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Advice for guys with lack of foreskin? Is Sex Painful???

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #219002 [Ignore] 05,Jun,13 16:31
Ok so I wish I was uncut, but my parents got me cut at birth.
it sucks but i'm coming to terms with it.

I'm 6" length, 5" girth, average size i guess.

I'm a virgin though, ALOT of my foreskin got taken in circumcision, wondering if I'll be ok during sex. Will i be ok just using a bunch of lube? Tips from cut guys are greatly appreciated. Worried about my frenulum being in pain since its exposed.

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Similar topics: 1.anyone got foreskin stretching advice?   2.PA Piercing and Foreskin.   3.Help/Advice uncut   4.Keeping my foreskin back.   5.foreskin adhesion  

By #420420 13,Aug,13 23:29
I've been circumcised my whole life, and never had a problem. Why do guys with foreskins think they are so much better?

I've NEVER had a woman say, "I wish you had a foreskin!"

Personally, I like how it looks, and I really don't like the 'foreskin' look. Sorry, guys, no offense intended, but the women I have been with think everything is fine, without the 'hood'!
By #415581 16,Aug,13 10:50
that's been my experience
By #219002 16,Aug,13 14:30
thats because you have a normal cut, the doctors who did mine were evil and robbed me of too much skin. hoping foreskin restoration works otherwise i just might have to marry an asian woman so she can appreciate the size of my dick, because a white or black girl is going to feel as if its way too small due to that lack of foreskin
By bigone21 [Ignore] 16,Aug,13 18:18 other posts 
@ JKSM87: the original poster is CUT and seems to have a problem with that.

You ask: "Why do guys with foreskins think they are so much better?"

Speaking only for myself, I don't. I just don't understand you clipped guys wanting to again cut up your babyboys.

You say: I've NEVER had a woman say, "I wish you had a foreskin!"

I never had a sexpartner wishing i would have been cut! And for the same: I like how foreskin looks and works and feels and I think a cut cock is amputated of that.

If a guy wants to cut off his foreskin, fine with me! If a father wants to cut of his s o n's foreskin, I think that should not be legal in civilised society!
By Rayb1054 [Ignore] 21,Dec,13 11:51 other posts 
if my typing was better i wood of type almost the same thing. its because us cut guys don't no the difference only a guy that's restored can no

By Rayb1054 [Ignore] 21,Dec,13 11:36 other posts 
i wood say lookup restoringforeskin.org having back my foreskin is awesome.i have been restoring 4 over a year.yes restoring really works. you guys that are circumcised have no idea much better a foreskin make it feel. hopefully one day dads will stop having sons cut only because thay won't look like them

By #247405 16,Aug,13 10:13
cut is best you can feel your head rubbing on your shorts constantly , i never were under ware and i sunbath naked so my cock gets burnt and it feels awesome . plus when your at the nude beach most guys have forskin so when people see me they tend to look more at my nob and i love it
By raybo36 [Ignore] 18,Aug,13 11:01 other posts 
that is so true. You definitely feel more exposed without a foreskin while at a nude beach or in public showers.

By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 16,Aug,13 14:18 other posts 
Wow, that has got to be one of the highest cuts I've ever seen. And you still have your frenulum! Dude, consider yourself lucky; that's about the best possible outcome of a cut. You still have MOST of the sensitive tissue.

I don't see any pics of your dick soft though. How loose is the skin then?
By #219002 16,Aug,13 14:27
Not much slack skin when soft. Did you do foreskin restoration?

By #417547 13,Aug,13 18:13
It's great to be cut as I know it. You may need more lube when jacking off
It helps me when I am not getting the real thing
By #219002 14,Aug,13 01:05
thanks, and im quitting jacking off for a while, im getting a little too used to porn. time for more real life stuff

By jocstfr [Ignore] 13,Aug,13 10:45 other posts 
I am cut but grew up in Eastern Europe where no one was cut. In the showers at school I was the only one that did not have a foreskin, only the scar where it used to be. The other boys laughed and pulled their foreskins back mimicking me. I even dated a girl who had never seen a cut cock and was constantly asking questions about it, pointing out my circ scar etc. she could not understand why anyone would cut a part of their penis off. I personally would luv if I still had my foreskin as I can only imagine what it must feel like to have one.
By #219002 14,Aug,13 01:05
thanks for ur post. being circumcised and living in europe must have been terrible....

By #339790 28,Jul,13 09:58
No pain friend...however, I was "Done" the same way as you. Now at 54 (nearly) I have very little sensation left in the head of my cock due to the constant rubbing against clothing! Women (and guys) say My cock feels great being "rough"....but it is difficult to cum most times.
By #219002 12,Aug,13 05:15
ouch.... comments like this are why i'm beginning foreskin restoration, hope it works. Really starting to dislike my mom for letting them do this to me, i can barely stand her anymore, and really having trouble opening up to women because at the end of the day i know i can't please them how nature intended me to. sometimes I dont even want to live anymore seriously, whats the point my dick was taken away from me for no reason. anyways, hope restoration works and hopefully i can satisfy a woman because my tight circ is driving me nuts. life is not fair......fuck whoever brought this stupid procedure into america
By #339790 12,Aug,13 12:07
I wish you the best of luck on the restoration...I am too tight to have that stretching done...the SOB Dr. cut me way to short for when I am erect...It actually has pulled the shaft skin loose from the head....every time I have sex and thrust fast and hard and deep it tears a little more...it is painful! I totally agree on whoever brought this shit to America...or anyplace else for that fact. NOONE will ever make me believe that a "Just and CARING GOD" would command anyone to cut off something that "He made in His OWN Image" "Made it perfect" that hadda be some BS dreamed up by someone trying to gain control over people. I don't know your age, but in the time I was born, it was normal/standard procedure as the medical community "THOUGHT" that it would stop the spread of STD's...and cancer....how damn stupid! Practically anyone born in the late 40's through the early 70's were cut all to hell IF the parents did not stop it. This was told to me by my Mother...She said the Dr. did it without asking. SOB FUUUUCK THEM GREEDY MONEY HUNGRY BASTARDS!
By #219002 12,Aug,13 22:40
I feel you 100%, anyone who promotes circumcision is a liar or they just dont understand what the foreskin does. Look at all the people on here who say they love the foreskin, and how a cut cock feels dry and theres not as much gliding action. Im going to stop ranting before i get even more upset. anyway im turning 20 next month so hopefully restoration can add some more slack skin. Scared to DEATH about losing sensitivity when im older, or getting ED. If we were uncut our sex lives would literally be 50x better. women love the foreskin so much. thats my main reason for hating my circ. if it was only about my pleasure, i could get over it. but the fact that my wife might be unhappy with my lack of foreskin is tearing me apart. what if she divorces me
By #415581 13,Aug,13 09:08
goodvibez, just to add on to my posting below, look at pornhub or any porn site! You will see tons of cut guys getting off like crazy! Now i am not cracking on you for your intention to restore your foreskin. Modern medicine has some amazing things it can do. But please understand, my dick and me are fine! I've had 40 years of fucking and jerking pleasure out of my cut dick! I haven't lost any sensation, if anything i am more sensitive or maybe I just appreciate it more and I have pleasured my wife and gfs over the years quite well thank you very much!
By #219002 13,Aug,13 18:04
thanks this makes me feel better srs. the fact that youve had 40 years of fucking and are still good. cheers man

By #348166 13,Jul,13 10:59
No sex doesn't hurt if you are circumcised...especially if you find a girl that gets super wet...you'll slide in so smoothly just using her natural lube from her pussy, it feels amazing!
By #219002 12,Aug,13 05:18
will make sure to get her nice and wet. i'm good on kissing/talking to girls and everything. but i always chicken out when it comes to sex, a girl has never seen my cock cause Im ashamed of it, Im embarrassed about my lack of skin. Not sure if I can please her the way i am now. Hoping restoration works

By #415246 28,Jul,13 09:18
nothing to worry about
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jul,13 09:45 other posts 
At your tender age, I wonder if you're qualified to give advice. You seemed confused about a circumcision, do you know what a frenulum is without using Google?

By #412068 16,Jul,13 05:04
It is not painful at all ?????
[deleted image]
By #219002 16,Jul,13 13:46
Thanks for responding i'm a virgin so i didnt know. (ive gotten blowjobs which wasnt a problem but I wasnt sure if pussy/ass would be different, as there's no foreskin to glide with)

By #208346 15,Jul,13 13:08
I love being cut.Have never felt pain in all the years I've been having sex(alone or with someone.lol)When I'm with a guy it's cut or no sex.
By #219002 15,Jul,13 17:36
thanks, u have a fat dick and balls too

By #277673 13,Jul,13 00:58
Lol does it hurt when u masrurbate? The vagina is not a metal clamp. You will be fine
By #219002 15,Jul,13 00:10
Nope no pain when masturbating, just seeing all the people on here raving about how sexy foreskins are is messing up my head I guess. At least I can end the vicious cycle by not cutting my sons if I have any.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 05,Jun,13 21:11 other posts 
First of all, please, PLEASE, get over being upset about having been cut at birth, for your own sanity and peace of mind. It's been done and cannot be changed.

Secondly, consider this: Men have been circumcised since ancient times. Billions (yes, BILLIONS) over the many centuries. Hundreds of millions of circumcised men are alive today. If there were any problems for these men having sex, don't you think we'd be hearing about it?

Finally, you have a stunningly attractive penis. It's really beautiful. Many people, women and men both, prefer cut men. So embrace the way you are and enjoy your lovely penis. You'll be fine.
By #186493 06,Jun,13 01:48
I didn't have a choice, being circumcised, but I wouldn't change it,if I could. I'm mostly heterosexual, loving women, though they are wretched creatures with unrealistic demands!!

When I do indulge my 'other side' I like nicely shaved, and circumcised penises. I don't care about the religious reasons, but the appearance, and circumcised penises just look nicer, to me.

Don't be offended, to those that have foreskins!! You aren't my favorites, but some, depending on the 'presentation' the general grooming, and shaving, and, well, the presentation of the balls: small and tight, shaved and beautiful, or big and dangling. . . Sometimes I might like those too!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Jul,13 15:17 other posts 
I'm with you except for the mostly heterosexual part. I'm as gay as they come.

But while I prefer circumcised penises because they just look nicer, I can definately go either way. It's really hot to see a guy with a nice, large, well shaped glans and the outline of his glans shows thru his foreskin. It's fun to slip my tongue inside his foreskin, give his glans a tongue massage and taste any man juice that might be in there. What can I say, I'm a cocksucker.

By #219002 13,Jul,13 00:15
Any more feedback? im really nervous, my cock has barely any mobile skin
By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Jul,13 15:11 other posts 
Relax, you'll be fine.

By #201583 13,Jul,13 01:22
As long as there isn't a set of dentures tucked behind the lips you will be just fine.

By #33070 13,Jul,13 00:23
I'm sure it won't hurt If anything I find can cause more damage but ya lube lube lube be best to prevent anything happen

By #219002 07,Jul,13 03:21
just imagine if i had foreskin, i am so angry at this stupid jewish/american tradition! hoping restoration works, ive heard some success stories

By #219002 07,Jul,13 03:12
Currently Working On foreskin restoration, anybody else wanna comment?

By #360973 05,Jun,13 21:40
Pain from sex coz we're circumsized?
By #23212 08,Jun,13 00:27
Well ... must be, 'cause the average Catholic family size is a lot larger than the average Jewish family size, eh non?

By steve3095 [Ignore] 07,Jun,13 17:11 other posts 
I was also circumsized at birth. Sex is not painful at all. When fully erect the rim around the head is very sensitive and pleasurable. I think cut cocks are more attractive. Go ahead and enjoy, you have a nice cock.

By #219002 07,Jun,13 14:56
Bump. Any more cut guys wanna respond?

By #219002 06,Jun,13 13:10
thanks everyone

By #339790 05,Jun,13 18:58
I am 53. Cut at birth (DAMMITT) The only problem I've had is as I get older my cock head has become very insensitive due to NO Foreskin...Look at my pics...my cock head is about like damn sandpaper. 30+ yrs working in a very hot environment. Soaked with sweat 12-14 hrs a day will cause any skin to become calloused. I have places all over my body that is calloused due to the heat/sweat. Other than that you will have no problems...probably be a fast cummer the first time! If you know your gonna have sex for the first time, I would recommend jacking off an hour or two before hand so you might last a bit longer. As anxious as you seems it would probably help....especially if you re young. Good Luck!
By #219002 06,Jun,13 13:10
thanks man, good to hear your 53 and still doing well

By #219002 05,Jun,13 16:33
here's my cock


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