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Straight but enjoys receiving Blowjob from both men and women

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #357371 [Ignore] 25,Feb,13 10:57
After sexual frustration and starvation from my wife, I visited an Adult bookstore, where there are booths, an open lounge for heteros (For heteros by name yet a lot of gay activities are happening in there)and the gay section, if you see that kind on an arrangement. I am a BIG FAN of receiving a blowjob. Long story short...as I was watching porn in the heteros lounge, there were no ladies and most of the guys were playing with their tools...... and I said, What the heck! I took out my Cock also and I started masterbating. This guy came an he offered to suck the hell out me. I told him I dont suck cock. He made it clear that there wont be any reciprocation. I was horny and not just Horny, Real horny. I agreed and indeed he gave me a mind blowing blowjob. Since that day I visit the adult shops as I am not getting any blowjob at home. Anyone going through this............? How do you deal with your case?

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By #33070 03,Mar,13 18:47
A blow job is a blow job I don't care who sucks me off
By nekekal [Ignore] 04,Mar,13 20:18 other posts 
I am with you. I just love a good blow job. Guys seem to suck cock better than women, and are more willing, but if someone wants my cock in their mouth, I am all theirs.
By #588373 31,May,19 05:32
A hole to cum in is a hole to cum in, whether youre hand is the hole, or its a fleshlight, sex doll, fake rubber vagina, a watermelon, or anything else a man can use to unload in. But some r better than others, that's why str8 guys often use a cocksuckers throat or mouth like mine to blowva load in, no strings, no mess to clean up, you don't have to work it if you don't want but on the other hand, there's nothingto stop u from grabbing my head and ramming cock down my throat.
But A bj from someone who spits, whines, bites or nibbles you instead of giving you his throat and worst jacks you off when you thought you had a cocksucker may get your cum but probably is not a good bj.
in the end, a hole to shoot your cum in is a hole.

By #360063 03,Mar,13 19:43
any man that will tell u in the dark
nuts hurting dick throbbing that a mouth around their cock isnt far superior to a hand is a liar.
i got to the point i let a cocksucker in the booth hold his head like a fleshlight fuck it good hard and deep usually 15-20 min and always shoot a big load deep in his throat as a reward.
i dont know him vice versa
like i said my cock only has one eye and camt see for shit but sure can spit in a moist hot hole
By #201583 03,Mar,13 21:52
I disagree. I have received oral from men and women. While men are better, I would still choose my hand. It doesn't complain, and I have the perfect orgasm every time. I'm not into receiving oral without a whole lot of foreplay. I happen to enjoy foreplay more than an orgasm.
By #588373 31,May,19 05:25
A born cocksucker would never complain. Out of the question, When I drop to my knees, I'm there 4 U to use.

By #347085 26,Feb,13 12:15
What are other members opinions on labels, I think they can screw with your mind, straight, gay, bi we love to have an explanation for everything we humans so we put labels to all things. I have had sex and emotional attachements with both females and males over my 53 years, I'm not that experienced with male to male sex, but I know I crave it and are attracted by masculine men, and I also love attractive women, well more labels because what is attractive to me isnt to others. I get off on looking at many of the male members on here, I have no guilt attached to that whatsoever. My partner is currently male, but we have both been married in the past, have adult **** etc etc. I think consenting adults who are mutually attracted to each other, or who just want to get off should be free to do so, as long as I say it is consenting. What do others think on this, maybe I'm a little simplistic in my thinking, as it can be a very complicated issue if you alow it to be.
By #303133 26,Feb,13 13:37
Here's the thing...
The issue isn't shame or consenting adults doing what they wish. It isn't about what one desires or how one behaves. It has nothing to do with who you boink, who you want to boink or who boinks you.
It is a LANGUAGE issue...plain and simple.
Language exists so that people can communicate thoughts and ideas with each other in a fashion that provides for mutual understanding.
Language is made up of words, and each of those words has a MEANING. Again, this is necessary so that the individuals who are exchanging words with each other know what is being said. We put "labels" on things so that we can identify what they are.
A DOG is a dog, and a CHICKEN is a chicken...by nature AND by DEFINITION. Changing what you call them, no matter how much you want it to, will NOT alter what they are. Their essence is unchangeable. (I can "label" my dog a chicken, but it will never produce eggs for my breakfast!)
There is no judgement inherent in the naming of things. What "screws with your mind" is the baggage that each individual attaches to the words.
By #301038 28,Feb,13 16:34
I just love your brain, JustWill....
By #187007 01,Mar,13 00:55
and...if you're enjoying what you're doing, whats the problem!!!!
By #301038 01,Mar,13 01:02
Again, what Will said... It's the issue of doing, but an issue of defining what you are doing
By #187007 01,Mar,13 23:47
...you see,the way i see it is, if, for instance somebody is sucking my cock and I am enjoying it and giving me pleasure,do i have to think whether I am straight,bi or gay.

By #220845 26,Feb,13 12:14
You're my kind of guy, I really enjoy sucking straight guys, married guys etc. Where I'm from we have a adult bookstore much like you described.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 25,Feb,13 11:44 other posts 
First of all, there are a LOT on men, mostly gay, but also quite a few straight cocksuckers, who are happy, thrilled even, to suck off another man with no reciprocation required or expected. Indeed, the idea that the man recieving the blow job is totally straight and will not be reciprocating adds to the mystique.

So if you're sexually frustrated at home because you wife won't give you oral sex, go to this establishment and get it there and don't feel bad about it. Just relax and enjoy it. This is a total win/win situation. You get the blow jobs you want and need and the cocksuckers get the pleasure of giving them to you.
By #357371 26,Feb,13 06:04
Thanks to You - Spermkiss!
Talking about alignment, I have read in many posts about straight men interested in giving blowjobs, doing or getting anal penetration and all the comments to those. Bear in mind that my case in only limited to receiving a blowjob. Just for interests sake how would you(all member's comments) treat this one/case because in my opinion I think I am straight and , definitely I am.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 26,Feb,13 11:45 other posts 
You're straight and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Receiving a blow job from another man does not make you any less straight. Let's face it, men have their needs, and one of those needs is to get a nut off with some regularity. If a man doesn't, he will get so horny he cannot think straight. He'll begin thinking with his small head instead of his big head and he will put his dick into anything that moves. Or even if it doesn't, as long as it's still warm.

Gay men, and to a lessor extent straight cocksuckers, have been sucking off straight men for centuries, millennia even, and as I said above, it's a total win/win situation. Everybody is happy. Every now and the some troublemaker comes along and says something like any man who receives a blow job from another man cannot really be straight and this scares off the straight men. I wish these people would shut the fuck up and mind their own damn business.

I'm a gay man who really enjoys giving a no reciprocation expected, no strings attached blow job to a straight man. And I am far from the only gay man who feels this way. So continue going to this establishment and getting your blow jobs, continue to enjoy them and continue letting the cocksuckers enjoy giving them to you.

To address the second part of your question, can a man suck off another man and still call himself straight? I say "yes" but a lot of people would say "no". It comes down to semantics and how one defines "straight", "bisexual" and "gay". As you have noticed, there are a LOT of men out there who identify as straight, but who are interested in sucking cock. This is something that has come up time and time again here on the Forum. To my way of thinking, for a man to be truely bisexual he must be able to have real emotional and sexual involvement with people of both sexes. If a man identifies as straight and has his romantic couplings with women, he does not have to turn in his Straight Membership Card just because he also likes to suck dicks.

As for anal penetration, for about a third of all men prostate stimulation thru anal penetration is very pleasurable. And this has nothing whatsoever to do with sexual orientation. I'm as gay as they come and the physical pleasure I get from being penetrated is so slight it is almost non-existant. On the other hand, a man can be totally straight and if his body is built right he will derive pleasure from being penetrated.

I hope my remarks are useful.

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