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Do straight men prefer shaved or natural?

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Started by #40545 [Ignore] 04,Dec,09 14:54
Do straight men prefer shaved or natural girls?

Obviously I'm shaved so don't be biased just cuz you think thats what i want to hear... I'm thinking of growing it back...

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By #546418 20,Sep,18 20:03
I prefer shaved, but I'm bi so... yeah

By #567655 19,Sep,18 09:00
Shaved for me - love to lightly lubricate my cock and her pussy and rub them gently against each other until it gets toooo much and I have to squirm it into her \:

By wycowboy [Ignore] 17,Sep,18 15:29 other posts 
I prefer natural but whatever the girl does is fine. I'm just honored to be able to fuck it,

By Tinkertrain517 [Ignore] 15,Sep,18 16:41 other posts 
personally I prefere shaved or neatly trimmed women

By #458576 20,Jul,14 14:45
heres me both. which is best ?
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
By #455846 21,Jul,14 19:56
wow nice lips -defiantel shaved in this one
By #369710 24,Jul,14 17:05
both so hot and tight and fuckable babe
By #44980 24,Jul,14 23:48
Shaved, sweet and tasty!!!
By #513813 14,Feb,18 17:59
Shaved is best
By #547532 15,Sep,18 15:24
The top photo all I see is a dark patch of hair & then I look at the bottom photo & I see this beautiful moist pussy just saying look at me, don't you want to taste me, don't you want to slide your cock in me & fuck me? Aren't you just aching to fill me up with your cum? And the answer to all 3 questions is on course YES!

By #566722 15,Sep,18 06:00
I prefer shaved girls.Except she can leave a little bush on top of her vagina.
By #547532 15,Sep,18 15:20
If a woman is going to go through all that trouble of shaving her pussy, then what is the point of leaving that little patch of hair at the top that to me looks like a Hitler mustache.

By #547532 15,Sep,18 15:18
I wouldn't turn down a beautiful woman that was natural. But my preference is shaved or waxed, I like it completely bald.

By Toasty [Ignore] 15,Sep,18 12:18 other posts 
I vote for completely wild

By #64328 15,Sep,18 09:54
Women and men look nicer shaved or trimmed

By #535695 15,Sep,18 09:30
I like cocks and pussy trimmed, does not need to be bald though.

By What-once-was [Ignore] 15,Sep,18 08:46 other posts 
I prefer a good bush but trimmed enough that you don’t need to fight to get to the actual pussy, all around there is far game though

By #518391 15,Sep,18 06:30
Full natural bush is best...
[deleted image]

By jeeno [Ignore] 18,Feb,18 00:46 other posts 
shaved & trimmed
By 2nice [Ignore] 15,Sep,18 06:18 other posts 

By #475107 22,Feb,18 20:25

By #513416 21,Feb,18 13:41
I do not mind if you are shaved or not. I look at all cocks and judge them for their own looks.

By #522791 19,Feb,18 04:23
Either for me.. doesn't matter

By #501020 18,Feb,18 09:51
daddy like it nice n trimmed,shaven is ok n sum like em natural

By #502711 18,Feb,18 00:33
I much prefer bare pussy. But if it's hairy I won't complain.

By Dong69 [Ignore] 17,Feb,18 18:59 other posts 
I love shaved pussy !!!

I don't care for eating pubic hair

By woody4647 [Ignore] 15,Feb,18 00:11 other posts 
Hairy all the way! I luv going down on a nice bush!

By #513813 14,Feb,18 17:59
Pussy should be just as bald and hairless as my cock. Hairless as a newborn.

[deleted image]

By cumonme1 [Ignore] 26,Jul,14 08:26 other posts 
I like shaved but I will take it either way

By #44980 24,Jul,14 10:42
I love to eat women's cunts and assholes, so totally shaved for me so I can suck all that sweet meat into my mouth without having to stop to spit or hack up a stray pubic hair!!
By newwt10 [Ignore] 24,Jul,14 11:31 other posts 

By #43350 24,Jul,14 11:23

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 24,Jul,14 10:52 other posts 

By #455846 21,Jul,14 19:54
i dont really like trimmed - nicely shaved although some girls suit big natural bush and thats ok then

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 21,Jul,14 15:35 other posts 
shaved but a small landing strip is ok

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,14 15:13 other posts 
For shaving methods look here

By #136427 21,Jul,14 07:44
I like hairy pussy, bigger the bush the better. Arm pits and legs optional, but a plus!
By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 21,Jul,14 09:11 other posts 
I agree!

By #64328 20,Jul,14 19:35
Both....but I love going down so trimmed or shaved in nice

By siona76 [Ignore] 20,Jul,14 13:41 other posts 
I definitely prefer shaved. I shave all the time & just love how it feels to be completely shaved & smooth.

By Arlo [Ignore] 30,Jul,12 10:07 other posts 
Natural bush is tops.

By #61033 10,Mar,10 11:35
Shaved or a close trim does it for me

By #57056 10,Mar,10 11:03
Shaved all the way! It may be more time consuming but the benefits are worth it.

By #45601 05,Mar,10 15:44
Shaved or trimmed for me. As long as it is well kept.

By #46787 03,Mar,10 20:47
I do prefer shaved. It's smooth and very beaultiful. Trimmed is nice too. A big bush doesn't look so good as the other options, but diversity is cool, you can vary your "hair style", .

By Olddude [Ignore] 03,Mar,10 18:51 other posts 
I prefer trimmed!

By #43515 01,Jan,10 13:20
Shaved bald or Very, very Hairy

By #11252 04,Dec,09 17:12
I like my ladies to be all natural
By #1501 31,Dec,09 12:40
Agreed... a nice hair bush around the gates of heaven make it more mysterious!

By #44346 26,Dec,09 12:27
certainly shaved...smooth...

By #6568 07,Dec,09 03:06
For a spectacular pussy like yours, you need to 'frame' it properly with some nice trimmed hair,....not too much, just let the folds of your clit hood and the labia show nicely thru the fur.

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