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Loving Admins Work ....

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #149276 [Ignore] 24,Mar,13 12:34
I am loving Admins. constant improvements to this site! The new "Evaluation Report" bar is a great idea isn't it?

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By #196416 24,Mar,13 16:12
Sounds a bit like brown nosing to me! But just to be safe: Oh admin I also just love what you have done to this site, it is sooooo awesome, you are the best, far above any admin I have ever witnessed ever in my entire life and I am not just saying this, I truly and really mean it. (there how was that?)
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Mar,13 16:38 other posts 
daffu, your attempt to brown nose was NOT brown nosing, that was a clear case of kiss ass!
By #196416 24,Mar,13 16:41
A bit too much you think?
By CreativeOne [Ignore] 24,Mar,13 19:02 other posts 
By #149276 25,Mar,13 06:03
just got back from doctor, she told me i will be alright! My ass was sooooo pinched up by duck beak!! thanks daffy
By #229050 25,Mar,13 14:32
was it a quack doctor?
By #149276 25,Mar,13 17:12
By #303133 24,Mar,13 23:16
Due to a distinct lack of lips, a duck can not actually kiss ANYTHING. They can merely rub or poke their beaks at things. This would make daffu an ass-pecker...
Just sayin"
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Mar,13 13:37 other posts 
Somehow, some kinda way I think daffu has the ability to pucker up. I don't give a big red rat's ass what the textbooks say about a duck not having lips!
By #196416 25,Mar,13 19:02
How true bella, when it comes to ass kissing it is surprising what you can do with a bill or 2! Besides if chickens can have lips why not ducks?
By #149276 26,Mar,13 13:24
daffu, i have to say that i am happy you didn't have a beak! (use your imagination on results)

By #360973 24,Mar,13 13:07
Don't know about the feature you're referring to X, but hell yeah - this is admins baby and it's not one of those ugly babies that your friends have and you have to say "wow, cute" about, with tongue-in-cheek
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Mar,13 13:19 other posts 
I believe that the Evaluation Report bar xavier1 refers to is an option for him to vote on concerns and reports submitted to the evaluation panel. Being here with 2 years of continuous membership allows him to become a member of the panel of tenured members.
By #68656 25,Mar,13 07:34
Hello Bella.
And in a few short weeks he will be able to participate as one of those tenured members.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Mar,13 10:33 other posts 
I wonder why does he see the "Evaluation Report" bar now?
By #149276 26,Mar,13 13:21
I could make a story up... I have a No Eye Deer!

By spermkiss [Ignore] 24,Mar,13 22:58 other posts 
I wish we could print out the pictures.

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