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ok... i am starting it - my absitnence experiment

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #39798 [Ignore] 18,Dec,09 00:03
hi all, I have been curious for long time.. as to
how long can I go without sex or masterbating...
I started my abstinence last monday. Its been
4 day. Check back this thread for my daily updates..
feel free to comment : only sincere motivational comments
please. I really want to try this.. only once

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Similar topics: 1.SHOULD I EXPERIMENT????   2.Problem of this discussion-forum is:   3.1st time   4.****.?   5.Anyone in New Jersey willing to meet.  

By #64328 03,Jul,20 14:33
I dont think I have ever gone a entire week without masturbating. I learned how when i was 8 and been daily if not more since i learned how.

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 03,Jul,20 07:10 other posts 
I seriously tried giving it up for lent, made it almost 2 weeks. Other than that do it whenever I get the feeling.

By #39798 20,Dec,09 11:42
busy day aheAd.
Again morning wood and eractions
are going out of control of my
consious mind. Any gudidence ?
Trying to release energy by

But since Stopped it, looks like I have more
By slipper [Ignore] 20,Dec,09 16:36 other posts 
Just a note on your final comment above, the latest research suggests that athletes who abstain before competition do not perform better than those who do, with the slight edge going to HAVING sex before competition. But, hang in there!!!

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 20,Dec,09 04:31 other posts 
When you finally conclude this experiment and masturbate, we all expect some pics of the event!

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 18,Dec,09 04:17 other posts 
So what is the basis for this experiment? Did you feel you were masturbating too often? Or do you just wnat to see how long you can go?

By slipper [Ignore] 18,Dec,09 01:17 other posts 

Btw, this IS a sincere question, just maybe not motivational.

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