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should i get pierced

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #166058 [Ignore] 18,Feb,13 06:27
i am thinking of my cock pierced (prince albert) jsut wondering wat you guys think should i get it done or not.... cant decide

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By #317884 20,Jun,13 20:06
Here's the thing to remember, once you have done it you can't go back. Also, piercing can become addictive. I luv mine and never regretted it. Piercing is not for everyone, make sure ur ready and really want it.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 29,Jul,13 14:10 other posts 
once you have it done you can't go back??? it's not like a tattoo! you just take the piercing out, and you're back!
By #94263 29,Aug,13 01:31
As long as you don't go for the really big sizes of jewellery, you can go back. Just take out the jewellery and after a few weeks it should be back to normal.

By Rob00 [Ignore] 29,Aug,13 01:09 other posts 
You have a fabulous looking cock,a 0ga PA through it would look and feel great,Go for it...

By bigone21 [Ignore] 29,Jul,13 14:08 other posts 
If you can't decide, you don't want it enough! Wait... Until you KNOW you want it. Or don't want it..!

By bigone21 [Ignore] 19,Jun,13 19:25 other posts 
if you can't decide, it's simple: don't do it!

you better wait until the time you are ready to make a decision for yourself!

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