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Texting a nude pic to somebody intentionally?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #13585 [Ignore] 11,Mar,13 11:36
Has anybody sent a self cock pic to a family member or friend and played if off as a complete accident. If so who was it and what were their reactions?

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By wycowboy [Ignore] 20,Jan,23 10:03 other posts 
A couple of years ago I bowled on a mixed team with my wife, my daughter-in-law and a female friend of all of outs who is very hot. One night I pulled up a photo to show her and since it was my turn to bowl I handed her my phone, not thinking anything about it. Well, there were, and still are, many pics of my cock hard, soft, cum covered plus some of dildo's in my ass and playing with my toys. Of course she saw them. I know they turned her on as she told me so when my wife was up. Since I would love to get her in the sack I was hoping, and still hope that one day it will happen.

By #686953 20,Jan,23 01:22
My daughter who was about 30 at the time took nude photos of herself and thinking she was sending to her boyfriend accidentally sent it to my wife on her cell phone.my wife came up to me and said look what your daughter sent.pic showed her breast and pussy.nice bush between her legs.my wife deleted pic.

By #686953 20,Jan,23 01:16
When I was 16.my mom saw my dickpeeking through my pajamas.she would tell me not to weato wear my shorts.she saw my dick hanging lots of times.

By #550119 17,Feb,19 21:45

By #566722 15,Sep,18 10:43
One time I was taking pics of my cock and accidentaly I sent one pic of my hard cock to my classmate.I asked her not to show it to anyone,but she showed my dick pic for a whole class.
By #550119 17,Feb,19 21:37

By #579310 09,Feb,19 23:28
I had sent my hard dick pic to my friends gf. I said by accident, but I was into her.She said she deleted it and didn't saw.

By #572188 17,Nov,18 23:26
I sent my dick pic to my mom and said that was for a girl.She just answered gross, but I was excited knowing my mom can see my erection pic anytime she wants

By onthelose [Ignore] 16,Sep,18 01:10 other posts 
I am very paranoid about someone seeing a photo on my devices so I delete them after I post them on here. All of my friends are homophobes as are my family members.

By #524752 23,Jan,18 00:18
my ex mother I law sent me a pic of her tit. ive always been in love with her. then when me an I ex broke up I got the pic for my bday from her. at the time I didn't know but in so many words she told me that at the time she was thinking about fucking me but decided it might not be a great idea. I had done some work for her an her bf yard an rom years past I knew she had dildos so wile I was working in there yard an they go to work they would leave the door open for me so u know I was putting in some hours with only a lil work being done because I was in her room looking at and taking pics of her dildos omg that was such a rush an turn on. I'm still in love with her even tho its been 5+ years ago. I still see an talk to her at times but all the sexual talk isn't there anymore I was so close to my biggest fantasy just to cum up short

By #269409 16,Sep,13 07:24
There's this game people play and they text you saying send the 5th photo on you're phone so i just sent one back of my cock and they weren't impressed so then i just said oh it's a joke i got the pic from the net

By malecall4 [Ignore] 14,Sep,13 04:12 other posts 
i have not got my nerve up to do that yet.

By #265525 01,May,13 11:39
I sent a family member a pic of what I thought was something else but when she responded who is that? I quickly realized it had sent a dick pic. Wasn't a big deal I think she liked the pic.

By #321387 11,Mar,13 23:43
On Christmas Eve I took pics of my cock, then a couple hours later I was taking pictures of my family together. One of my aunts wanted to see the pics to see how they came out, so I handed her my phone so she could look through the pics ( me knowing I had nudes of me in there). When she got to the pic of me holding my fat cock she screamed OH MY GOD!! She giggled too. I later found out the she also has nude pics of herself on her phone.
By #13585 30,Apr,13 15:52
Great story. Thanks

By #4162 11,Mar,13 11:46
I once showed a girl at work a nude pic of me it was among a load of holiday snaps, she said looks ok!!
By #13585 11,Mar,13 11:50
Thats a good idea having a nude mixed in with misc others.
By #360973 11,Mar,13 11:57
Or you could just make a move and show her your dick when she removes it from your pants? Just a thought
By #13585 11,Mar,13 12:45
True but then it wouldn't be Flashing.
By #360973 11,Mar,13 14:24
The fact that you mentioned family members gets to me. Fine, chat her up and then show her your cock - any&everyone's going to be unpleasantly surprised seing a dick when they aren't expecting it
By #13585 11,Mar,13 20:21
I mentioned family members just to keep the conversation open without passing judgement to those who have accidentally done that. Not saying thats what I would do.

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