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foreskin restoration

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #383803 [Ignore] 21,Jun,13 05:33
show me your restored foreskins. im really wondering if tugging on the remnant skin will produce enough skin to cover the head

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Similar topics: 1.Foreskin restoration-- Do I look natural?   2.Foreskin Restoration   3.Is foreskin restoration possible for everyone?   4.Restoring Foreskin   5.Foreskin Restoration Routine  

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 05,Feb,14 14:39 other posts 
I have been restoring mine and I am very happy with the results
By basque9 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 21:27 other posts 
You have achieved marvelous foreskin coverage of your glans, mate!

By basque9 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 13:32 other posts 

I have been restoring for about 7 years! Since my erect head is huge, I get coverage of my head only when soft!
Lots more work to do!
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 19:50 other posts 
awesome! I am also restoring my foreskin!
--------------------------------------- added after 107 seconds

But I would have thought by this picture

[deleted image]

that you were uncut...
By basque9 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 21:25 other posts 
At age 45, my cock outgrew my foreskin. My foreskin had a huge overhang but was too tight around my huge head! A German surgeon cut off my foreskin very close, leaving my frenulum intact! For years the skin attached to my frenulum hung down and looked strange; now with new skin, the skin and frenulum come together nicely.

By #458757 13,Feb,15 02:18
Mine is restored but I'm still at it. I have full coverage when soft where before the skin would barely touch the head.

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 09:20 other posts 
well done! looks very nice

By #149019 13,Feb,15 01:09
[deleted image]

By #265525 21,Jun,13 06:50
[deleted image] resToring
By #364116 21,Jun,13 11:22
Looks good... question for the restorers, does your glans get more sensitive after some restoration?
By #265525 21,Jun,13 15:51
Feels about the same to me. feels a bit different with the sensation of my foreskin covering my glans

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