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In-The-Closet Heterosexual Cocksuckers

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by bigone21 [Ignore] 03,Aug,13 13:59  other posts
On this site it seems that wanting to suck cock has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with ones sexual orientation...

Well, after about 500 threads of 100% straight guys that want to suck cock, I think some issues need to be adressed.

Sucking cock is FUN! Hell, I know! It's (among) some of the (male/male) sexual acts I like very much, and that is why society labelled me: GAY.

Being gay has some serious political, social, civil, and even financial consequences, depending on what part of the world you live.

Around the world, millions of gays have trouble leading their live, the live they WANT and HAVE TO LEAD, BECAUSE they are gay.

If you are gay and live in most Arabic, African (except maybe SA), some Azian countries, and new high on the list: Russia, with new anti-gay laws, you have a BIG problem! NO way of enjoying your sexuality in those parts of the world!

So, what do I want to say? This: Let your voice be heard! Stop hiding you are hetero, but like to suck cock! Or being bisexual or gay. Stop the church you may be part of to use it's influence in Africa to be homophobic!

If you think sucking cock has some importance, help out the next guy on the other side of the world by claiming it to be a human right to have sex with whom you want to! NOT only for you, you feel free, but for EVERERYBODY around the world!

Help-out, by speaking out, the poor guy that gets imprissoned, beat-up or worse, because he likes to do the same thing many guys here do: sucking cock!

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By #4222 19,Aug,13 16:30
wut the fucks up with russia???
By bigone21 [Ignore] 19,Aug,13 18:47 other posts 
This is! From Wikipedia:

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) persons in the Russian Federation have faced increasing restrictions of their rights in recent years.[3] Although male homosexual acts were decriminalized in 1993,[1] there are no laws protecting against discrimination or harassment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.[citation needed] Same-sex marriages and civil unions are not recognized. Many local legislatures have passed laws prohibiting dissemination of information about homosexuality.[4][4][5][6][7] Moscow's top court has ruled that no gay pride parades may be held in Moscow for 100 years.[8] In 2013, Russia's government adopted a federal bill banning the distribution of "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" to minors. The law imposes heavy fines for using the media or internet to promote "non-traditional relations".[9] Human rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva called the proposed law "a step toward the Middle Ages",[10] and international rights groups have said the current situation in Russia has become the worst human rights climate of the post-Soviet era.[9]
Increased homophobia in Russia has led to several incidences where gay minors have been attacked by Neo-Nazi groups.[11]
--------------------------------------- added after 20 minutes

THAT is what is going on! Poetin is doing just the same what Hitler did to jews 60 years ago.

Make a group the enemy of all people, make a minority a threat to the country, and people will NOT look at what the politician does wrong, but will check on their neighbours...

By #315268 03,Aug,13 15:55
Nice statement there, I don't have much of a leg to stand on cuz I am not "out" at all or it would really effect my employment and ability to provide for my family but nonetheless I agree. I have never tried anal or even have much desire too but I like oral and Jo with another guy. My wife knows and doesn't mind at all, sometimes helping but I know these actions fall into the "gay" category. I have never understood how someone can say "i'm 100% straight but want to suck dick"
That's like saying you like to swim but don't get wet, or only being kinda pregnant.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 03,Aug,13 16:33 other posts 
@ newandlooking: thanks for your statement!

isn't that a signal, to be afraid to loose being able to provide for your family if you were to be somekind of homosexual?

in the FREE WORLD?

so what this man is saying: it's simple to come out on a site like this wanting to suck cock, but in real life, it's MUCH more complex to get accepted...

people, THINK about that please!!
By #315268 17,Aug,13 21:01
i agree.
hopefully changes will kept being made in the positive.

By #418729 03,Aug,13 16:14
I'm a 60-year old heterosexual male whose wife has completely lost interest in sex. My sex life now consists of masturbating to online porn. I'm becoming more and more interested in sucking a cock and letting the guy cum in my mouth and swallowing his load. I have sucked and swallowed several times, but that was 40-45 years ago when I used to do a lot of hitchhiking and would 'perform' for a ride. I've always enjoyed looking at pictures of cocks and balls, but haven't held another cock since I was a teen. I dream of stroking a guy's cock and a massaging his balls until he unloads in my mouth. I REALLY want to swallow a big hot load of sperm.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 03,Aug,13 16:38 other posts 
I sure hope that you will get to do anything you want to do and enjoy your sexlife! I wish that for ALL around the world! straight, bisexual, or gay!

But please, heterosexual majoraty around the world, STOP making laws to degrade our love and sex!

By pifad [Ignore] 03,Aug,13 15:01 other posts 
I agree 100%

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