridiculous. Saying that no one died because of alcohol even more so.

P.S. here is a link - only registered users can see external links Deaths caused by alcohol this year: over 2 millions, there is a counter.
By #300891 12,Dec,12 15:13
my hero George Best,the best footballer ever to have played the game ,a man who was my idle,a man who i wanted to be every time i played football,be it for fun in the park,for my school or where ever i played and for who ever,gave up at the hight of his fame and career to become a drunk.he died in 2005 from a kidney infection , then kidney failure,and that was a transplanted kidney,but he still drank,he drank himself to death.the day he died i cried my eyes out..dont tell me what i do or do not know about drink.
By #300891 12,Dec,12 15:16
my siste-r in law has kindey damage caused by alcohol..again,dont tell me what i do or do not know about drink.
By #300891 12,Dec,12 15:19
many years ago my brothe-r was knocked of his motor bike by a drunk driver,hes lucky to be alive..dont tell me what i do or do not know about drink.
By #300891 12,Dec,12 15:24
i have abuse-d both alcohol and drugs,i gave up both after attending my friends funeral..dont tell me what i do or do not know about drink or drugs.
By #300891 12,Dec,12 15:37
a young friend of mine ,who was not use to drink,drink half a bottle of shnapps,he would be dead if i had not seen what was happening to him,he had his stomach pumped and was one of the rear instances when i was not stoned and dont you dare tell me what i do or do not know about drink.
By #300891 12,Dec,12 15:51
and perhaps you can tell me where i said "no one died of alcohol"..go on quote me,every one else i have asked has failed to do so.
By admin [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 16:28 other posts 
Are you on drugs right now? These are your words several posts above: "i have told you that i know of two people whos deaths were directly linked to pot,and none to alcohol"

And stop flooding for gods sake, it's annoying.
How were their deaths directly linked to cannabis? Did they overdose on it?
By #300891 11,Dec,12 04:34
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 23,Dec,12 11:09 other posts 
So canabis didn't cause their deaths like you claim it did?
By boc [Ignore] 10,Dec,12 11:20 other posts 
Your anecdotal evidence is rubbish. Do you like to throw your weight around on this site with absolute non sense?

Your claim that alcohol is not directly related to deaths is absurd. Have you been to a victims impact sponsored by MADD? Have you gotten any statements from **** officials who deal with both of these on a daily basis? I have been around drinkers and stoners all my life, I don't do either anymore because I like to have my wits about me. Guess what, if I had to chose between someone who drank too much and someone who smoked to much to care for my ****, I would choose the smoker. I have seen the immense damage caused by the negligence of alcohol users both damaging themselves and others around them since I was a ****. My mother's first husband was an abusive alcoholic. My mother only found the courage to leave him when she caught him shaking my 2 year old **** outside a bar because he was crying. He died two years after they divorced from scirosis of the liver.

In my life I have seen at least 20 people die as the direct results of excessive alcohol use. I have not seen anyone die yet directly from the excessive use of marijuana. If you are claiming that smoking is dmaging that is true, but they now have vaporizers both for nicotine and any other oil that use to be smoked.
By #300891 10,Dec,12 11:26
have you actually read any thing that i have written?
By boc [Ignore] 10,Dec,12 11:31 other posts 
Yes, lots of what you have written. You don't pay attention to the implications of your own words. That much is painfully obvious.
By #300891 10,Dec,12 11:33
lots,but not all.. then,please,point out where i have said alcohol is not directly related to deaths?
By boc [Ignore] 10,Dec,12 12:00 other posts 
"your argument that alcohol being more dangerous is based on what?just about everyone i know drinks,to one degree or another,none have died from any thing remotely related to alacohol.i know very fiew dope smokers,two have have died,and there deaths were directly linked to them being you tell me"

Here is one of your responses earlier in this thread. You insinuated exactly that with this line of reasoning based on your anecdotal evidence. Otherwise you were just blowing smoke by posting this here, as you do more often than not.
By #201583 10,Dec,12 18:51
I had an aunt that drank herself to death. In eight years in the marines I personally knew 7 marines that died drunk in car wrecks. I also had a marine break every bone from the waste down. You will love this. He was only drinking beer. He then started jumping off a hotel balcony into It's pool. He fell short on his last leap, and he said he only had 12 to 16 beers. Another marine shot himself in the leg after drinking a bottle of Jim Beam. He cleaned his personal .45 and put a loaded mag in and chambered a roud. Then in a matter of seconds he forgot he did so, until he rested the barrel on his leg and pulled the trigger. I can keep on going. These are just a few alcohol related mishaps of many that have effected people I know.
By boc [Ignore] 10,Dec,12 20:29 other posts 
1.) My ****'s father pickled his liver and died from scirosis.

2.) A friend from highschool did the same is died several years ago.

3.) A co corker was drunk when he robbed one liquor store (or a case of bud, a pint of Jack Daniels and all the money in the cas register) and was walking to the second when a local police officer pulled up. The police ordered him to hault, the coworker pulled out his gun and shot twice into the cruiser. The police officer was an escellent marxman and shot him dead on the spot. This story was on CNN.

4.) A neighbor committed suicide after years of over drinking.

5.) One of my friends lost one leg from a drunk driving accident. She was intoxicated but the other driver could not even walk.

6.) In highschool I was rearended at a stop light by a guy who could not even walk, he was traveling at about 45. If it were another car (not the 74 Buick Skylark) my girlfriend and I would have been seriously injured or dead.

7.) One night while traveling down Rte 32 in Willington CT my girlfriend and I came across a vehicle that was overturned on the other side of the road. I found out later that the deceased was 3 times over the limit.

8.) A mailman I knew in Miami also pickled his liver and died of Scirosis.

9.) I came across a two car collission in Miami where people in one vehicle were all dead. The driver from the other vehicle was not seriously injured though he was intoxicated and did total his vehicle.

10.) The mother of one of my best friends from college also died from alcoholism. He told me that when he went to he apartment in New Orleans in the last year of her life there was **** all over the walls from a disintegrated esophogus valve.

11.) Which brings to the most recent case of my friend Sean, and he was one of those amorous drunks who was never violent, had damaged his esophoguc valve so much that he was puking up and spitting up **** just before they did an emergency procedure last March to save his life. The Dr told him that he had a 50/50 chance of surviving the procedure. Fortunately he did and has been sober ever since.

And there are many many more that I personally know of.

Now how many of my heavy pot smoking acquaintances have even gotten near this type of damage and risk to their lives? I would say none. They may get lethargic, lay on the couch and eat too much, and often seem like they are taking stupid pills. But the damage is not nearly as extensive. Almost eveyone I talk to including people who would rather drink agree that alcohol has cost them much more than the pot smokers they know.

But just to make it clear I was not the one who brought up the anecdotal evidence as support for a claim that alcohol is less damaging in regard to life and finances as marijuana. So I am only following suit here in regard to this kind of evidence. I am completely willing to look at statistical evidence here.
By #300891 11,Dec,12 03:09
and may i suggest you buy a dictionery and look up the meaning of the word anecdotal...
By #316049 11,Dec,12 04:58
Your 6th, 7th & 9th comment... You're entitled to your opinion - opinionated people are respectable; but when you voice an opinion you have to be prepared for contrary ones and be willing to argue with a level-head (as opposed to flying off the handle with a fit of rage & backing yourself into a corner - it's not like any of us are going to influence each other's opinions, but a little civility should be shown). Also, if you want to play intellectual semantics, that dictionary may be of assistance to you and your spelling propensities. Just fucking relax mate
By #300891 11,Dec,12 05:01
then may i again suggest you to,go back and read them again,as you seem unable to read.
By #300891 11,Dec,12 05:09
then qoute me the parts where i say "alcohol is not directly related to deaths".
By #300891 11,Dec,12 05:19
you know,the parts where i say "i do not know of any ones death being link,directly, to alcohol" etc,which i did not write,as opposed to "i do not know any one,whos death was link,directly, to alcohol" etc,which i did... see the differents?
By #316049 11,Dec,12 05:34
Mate, I agreed with your grand-scheme answer to the threads question, and your point that was centred around - legalise it, more weed smokers = us all seeing more people that are having weed-related problems. Don't agree with most of rest but I suspect that's coz you have mates that died (& it's a sore spot) and you lost your cool when people challenged your views. Just relax now, I have no intention arguing any further. Be well
By #300891 11,Dec,12 05:44
fair enough ...but answer just one thing,all of you if you would like to,if tomorrow smoking weed,grass,hash etc was legalized,in the country that you reaside,would it be a safer place or a more dangerous place?
By boc [Ignore] 11,Dec,12 10:03 other posts 
Yes. Life would be much safer if we were all locked down and lived in bubbles. But at what point should we give up freedoms for a "safer" world. That is exactly the issue at hand. You claim to have already answered that question in regard to this subject. I think you are blatantly in error.
By boc [Ignore] 11,Dec,12 08:40 other posts 
Wrong response.
By boc [Ignore] 11,Dec,12 08:42 other posts 
I did that. You refuse to acknowledge reality even the one you helped to create.

If your point is that in your personal experience you do not know anyone whose death is directly related to alcohol, then your response that I quoted is irrelevant to the subject being addressed. Do you understand the difference?
By #300891 12,Dec,12 03:04
are you accusing me of lying about the deaths of my friends?
By boc [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 12:19 other posts 
No. What exactly did I post to make you think that? You need to put the bottle down my friend.
By #241772 11,Dec,12 05:50
You dont realized the health benefits it provides.. It is an amazing herb. Weed itself never tore apart families.
By #300891 11,Dec,12 05:54
next time i see them i must tell the parents of my friend, the one killed in the car crash,that..i doubt they will share your sentiments...or his girlfriend..or their daughter....
By boc [Ignore] 11,Dec,12 08:47 other posts 
And I will be sure to tell the families of the 20+ people I personally know who were directly killed or damaged because of alcohol that in your lifes experience no one has been damaged by alcohol. I doubt they will share your sentiments.
By #197831 11,Dec,12 08:58
Actually incorrect , weed is subject to abuse and **** abuse can certainly tear a famiy apart .

Howevler my whole argument this whole time is alcohol does more overall damage to people and society than weed yet is not only legal but promoted
By boc [Ignore] 11,Dec,12 12:02 other posts 
Almost anything we do in life can be subject to abuse. Sexual promiscuity is another example of that. Something my **** is now seeing as a problem in his family for his past indiscretions. Of course we all must be accountable for the choices we make. Should we make monogamy a legal requirement just because some people abuse sex?
By #300891 12,Dec,12 05:25
By boc [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 12:26 other posts 
Dude you are obviously impaired in your ability to understand plain English. Responding to you, as I suspected from an earlier thread you started, is proving to be a collossal waste of time.
By #300891 12,Dec,12 02:56
alcohol is legal,drugs are not.
By #323005 12,Dec,12 11:42
so you think that cannabis is more damaging than alcohol because it has bean arbitrarily illegalised?
By #303133 12,Dec,12 12:08
You know, dolphin, if you keep picking at it, it will never heal...
By #323005 12,Dec,12 12:22
you think mr7inches is a scab...?
By boc [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 12:30 other posts 
No, but he obviously thinks that being purposely obtuse is a good strategy in debate. Some people seem to think that all they have to do is be unreasonably stubborn and they can win any debate. Mr7inches seems to be another one of those. It definitely is a common thread I see in many people who drink way too much alcohol.
By boc [Ignore] 12,Dec,12 12:32 other posts 
Yes, and slavery use to be legal as well. What is your point?

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