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Ever been denied sex for being too small?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #169357 [Ignore] 06,Apr,13 13:46
I have and would love to share stories. It's happened to me on more than one occasion - the first time it was devastating, but now I actually like it - aspecially the comments I get when it happens. Share your first and I'll share mine - just to see if this post goes anywhere.

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By Bendy [Ignore] 03,Aug,13 21:50 other posts 
. Never cuz too small, usually cuz it's too flimsy...

By spermkiss [Ignore] 06,Apr,13 14:11 other posts 
First of all, I'm gay as pink ink so I've been up close and personal with a lot of dicks.

Secondly, mine is at the high end of average so I don't often encounter a dick bigger than my own. It happens, but not very often.

Now, would I turn down a dick because it was too small? Not on your life! There is no such thing as a dick that is too small. I like small dicks. I like normal size dicks. I like big dicks. I LIKE DICKS!

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