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U won't believe this

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #281466 [Ignore] 06,Feb,13 01:25
So I was messing around whith a few girls , guys and transsexuals and I must have made some one mad cause I heard some noise one night in my driveway/ back yard. I look out my window to see a huge group of mostly guys and a few transsexuals and they were all cumming all over my car. I didn't want to confront them cause there must have been 50 or more out there and they just kept cumming on my car. Finally after over 45 min they left and I went to look at the damage and my car was covered in cum.

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By #348414 07,Feb,13 05:30
Then I woke up and my sheets were sticky and starting to get sticky!

By Ablaze [Ignore] 06,Feb,13 17:28 other posts 
Bring me to your **** dealer.

By #316049 06,Feb,13 06:22
If that's a joke - you're a comedian ; if you're claiming this actually occurred and expect people to believe it or comment by any means other than just witty "one-liners" - you're either a fool or a wack job
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 06,Feb,13 15:23 other posts 
hm...maybe you'r right!
By #136196 06,Feb,13 17:18
I think u might not be getting the's a fantasy.

By #136196 06,Feb,13 17:15
That's quite a story.
--------------------------------------- added after 46 seconds

Your right though......I wouldn't believe

By #303133 06,Feb,13 12:25
Your car is a whore!
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 06,Feb,13 15:22 other posts 

By #319390 06,Feb,13 09:40
Or maybe next years Super Bowl commercial for Rain-X windshield wipers! Sorry, I will go back to lurking now!

By #319390 06,Feb,13 09:36
Now THAT is funny in a sick sort of way! Where is the SHAM-WOW guy when you need him!

By #81191 06,Feb,13 09:19
Struggling to think why even in my moments of fantasy

By #139037 06,Feb,13 05:02
...and then you woke up.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Feb,13 06:17 other posts 
Ha! I never thought about that ending!

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Feb,13 01:38 other posts 
You're right, I don't believe it.
By #164428 06,Feb,13 01:45
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 06,Feb,13 01:56 other posts 
What some people wont do or say for attention!!!

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